Whitby Free Press, 20 Jul 1972, p. 15

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s i est; su us mi surnom SSII Il WIlSON CLASSIFIý T OIYIOI T lAI KING ST. E. OSHAWA fi Miie Eut of .Hsrom F11Rd.> 2 el 1964 Volkswagen 1500. Go od running condit-. hen aer $350 neerti ionaiter hi50h. Gasi f ied. Pr ivate sale 723-1278. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Rosslynn A'rrns Apts. *OSHAWA'S MOST GrNACIQUS LIVING* ELECTRICALLY HEATED Ths h astperi.>r building. weIll hilt andl excellenllY main- toiried-cind"caters ta thOse Peopte reclutrina a beltir way of living. NO LASr MONTH'S RENT REQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 'lf No Answer 579-1413 WANTED0 0Oniy 18 days 1Ieft in the Coca-Col a Caps Contest! 1ihave at 1least one-haî f of each combiînati!on. What do you need'? Let's trade. Cali Mike at 723-7970 9 a. m. to 9P. M. AT EQUITABLE LI FE WE (ARE Life,HOaulth, Group Uns. Pau1 E spi e Financial Planning Consultant Off: 728-9434 Res: 655-4186 POOLS! PIOOLS!I We are Iooklng for a dealer in your area fo rçanadals top lune of lngrounci swimmirig pool. Representat ive will b. in the area the week of JuIy 31, 1972 Foý further information call 1-41'6-522-6854 ACORN POOLS 325 BaY St.N.,s Hamilton, Ontario Bowmanvil le area: Very attractive 1500 sq. ft. ranch s tyle brick bujng- alow. Fire place, attached garage on i6-acre wooded lot. Existing lst m or tgage of $ 14,e 500 et 6ý % can be assumed. PrIced 500 at 6ý% can be assumed. Priced at $44,900. Gîve us an offer. E xc elent oppor- tun ity for the young house holder ln t h i s 2-apartment home on l arge, fenced ln lot wi th l3frulttrees. The payments are easy wi1t h s omeone to carry them. Phone for more infor mat- Ion. West Beach Bow- manvil.le: Ren- ovated three bed- r o om home, new o 1lf u rn ace, 3- piecebath, carpet i n 11ivingroom. il acre 1lot w ith wa ter frontage. You cani flot beat it for the price of $12,900. Try $ 1500 down. FOR RENI 5 , 00(0 square feet at Hopkins Street. Open s t or age, i ndustrial zoning. Ready for oc- cupancy about October 15. would divide for smal I tenant . Cati 416-239-6554. SERVICES Repairs and ser- vices to ail mýzkes of vacuum dlean- ers. Free pick up and del ivery. Votta of Canada, 325 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. 723-5541. Wholesate! B3eef sides or quarters, cut and wvrapped f or freezer. Cati 655-3326, WillEabysit in your home day or evening. Downtown area Cati 668-4252 anytime. NEWANS OFFICE EQP*MWM Ph... 111448"-3738 117 T..,t S.W LOST Black cat with four white paws somewhere in the vlclnity of Bell Drive. Family pet, re- ward being of fered . Cati 668-4*057 after 5 P~. M. WHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, July 20, 1972, page 15 sn:u~sIuuUc;I:II.U mm.; s.JiJ.UA.f ~ . ~. e*0lp mm i summ o:: nm R up:u:SUS u: MORTGAGES ANNOUMNNOLOV (OS? MORIGAGE LOANS THAT *(AN PAY OFF AIL TOUR 1111$. uAU (UT TOUR MONTNLY PATEAEN*TSUNIN AIF O8 LS. la oUsw woryu,* nW m w u dieipwsyMdnta àothi.uusdof mwny Mores wht IoDo I ot A LoweotMortLom oei, Write « oe m I.»11w uslel but mo mie your Nsw Strt todey. out Ontvb comulidate their d*bts this »Wy ay a*bd evrythiflit S f> fdnW. I. I __________________________________ CORPORATION OF TUE TOWN 0F WHITIY NOTICE 0F APPLI- CATION to the Ont- arlo Municipal Board by the Corpor at Ion of the Town of Whitby for approvat of a by- law to regulate land use passed pursuant tao Sect Ion 35 of the Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Carpar- at Ion ofthe Town of Whi1tby Intends ta appl y ta the Ontario Municip- a1 B o ard pursuant to the provisions of Sec- tion 35 of the Planninig Act for approvat of Bylaw No. 787-72 pas- sed on thet12thdayof dune, 1972. A copy of the bylaw is furnished herewith. A note giv- In g an explanation of the purpose and effect of the Bylaw and stat- in nq the l ands affected thereby is also furn- ished herewith. Any person interes- ted may, within four- teen (14) days after the date of th ls notice, send by registered mail1 or delilver ta the Clerk o f the Town of Whi tby notice o f his objection ta approval of the said Bytaw together with a statement of the groun- ds of such objection. The Ontario Munici- pal Board may approve of t he said Byl aw but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection ta the Bylaw wiil be con- sidered. Notice of any h e aring9 that may be held wiil be given only tao persons who have fiied an objection and wha have left with or deiivered ta the Cterk undersigned, the ad- dress ta whi ch notilce of hearing is ta be sent. The last date for fil- Ing object Ions wii11 be the 7th day of August 1972. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 2Oth day of July, 1972. 2nd. MORTOAGE MONEY e.5 VEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES " NO BONUSES " NO (;REDIT CHECKS " NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS " CON FIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN YOUR OWN HOME " BOR ROW AS LITTLE AS $1,.600 " FAST SERVICE CAtI Mr. Wilks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto Notice Io Credgitors and Others Att dlaims agatnst the Estate of HAROLD PERCY PHIN, tate of 208 Craydon Road, Whitby, Ontarlo, who dted on or about Feb- ruary gth, 1972, Must be fif1ed vlith the under- si1g n ed personai re- presentatîves on or before the 7#h day of Aug9 9 1972; thereafter, the understgned w il i dîstribute the assets of the said estate hav- Ing regard OflY to the dlaims then filed. Dated 16th May, 1972. CANADAPERMANENT TRUST COMPANY 3 20 Bay Street, Tor- ofltq, Ontario, Execu- tors, by their Sol tc- itor, Norman' He Edm- ondson, 3j Simcoe Street South, Oshawap 0Ontarlo. mu D HRGAG ES ÂVMILABLE 11/22 W.SCHATZMANN Realtor 215 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3338 HELP WANTED We require sales r e p r e s entatives in the Whitby area for Volta of Can- ada. Qualificat- ions: 18 years and o ve r, neat app- e arance and must have car. We will train you. 723- 5541, Oshawa. SERVICES CHALK LAKE, PARK Seautif ul plcnlc gmoundsa very quiet imurroutdifge sandly beach Turn right fîrst side road at Thunderbird Golf Club. Tel e. 655-34837 i . I _____________ I __________________________ George BIyIe ven* REALTOR PHONE 623 - 5300 .... . ....... .... Pm, .1 'ID Canoming SALU URVKOI PARIS

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