BIRD 'S EVE V1EW J/M QI/A IL One Year Young1, Thatts what w e w e r e ast Friday. We had a 1ltti e do here at the paper and even the mayor showed up to join ln, the fu n. 1To cet ebrate the fact that the Whl tby Fr e e Press ha s 1iasted through trilal a nd e rr or,. thick and thin, good and bad, we decided to have aparty for our friends and advertisers. Things g ot r oi 1 ing about nine and from t h en on the pl1ace star ted to 1iook more 1like the subwvay dur ing rush hour. Mrs. Vickery from the Total Look came i n with a huge cake and there was one large red candie perched like a monu- ment in the middle of the icing. Because a lot of our advertisers wereworking tili nine they couidn't get her etoo earl1y so by ten the bui1k of them were just showing up for the par ty. 1Iwas so busy behind the bar i didn't get too much of a chance ta mingle. Jo, the secretary, ran inference arnd trans- paor t e d the drinks from the bar ta the consumers. Early in the evening 1 pitch- ed out the shot glass because the traf- WHITBY FREE fie a t the bar got so heavy I couldn't take.the time to carefully measure each drink. lit was getting close to midnight when the Mayor, Judy, the editor, and Bill, thepublisher, gatheredaround the cake for a Ilttie speech and picture. it was at this point the mayor pulled his sur- prise out and presented Judy with a pin with the Town of Whitby crest and Bill withapairof cufflinks and tiebar whîch also had the town crest. After that the par ty gaiîned momentum and theMayor could be seen in the mid- dleofthedancers swingingwith the best of them. Even a pair of eiders from the churchs whooftenvisit us at the office, seemed to be havîng a good time. The eider s and i were probably the only sober o n es at the party. 1I1Iearned my 1lesson a t L u c 1 e nys opening the week be f or e , so I stayed dry. . relativel y. BSesides thereIs nothing sioppier than a drunken bartender. Just after one our local M. P. E=d Broadbent brought his charming wife and they were dancing and drinking be- fore hai f the party knew they were there. One of our employees, who shahl remainnameless, wasseen to lock hlm- self ln the bathroom. It seems he had a problem with ail those double gins. Ail in ail it was a great way to wind up the first year for our paper. It was a y e ar of learning, of experimenting and of profitting by our mistakes. OnFriday night a lot of people came PRESS, Thursday, July 13, 1972, page 7 around to tell, and show us, that they had confidence ln what vve are trying to do, and you know, 1 think we might just be around next year at this time. Ed 1tor and publisher Judy and Bill Durkee o f the Whitby Free Press with M a y o r Newman after the presentation of gifts bearing Town of Whitby crests by Mayor Newman. [ "m'mR. STIR Mo SpeckIaists iii Sleeo Sound Equipmenv Custom Iutlld Ait werk gueranteed King 72-37 Park Rd. 7537 Oshawa, Ont. I i e -0U0 -C >: U r Chr lanc Ave. j z I 401 4me