Whitby Free Press, 8 Jun 1972, p. 15

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v. CLASSIFIED ----- ---- ----- ----- WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, June 8, 1972, page 15 -~ d.ot ADVERTISINGI Automobiles SALES saivua PARIS (1,N Mleee f e m n I4 1967 Volvo. 123 GT.~ Golod condition. El- eictrlc overdrive. MicheIlan tires, radio. Phone 668-2678 after' 7:00 P. M. 1ED CAMPIN MOTORS CARS WANTED *D*JIbNJ4'A ?9W CARHl Seili yeu umd çpr to "Tred*". Telk cSd% te the New car 723-4494 Re&. 723-3374 Do you know something w. don't? News tips. (ail 668M6111 -1 'SERVICES 1 a-_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Tu loiYIOITIA Daycare available in the home of responsib- leWhitbywvoman. Chul- dren any age accepted. Reasonable rates. Cal 1666-3609. Boys & Girls Earn Part Time Money Be A W h itby Free Pres s Carrier WNe need carriers for these areas; St. Lawrence St. Cresser-Almond Dubl in St. Cal1 us today at 668-9600 or apply at 301 B3yron St. S. WHO PEOPL*t DONT IIEAD SMJIJADS? YOU ARF! Umm# Salie of Land by TENDER GSNIRAL ILECTRONIC RENTAI. T.V."& 'rom Record«etcee. muNTZ CENTRE 728-1122 SARGEANT'S RENTALS Mink SWoIeg Clown Costume, Coffe Urne, Punch Sowlq, Banquer Hall Rentol, Dishos. Cutlery, Glais.,, Tobles, Choirs, Limons. i/,1 Rition Rd. S. S-S Aquari ums and suppl ies, swinger camera road race sets p el let pistol p 1 e a s e cal 1 668- 5639. Mus t selI1 contents of hou se (Moving). ln- cluding dres sers, tables, T.V. (good condition>, stereo (needs minor repairs), s in gl1e beds, 1liquor/ record cabinet, etc. 668-6178 any time. 605 Byron St. S. Will- Ing to trade for trunks or propane lantern. Car r i age which con- verts into car bed and s t r of1er, walker and commode chair com- plete. Cail 668-9920. Three femalepoodle puppies for sale and one maie. AIl black. Cal 668-3060. 1 The Corporation of the Town of Wh[ tby hereby Invites offers for the purchase from i t for the following land- "That part of Craydon Road between Lots 16 and 17 of Plan 497 closed by By-law No. 753-72". This parcel of land has afrontageof 66 feet by a depth of i 24 feet more or less and is located immedi ately south of Craydon Road. Ail offers to purchase shal1 be mail ed or de- livered to the under- signed irn a sealed en- velope, clearlymarked "Tender s for Land" and shall be accom- p an i ed by a cer ti fied cheque payable to the Town of Whitby, being 10% of theoffer. The clIos in g date for tenders i s 2. 00 p. M., June 23 , 1 972, the highest or any tender not n ece ss a rily ac- cepted. Willifiln H. WaliIece, 405 Ui.aboas Street West, Whltby. , itwio ARTiCLAES FOR SAL£ Televîs b., chesterfleld 5 4"Ilb edicoffee table blrd Cage and stand boys clothes 12-14 yr. Cali725-6370. Girls CCM b icycl1e, good condition, $25. Phone 668-4595. Day care available for children any age. For sale electric blendier, baby bottle sterilizer. Caîli668-9862. hthiZod SMffl-*~RONA Dodu NEWANS OFFCE P"60. è«-3738 117 Trent St. Wý #DsrUGS# SCHEDULE "A"' Estimated cost of con- structing Municipal Building $653,538, Est imated cost of con- structing Police Build- ing $294,235.00 Total Costs $947, 773. L e ss p r oceeds from sale of existing Muni- c ipal Building to the LibraryBoard $275- 000.0QD Total net debenture for this purpose $672, 773.0QD - -a NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F Toi TOWN 0F WNITDY TO DISPENSE WITN A VIOTE OF TM ILECTORS TAKE NOTICE7 THAT: 1. TheCouncil of the Corporation of the Town of Whi tby i n- tends to apply to t hle Ontar io Mun- i ci p al Board for approval1 of the works referred to in Schedule "AI' h e r e t o at an es- t im at ed c ost of $947, 773 and that the sum of $672, 773 shall be rais- ed b y the sale of d e b e n tures pay- able out of the general rate over the period not ex- ceeding 20 years. 2. Appl1i cation will be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an or- der to dispense with the assent of theelectors to the undertaking of the s a id works. AnIy ratepayer may wvithin 21 days af- ter the first pub- S i ca t ion of thi s notice send by post paidprepaid tothe Clerk of the Town of Whitby at the address given be- l ow a not ice in wvriting stating his objections to such approval and the gr o un ds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Mun- icipal Board may pursuant to the statute that the as sent of the ei- electors shall not be required and may approve of the saidworks but before doing 50, it may appoint a time and placefor a P u bli c Hearing w hlen any objec- Take Notice That: 1.The Counc il of the Corporationof the Town ofWh!itby in- tends to appl y to the OntarioMunic- ipal Board for ap- proval of the con- struction of Burns Street from Den- nison Avenue to Hopkins Street at an estimated total cost of $75,000 and that the sum of $ 37 ,O000shall1 be raised by the sale of debentures pay- abl eout of the gen- e r a1 rate over a per iod not exceed- ing 10 years. 2. Appliîcation wil11 be made to the Ontar- ioMunicipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the el- ectors t o the un- d er ta k ing of the sa id works. Any ratepayer May wi th in 21days af ter the first publicat- i on of this notice send by post pre- paid to the Clerk of the Town of Wh itby a t the ad- dress given below a notice in writing stating his objec- ti1o n t o such ap- proval and the grounds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Mun- i c i pal Board May order pursuant to the sta tute that the assent of the el ectorate s h aîl not be required and may approve of the said works but before doing so it may appointa time and place for a Public Hearing when a ny object- ions w i 1 I be con- sidered. Dated at the Town of W/hitby this Ist day of dune, A. D. 1972. WillIam H. Wallace, A.ýM.Cu.T. CIarke. 405 Dunclas Street West, Whltby, OQitwlo Issu I î~X~««X<«*C« * G. Rocca, floor and wall tilie, alsomos- alc. Reasonable rates. Experlenced. Tele- phone 655-4531. Ma s ters Painting and Paper Hanging. Int- erior, Exterior. Free estimates. Call 723- 3926. Legal NOTICE 0F APPLIC ATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TO DISPENSE WITN A VOTE 0F THE ELECTORS e BIGGEST BARGAUN UN TOWN 15 WORDS FOR $1 IN ADVANCE SEND Il INOR BRING IT INTOQOUR OFFICE AT 301 BYRON ST. S AND WEWI LL RU N VOUR WANT-AD '>UNTIL SOLD' or maximum of 5 weeks. PLEASE PAINT WORD ti.> (2.) (. MAIL TO; WHITBY FREE PRESS BOX 2069 WHITBY Acknowledgements or receipts are flot sent in respe<c to choeque or money orders. Cash sent through the mail is *t the advertiser's risk. NAM E................................... ADDRESS................................. P.0o ............................... I PHONE NO.............. ...........

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