Whitby Free Press, 27 Apr 1972, p. 10

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Page 10, Thursday,> April1 27, 1972, WHITE3Y FREE PRESS Movie Hou se to Brin g New Life t-o Downtown Many people have been wondening about the plight of downtown Whitby, a nd f in aiy samebady has decided to try and rectify the situation. Stan Wig- g in s and Bit11 Brant are bringing new i i f e to the downtown area an May lith, when they will be reopening the Brock Theatre. Many of you will remember attending the th e atre at an early age, as it was built in the thirties by the Goodmans., They ciosed the theatre several months ago due to heal th reasans, thus l eaving Whi tby wi thout a cinema. Whitby residents at present, have ta t ra vel1 ta Oshawa, or sometimes even ta Taronto, ta see a top-rate movie, and have ta pay through the nase, ta boot. Sa Bill Brant, a Whitby resident from birth, and Stan Wiggins, wha has hadtwenty-threeyears experience as a projectionist, decided ta buy the thea- tre andi bring it back to the people af Wh itby.' They campietely recanditianed theequipment and put in a new screen, and in time plan ather renovations. In reopening the theatre, they plan ta offer the people of Whitby ail the tap-notîb mavies at a much more nom- inal rate than one usual ly expects. Us- u al 1 y two f eatures w ill1 be shown each n i g h te t h e exceptions being same of the newer three and four hour movies, of course. Farexample, the first show, (open- ing May 4th ), will be a double feature - 'Sarnmet irn-es a Great Notion?, and 'Railway Childreni. Foliowing this will be such films as lçlockwork Orange', ID i rty Harry', 'Klutel and tDiamonds are Foreveri, ta name just a few. And i ns tea d of p a*ying from two to three dollars ta see these shows, admission wilIl only be $1.75 - 'and that isnit ail folks!1 Senior citizens wiil pay a reduced r a te, a nd, on 'Ladies Night', every m an bu y ing one ticket wiII1 be able ta take his lady into the show free! And for ail those people who don't 1iket o 1in e u p ta get into a show, a ISHOWING MAY 4,5,6 i!~ ~ Mqsmtie j ~~TECHNICOLOR~-AAllN Paub ncWmaflIImElRMFDnDa* wcc RiJmC IlcHEL SaRRalfl WiFF PMITSRcammended as RICHaRD Jcl£C(EU' iArwa Jacfson AOULT INTIRTAINMiT 2ND FEATURE - "Railwvay Childlren" Next Attractions May 78-910 'SOMethlng DECAN MARTIN big Y2ND ETR Llght at the Edcge of the WorUc Ma y 11- 12-13 Anderson Tapez Brock Theatre 129 Brock St. Ne. Whitby RESERVATIONS FREE PARKING on REQUEST 668-,3618 quick tel ephone call1 wii11 reserve a seat in the theatre for you. When you arrive you go right in! The threatre w'il be open seven nights a we ek. Th e re w il1be achiIdrenis matineeeverySaturday, with a monthiy d ra w f or a chilIdIs bike, or a similar seasanai prize. Sa remember that date, May 4th, and in the meantime vi sit some af your down- town merchants and pick up a frec ticket for the first show! DaIvis continued from page 9 Turning ta the subject of the upcom- i ng f ede ral1 eiection Mr. Ward said: "The behaviaur of Mn. Davis is rather puzzi ing. One wauld beinclined to think he is trying ta sabotage Mr. Stan- fi1el1d h ere in Ontaria. 1lbel ieve Mr. oDa vis i s opportunist enaugh ta do it. R e me mb er that Ontario is the key ta election victory for Mr. Stanfield. A second defeat for Mr. Stanfieid would *iikely mean a Federai ieadership race f or t he Conservatives and Mn. Davi s wouid figure very praminentiy hn that race. I Council conti t t is unfortunate that many of us who are generat ly pleased and satis- f ied wi th the act- ions and decisions of our eliected rep- r e s e ntatives are v e ry s etdom vo- cal or demonstra- t i ve i n aur sup- inued from page S port. We save aur support for the p olii ng booth, he added. Mr. Freek, as one gathers from his tetter, !sin fult support of better 1tibrary fac- i11t iie s. Open Evenings - Tues, Thurs and Fridays i V AN' S HAIRSr)rUNG j«»e DUMOAS ST. L. - WHIITBY "fyou want to look your best#l WhItby 66M32 Authorized SMITH-CORONA Dealer Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculatars, Cash Registers SA