Whitby Free Press, 10 Aug 1972, p. 3

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WHiTI3Y FREE 'Des' -to Represent Municipalites at Tri mLevel Conference M a yor Des Newman wî1 represent C a na d ian mayors in the histor îcall1y significant lst Tri-level conference to be hel1d November 20 and 21s t thi1s year. T he conference which h as been in t he planning stage f or some time will1 see representatives from aIl1 three lev- els of Canadian Government sit in on a three-session meeting to present their v iews on urban chail enges of the day and in future. More impor tant, there will be serious lengthy discussion of the roles o f t h e t h r ee governments in meeting these chai lenges seperateiy and togeth- e r, a n d final ly an examination of the ma ch!in ery of inter-governmentaî co- ordination and co-operation to meeting these challenges in the most effective m anner. The mayor expl aLned that the historic conference wili be held in three sess- ions. The first session, expected to be in Newman's vwords, "the most volumin- o us 11, vwi11 consist of presentation and c a t a 1 oguing of urban problems by the c o nf e rence del egates. In the second session there will fol low discussion of possi blIe solutions to these probiems. j u t the third session is hoped to pave the way to the viable mechanisms and to al leviate at least some of the more sev- ere problems facing urban leaders. IlWe don 1t exp e ct mi1racl1es to come ou t of th e two days of taiks, but they w 1i1Il at least start the process of dis- cussion and dialogue, and we will find s ome w ay of keepingi1t going before this conference is over, Il he said. Agreeingthat the province could not b e e xp e cted to change i ts tradi tional stand overnight, he said however, that there w as no doubt an optimistic view could be taken by the ten premiers who "for the first time ail recorded their unanimous agreement" to the urban con- ference. He also made ref- erence to the 'Ifierce competi tion"' which exists in comrpetition withrnunicipal bod- ies. "Wemust be able to attract and hold the cal1ibre of peopl eneeded i n munic ipal1 government,"I he explained. Cf his personai outlook on the Nov- ember meeting the mayor said: "11 cant t h i nk o f a n y thlng more fundam-entai. This 1-s the first reai opportunity to make some inroads into the probl ems that face us financiaiiy." As co-chairman representing Canad- i an municipali ties, Mr. -Newman joins OntarioMinister for Inter-governmental Affairs, Darcy McKeough and Federal Urban Affairs Minister, Ron Basforci. The conference w i i i be held at the Four Seasons Sheraton Hotel in Tor- onto. -PRESS, Thursday, August 10, 1972, page, 3 Mlsslngj Woman Found Dead AIlandilord called police Tuesday af ter he had flot seen o ne of his tenants for a few days. M rs. Lil11ian E. Ducasse, 64, was f o und dead by poliîce in the ki!tchen of her apar tmen t atl109 Brock Street S o ut h. S he appeared to have died a n a t u r a 1 death a few days previousl1y. The landlord thought it was strange he hadni't s een her so he cal led pollice to break into the apartment. Mrs. Ducasse is survived by a broth- er, Mr. J. A. Whittaker of Toronto. FIRST Ar c h i tect Alan Wil-coxis the first on record to wri!te town council ex- pressing an inter- est in providing architectural ser- vices ' for the t ow n 1 ýproposed arena. Am ong recreat- jon a1 projects of thewell respected BlD f i rm is 'Whi tby's Fantasyla'nd Park which includes r estaurant, camp washrooms, 57 t en t and- trailer si tes and devei1op- ment of 72 acres of park. H i s request has b e en referred to the special arena committee. O NTARIO Public Notice SELECT COMM i -E OF 7H1 LGiSLTLV ON THE ONTARIO MUINICIP-'AL SO3ARD INVITATION TO SUZMIT IV/RITTEN 1 2E s On June 3Oth, 1972, the Ontario Legisiature ap- pointed a Select Committee ta examine, inquire inta and report upon the Ontario Municipal Board and ta make recommendations on: (a) the purpose, abject and functions af the Ontario Municipal Board. (b) the jurisdict ion of the Ontario Municipal Baard. (c) the structure and arganizatian of the Ontario Municipal Baard. (d) the pracedures and practices af the Ontario Municipal Baard. (e) the procedures by way af appeal fram the orders and rul ings of the OntariaMunicipal Board, mncl uding appeals by way af petit ions ta the Lieutenant Gavernor in Caunci I. (f) the relatianship af the Ontaria Municipal Board in the discharge of its responsibilities with the Provincial Gavernment, local gavernment and the individual citizen. The Committee invites written briefs fram imdi- vidualsandaorganizatianswho may wish ta present information, opinions or suggestions regardingany af the abave matters relating ta the Ontario Muni- cipal Board. EIRIEFS MUST 13E SUI3MITTED BY SEPTEMBEER 15TH, 1972 TO THE CLERK 0F THE COMMI TTEE BOX 233, MAIN PARLIAMENT BUILDING, TOR- ONTO 182p ONTARIO. John P. MacBeth, Q. C., M. P. P., Chairman. Alex McFedries, Cierk. Vour new home- use our money to get it now! The home yotu've aiways w,-anted--yoi don't need to wait for it. You cttn haive it now-wlietheryot're btuyi ng or buiiding-withai quick, tzailored -to-ilmeasure miortgage loan fr0111 Victoria aind Grey. With seasoned experience gained through eighty yeiars of concerned service to home seekers, Victoriat and Grey can aýrrange aifl the detaîts. Make sure you're right. Corne right to Victoria andi Grey. WCTORIAad TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 08DUNDAS ST. W. 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You can protect -your car with Barrier's proven, effective Rustproofing f or less than you think. And you can have it done at the conveniently located 'mperial Centre listed below, where you can use your Esso Credit Card. IMPERIAL CENTRE and CAR WASH KING ut PARK OSHA WA -728-1601 Ej RUSTPROOFING mmului

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