Whitby Free Press, 11 May 1972, p. 10

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Page 10, Thursday, May l, 1972, WHITBY FRE ( Readers write, pg. 2 POLLUTION & - Prom the Toeronto Stm . . . . "The major air polluters of the world are cars and trucks, the facil- ities for the production of heat, light and air-conditioning, forest f ires and agricultural burning, as well as ind- ustrial plants. These sources account for approximately 89 per cent of the noxiousgaspollutionthat is a serious heal th hazard. Commercial aviation con t r i b u tes about I per cent of the total, the remainder being made up of a myriad of other sources. A747, flying between Toronto and Mo ntreal, can carry 365 passengers for almost exactly the same amount of f o s s i 1 f u e l a s the equivalent total t r an s por tation by automobiles. The airplane d o e s so with about one fif- te en th the amount of total toxic pol- pollution, inmuch less time and with a far greater level of safety. Over the past few years, techno- logical progress in aviation has pro- ducedsignificant improvements in the ef ficiency of propulsion which has drastically reduced the amount of tox- ic g as pollution that occurred in the days of the reciprocating engine. Can the same be said, in general, of the automobile, bus or truck? - or the industrial plant or the household fur- nace? In the overal 1 scheme of things, the commercial airplane is virtually a non-polluter! Does i t make sense to continually and un f a i r ly criticize a I per cent polluter and saylittle or nothing about t h e other 99 per cent ? The airplane and engine manufacturers, as well as the a i r I nes, have done proportion- i a t e 1ly far more to reduce their t iny contribution to air pollution than any of the big contributors. As far as overall progress is con- cerned, if itwerenot for the develop- Complex r. E PRESS - Upon R.aders request 'LANE S May 2, 172 m e n t of the jet transport, and sub- sequently the large capacity jet air- craft, we would be facing totally im- possible air traffic control problems andaverymuch lower level of airline safety than we have today. We would also be paying much higher fares for far less comfort and would be creat- ing substantially more pollution than at present. Progress has always had its doubt- ing Thomases and this is probably healthy to some degree, as long as it i s constructive and realistic. But to adopt the approach of "stop the world, I want go ge t off"I is cer tainly not goingtosolve the problem. To inhibit pr.ogress, to stop the clock, is to grow inward and die. In many ways, perhaps, the tech- nical and scientific fraternity can be somewhat criticized for being unable to cope with the barrage of ridiculous s t atements that are made about their business. They are often inadequate communicators - they are rather poor I o b by ists and they often haven't the time or the patience to bother becom- i n g in volved in nonsensical contro- versy. But ifwe don'tget our facts straight, and i f we don't ensure that the world at large is properly aware of these straight facts, then we will tr u y "build mon uments to our own s t upidity and leave a terrible 1egacy to future generations. " IAN S. MACDONALD, DIRECTOR, FLEET PLANNING, AIR CANADA, MONTREAL. Opposition The earliest newspaper record of those i n opposition to the new mun- icipal complex dates back to the days of the former "Whitby Argosy". Following a r e some of the com- m e n t s verbatim from an Argosy f r o n t page articles on June, 1970, h e a d 1 i ned "Citizens Disagree With New Complex'. Mrs. Fred Craddock, 1030 Centre S t r e e t N orth: - "There are a few things that perhaps they should spend some money on first l ike Brock Street North at the railroad tracks. " Mr s. William Porter, 123 Kent Street: - "Ilt's an awful lot of money t o s p e n'd. I think they shoul d just bu i I d an addition on the top of the present municipal building and also enlarge the present library building. " Mrs. Don Fleming, 606. Peel S t r e e t: - "The current municipal building w as built just recently and will probablysuffice for a while yet. I think the money could be much bet- ter spent at this time on a civic auditorium so we wouldn't have to go toOshawa all the time for those kind June 1970 of facilities". Mrs R. G. Langford, 239 Welling- ton Street: - "The town of Whitby as it is now doesn't warrant a new mun- icipal-police building. The council should be spending its time on attrac- t i ng m o re industry to Whi tby, and then p erhaps considering enlarging their quarters. " Mr s R. R. McBride, 917 Henry Street: - " Why didn't they think of that years ago before they built this one. It was rather short-sighted of them to build this one and need an- another one so soon afterward. I The Articles from which these comments were t a k e n , stated that of 200 Whitby homes, 76% were against building the new complex. Hardware Store for Rent With apartment- Busy town Stock and fixtures for sale Box 206 Cannin gton Mot her's Day Tea -& Bazaar The members of the Women's Auxiliary of The Navy League of Canada, Whitby Branch, are hard at work making final preparations for their first 'Mothers' Day Tea and Bazaar, "to be held at the Whitby Arena on Saturday May 13th. For some months now, members have been sewing, knitting, croche- ting and embroid- ering for the ba- zaar . The items are varied and, in some cases, quite unusual - incl uding everyt h in g from African dol1s and doll cradles to "shrinks" and ap- 'rons. During the sam e period, the I ad ies have been c o1 1 ecting books and rummage art- icles, andgrowing houseplants for the other tables to be featured. Also featured w i I I be a home-baking sale, and various games for the youngsters. A m ajor feature o f the day will be a draw for a hand crocheted afghan, for which tickets have been on sale for some weeks. T i ckets for the ba zaar , at 50¢ per person, will entitle purchasers to cake and coffee or tea, to be served continously from 1O0am to 5pm, an d a chance to w in o ne o f the delightfuldoor p rizes. Chil dren a cc om panied by adults will be ad- mitted free. All proceeds will beused to support the cadets of Roy al Canadian Sea Cadet Corp. Whi- tby and Navy Lea- g u e Cadet Corp. 'Brookl in.' N o t i ce of Application by the Corporation of the Town of Whitby for Approval of a By-law Authorizing an Agree- ment Providing for the C o 1l1le c ting, Removal & Disposal of Garbage Ashes & Refuse. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the enter- i n g i n to a three year a g r e e ment with Gar- bage Di sposal Ser- vices, at a contracted rateof $10. 85 per res- I d e n ce per annum for the collection, remov- ai of gar bage, ashes, an d r e fuse. The Ag- reementprovides that, in the event the cost of I i v i ng increases, the pr ice pe r residence shall be increased as of June lst each year, commencing June lst, I 9 7 3 so that the pr ice will bear the same re- lation to $10. 85 that the cost of living on such date bears to the cost of living on such date bear s to the cost of living on JunelIst, 1972. 2. The agreement w i 1l1 remain in force for a term of three years from May lst, 1972 expiring April 30th, 1975. 3. Any ratepayer may, wi thin twenty-one days after thefirst publicationof this not- ice, send prepaid post to the Clerk of the Town of W h i t by, at the ad- d r es s given below, a notice in writing stat- ing hi s objection to such Agreement. 4. The Ontario Mun- i c i p al Board may ap- prove the entering into of the said agreement pursuant to the statute but before doing so it may appoint a time and pl ace for a publ ic hear- ing when any objec tions will be considered, but notice of such hearing w ill b e given only to those persons who have given not ice of ob- j e ct ions as5provided for above. DATED at the Town of Whitby, thislilth day of May 1972. WIlliam H4. Wallace, A. M. C.T., Clerk. 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, ontarlo May 13 Saturclay, Collection of Returnable Bottles by lut Brooildin Venturers To be picked up brough't to the with paper drive. Community Centre if you 1live outside Saturday morning, of Brooklin, bot- or c at1 I 655-4997 ties may be Isfor pick-up.

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