LES SERVICE R EN TA.LS New Used Repairs To AItl Makes NEWANS OFFICE EQUIPMENT 117 Trent St, . Phone 668-3738 Premiu m ulFuel Gil *e>DX0<* TEEXPROPRIATIONACT NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MvATTER 0F an apptlication by The Cor- poration of the Town of Whitby, for appreval to ex- propriate Iand being Part of Lot number 53 according to Farewell, Wallace and Keller's Plan for the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, for the purpose of diversion of Lynde Creek in conjunction with the widening ofDundas StreetW1Aest and the reconstruction of the Bridge on IDundas Street 'West over the said Lynde Creek. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approvat to expropriate the land de- scrlbed as follows: A free and uninterrupted right by way of an ease- ment In faveur of The Corporation of Town of Whitby, i ts s uc c e s so r s and assigns to divert Lynde Creek Ilr om that portion of Lot 53 according to Farewell, Wallace and Keller's Plan for the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, designated as Part 2 on a draft plan prepared by Horton and Wallace 1Limited as job nurnber 71 6470 to that portion of the sàid Lot 53 des-- -ignated as Part 1 on the said draft plan; Together with the right of The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, its successors and assigns, through its and their servants, agents, employees and work- Mwen, together with ail necessary tools and equipment, toenter upon the said tends, at ail times and from time to time and te pass and repass thereon for the purpose of dlvertlng the said Creek from the said Part 2 te the saId Part 1 , for the purpose of f il1ling and grading the existingCreekwithin the limits of the said Part 2, for the purpose of inspecting, repairing and. maintaining thesaidCreek, togetherwith the banks and bed thereof as dlverted or any part or parts thereof, and for all other purposes and thirigs necessary for or incidentai to the exercise and enjQ>yment of such easement; Provlded however that ail right, titi. and interest acqêuird 'wlth respect ta the aforesaid Part 2 shali lapte.end cease to be of any further force and effect as of midnlght on the 31 st day cf December, 1974. Arby owner of lands of whlch notice is given who des i re s an inqulry Into whether the taklng of such laId Io fair, sound and reasonably necessary In the aâch 1 vemen t cf the objectives of the expropriating .uthorl1t y shail se notify the approving authorlty In wrIing. (a1 n t he c a se ocf a regi stered owner, served personally or by reglstered mail within thirty days af te r he is served with the notice, or, whenhe is served by publication, within thir- ty da ys after the first publication of the net- i ce; (b) In the case of an owner who is not a regis- teredowner, within thirty days a1ier the first publication of the notice. The approving authoruty is The Counc il The Corporation of the Town of Whi tby, Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY William H. Wallace, A.M.C. T. , Clerk, Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West, Whltby, Ontario NOTES: i. The Expropristions Act provîdes that. Ilowner"l includes a mortgagee, tenant, exec- ut i on crediter, a person entitied te a limited estate of amentaltly incompetent person or of a persen incapable cf managîng his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trus- tee in whom land is vested; 'Ir e g i s t ered ewner"I means an owner cf I and whose interest in the land i s defiîned and whose name is specified in an instrument In the prep- er r eg i s try, land tittes or sheriff's office, and ir.cludes aperson shownas a tenant cf land on the last revised assessment relis; 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who not ifies the approving'authorîty that he des- ires a hearing in respect cf the lands intended te be ex propriated and any ow..ner added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties te the inquiry.- "T his notice first published on the 2Oth day cf April A. D., 1972."

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