Vol 2 No32 THURSDAY Aumusi 10,1972 PREE HOME DEUVERY TOAST TO CARNIVA L Little scene stealers Julie Wilson and P am Stewart, whose daddy is Parade C h a i r m a n Don Stewart, got as many oohs and aahs as the passing floats. A t t h e Pancake Breakfast with Police Chief Pilkington at far right. Alf Lees of the Whitby Yacht Club pre- pares for visitors. Even a torrent of rain coul dn't damp- en th a t vibrant County Town spirit. Carnival WeekendNumber 7 was enjoy- ed right up to the wee hours of Tuesday morning. From the officiai opening at Heyden- s h or e P a r k , where a surprised and ch arm i ng Mrs. Elizabeth Bedell was recogn i zed as Whitby's Number One Citizen of the year and presented with t h e Peter Perry Award, to t h e fire- works and robust gathering of the Whit- by Legion Hall, this carnival weekend was savoured to the full. People linedupearlySaturdaymorn- ingin anticipation of the gigantic carn- ival parade which is growing in reputat- ion to municipalities further away than ever before. It seemed the clowns were more colorful, the floats bigger and bet- t e r , a n d t h e tiny baton twirlers and tricycle riders even more heart fetch- i ng. The Boy Scouts and Womens' Auxil- î ar y of the Whitby Legion won prizes for best floats representative of local o r g a n i zations and service clubs, and Peter the Plumber received best prize for afloat entered by a small business. Again this year the Kiwartha Caval- iers took top band honours and the Ben- dal Lions were named best majorettes. In carnival sports action McDonalds (AtomDivision) happily won the Soccer Tournament taking Rae Jones 2-1. The winning McDonalds won hands- down over King West Garden Centre, eliminating them 5-I. The Wills twins, alongwithDougieWiersma were heroes of the day. Ricky Wills scored three goals, his twin brother scored one, and young Wiersma was credited with one. Inthemeetwith Rae Jones, Wiersma was once again i n the Whi tby limelight along with Joey Palacka. The Mac Don- alds with their 2-1 score gleefully took home the Canadian Legion Trophy. In the Lacrosse Tournament Peter the Pl1 umber ("B" Division) took top honours defeating Burlington 7-1. L i on member Bill Whittick reports that a pproximately $500 worth of food w as consumed when the Lions served th e i r tasty sauerkraut and sausage at CONTINUES PAGE 8 Inspector Fred Baker of the Whitby Police, suit and all, cavorts in dunking pool. An exch ange of club burgees at the Whitby Yacht Club. From left to right: Commodore Laurie Oxenham of Whitby, Ellsworth Rodgers of Sodus Bay, New York and Commodore Laurie Musson of the National Yacht Club, Toronto. IcE CANADIAN TIRE CORR The majorettes seemed prettier than ever this year. The bigger than life poodle thrilled watching youngsters. Demonstrating good sports manship, Whitby's number one man at the dunking pool. John Bonello and Ernest Bugelli, both 5-years-old, at the Mal tese Pavil1 ion. A '72 vol 2 No 32 FREE HOME DEtIVEJ« irHURSDAV Auguet 1091972