WHITBy FREE PRESS, Thursdaye July 13e 1972, page 9 BRO'A DBENT Dur ing apress conference 1Iast Mon- day at the Carousel InnOshawa-Whîtby M P E d 8roà adbent expressed extreme dissatlsfaction with the Liberal qovern- ment and said 'PrimeMinister Trudeau 9gen e ra t ed expectat Ions and exuber- ance. . but al most nothing has been done in four years of office. Il He added that,2 "A major ity government is by no means a guarantee of good government. Il Oroadbent explained that only eight bill!ý of thc last 29 brought before thc Houscwcre passed and he tcrmed this, "A lack ofcommittment topaI itical action and bad management in the house. 'I B3roadbent wvas particularly critical of the government 1s proposed amend- m e n t ta the National Housing Act. He pointed ou t that if the average persan bau ght a home through the Act and paid an intercst rate of 7 3/4 % on $ 15, 000, he would wind up paying back $47,420 for the home over a per iod of 40 years. A bill which wvas defeated in parl ia- ment concerning family allowance wauld have cu toff baby bonus for haî f the mot- BLASTS hers in Whltby and Oshawa had It gone through accord ing ta Broadbent. He said the New Democrat Ic Party opposed the bill at the second reading because, 'lit would have put the family aîlowance in the welfare category and it would have created a f antast ic bure aucrat ic mess.,I" Because of the compl exity of the pro- posed p I a n , IWe woulId have needed a 100 per cent increase in the civil ser- vants in that department just ta admin- i ster the program, accord ing ta Broad- bent. Finance Minister John Turner's May budget came under close scrutiny by the Os h awva -WVhitby MP as he voiced his disapproval of the 40 per cent tax re- d u ct i on for corporat ions by 1973. He said, "lThecarporate tax share is down I 2 p e r cent of the total tax needs and p er s onal1 incame tax is now up to 50 per cent af the total tax burden. "l The supposed reason for the tax cuts in the carparate area was ta stim- u 1 a t e b u s iness but Broadbent said a s ur ve y showed that haîf the business TRUDEAU mendidnot agree that grE-ater business would result from the tax cuts. He ad- d ed, "No e co nomist really beleives that." Town Hall Letters 0f Objection Four hundrcd and ninety-ninc Whitby citizens respondcd dircctly ta the notice ta dispense wvith a vote of the electors on the proposcd Rossland Road munici- pal and police buildings Clerk William Vai 1 lace rep orted ta council Monday night. Ninety-fiveof the total sum respon- ded with individual letters, while four hundred four people signcd their names toa apetition objectiny to the million- dollar praject wvhich wvas proposed by council in 1970. A notice to dispense with a vote of the electorsappeared 'n the local ncws- papers on June 8th and l5th this year, and was the second ta appear since the 1 9 70 proposaI. T he first notice was pI1 aced in the former Whitby Argosy on December 24 and 31, 1970, and in the former Whitby Worîd December 23 and 30, 1970. The four hundred ninety-nine report- cd responses wh ich have been forwarded b y t he Cl1erk ta the Ontar io Mun ic ipal WfHITBY -HARRISON FUELS LIMITED lswC 211 Brock St. S. Pone: 6683610 Board a re the recorded number taken directly from the latcst newspaper ad- vert isement. Since councills announcement for a town hall1 at the Rossland Road site, further 1 e t t ers of objection have been f or wva r dcd to MPP for Ontario South B i 1 Newvm an, the Ontario Municipal Board and ta the Whitby Free Press. f PIZZA&ZZIP 668-6495 Cou. And Visit Us At 106 Byron St. S. WHITBY OPEN HOURS Sunday thru. Thurs Frdanad Saturday ILhA SAVE Morey on DI Premium Gmaliiy Fuel -OÙ INw SHOWING tI JUIy, 13-14-15 ethe 4. 00 p. m, to 1.00O a. n. 4. 00 p. m. ta 3. 00 a.mr. ponv1son(b technicolor e f romn worner bros .Dkmne-y com;pon, 2NOuwvuu * a - - f 11HIE GRENB EIwTS DIAVID Sot. 1:30 pm VOYAGE 0F S-INIAI Adu1 Stuci JHN WAYNE JuIy l6m17m18u19cu.nef Little Fauss Big Halsey w it h ROBERT REDFORD CAUL NEWMAN ýJOANNE WOODWARD Its 1.75 lents 1. 25 Ph~one 668-3618 Show Storti 7.00 p.m. DauIy FR11 PARKING I D qlo>IANT7 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL CLOTHUNO OTTUNRBR ITE'FS MEN'IS WEAR "EVERVTHING FOR THE WELL DRESSED MAN", 103 IDUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY ..FOR THE LOOK NEW HOME 0F.. Hwy, le, 1 West el Thlchsn O NS Zolton & Nick's 160 Simcoe St. S. 728-0051 -728-0800 Children .50 lm 11-, ý 1,