Page 16, Thursday, May lie, NOW 9729 WHITBY F'REE PRESS Me y 11h2a13 ithe Phone 668-3618 Show Stertu 7:09 p.m. Doily COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents lnA R BE TM . ETM PRODUCTION U Tihe lnderson Tapes t.comownded os ai UNIITA8N&wl4* MESSAGE Start on your way to aquarium fun with a* starter kit that includes tank, filter, pump, book.. more. Aquari*a L*ife Pet Poodie Supplies -114 Brck St. S 8Mý68m5035 TO THE ELETOaTE A Survey os An indication on the electoratels des- ire for a municipal building at the R ossi1 and Road site appears at this time to be strongly "lagairtst".- More opinions from the people of the Whitby-Br9okIin area are being r e que sted. Because the Municipal C o unc i I has chosen to proceed w ith bui lding at the Rosslald Road site do es not n ec essarily mean that the matter has been closed off to the pe opl1e. A group of Whitby citizens hope if enough signatures can be gath- ered, their case will be presented at Q ue e n Is Park. Your votes "for I or "lagainst"l are n e e d ed to further this cause. Please submit your comments to the bel ow address as soon as poss- ible. IDo you approve of the plannedI à MUNICIPAL COMPLEX I iFOR ÀAGAINST Clpcuo*n m l :I l I re rés io Comments: iOnt puid adver-tisomont FISH SUýNDAY FILET-O 2 for the price of m-FISH I "UITS CATCHY"I 88Y (O."FI1LET -0- FISH ut uIy 3 5 ... md getomutI Valid only at the Whitby Mail Location and on presenting tils advertisement on Sunday, 'M aY 149 1972 THICKSON ROAD AT HWY 2 WÎIITBY MALL OPEN 10 A.M. - 7 DAVS-A-WEEK Dwner - operator -.Tom ami - HAVE VOU BOOKED VOUR McDONALDS BI RTHDAY PARTY?.. Cali our Friand/y Mauar Pu MizuIk for complote Party & CattringSrie 728m6308 Conduct.d