WNHITBY FREE PRESS, Thursday, August 17e,11972, page 13 Bradyys Bunch Go WiId After a broken leg, sprained ankle, bruised limbs an-d general rough hous- ingdoledout by the Huntsville Hawkes, the %;lhitby B&F? Transporters retal la- t e d, humil1iati ng Huntsvi1lîe 26-3 in a just-as-rough bout which had ta, be cal- l ed thnough a lack af Huntsvil11e pl ay- ers Eniday night. Thegamewhich had two or three fan upsets, stretched ta Il p. m. because af the seemingly endless penalties. O n e1Iively Huntsvil le fan had ta be remavedby police, an-d timekeeper [Bill S ta n nett was pel ted wi th oranges and o t her debr is from the vi si tors s ide af the Brooklin Arena. As a resul t Whi tby returned ta Hunts- ville without Les Reed, Ken Down, Cam Dunbar, JamieMcGrath, Paul Knibb and Bo b Dalby -al1l regul arpl ayers who w e re absent because of in j uries and suspensions. Tim Briscoe, wi th adislocated shouî- der, BrianMillar with a sprained ankle Fights suc h as the ane photographed above eventually led ta the game being cal led\ when there literai Iy were na mare Huntsville players left ta carry an the gam e. Open Evenings - Tuesday and Thursday I vA N S (Ladies) 140o DUNDAS ST. E. - WHITOY "if you want to look your best" Whitby (41())668-4321 Scarborough (416) 439-0241 Continuation LIb r a: Sept. 23to Oct. 22' Face up to reallIty this week. Significant days are Wednesday the 23rd and Thursday the 24th when publ ic places of amusement are stressed. If a col- legje student, you shauld choose a fail curriculum with special consideration for innate value rather than the more popul ar of future earning power. An occupation that is glamorous in theory may turn out to be the worst sort of drudgery in application. S COUp 1: Even intervals kept a ring of fans when the Huntsvilîle coach at fan right engaged in a heated argument ta have the fol low- ingnight's game nescheduled ta the day aften. and Russ Arbuckl e wi th a strained back pl ayed anywvay, bu t as they found out, itts difficult coming home a winner from H u nts vil le with so many regulars out and with three of the nemaining regul- ans present playing wvith injuries. The VV hi t by Midgets and Juveni les have been extremely helpful ta the club supplyingplayers tofill insuchasLanny Gnaham, who scored twa goals in Hunts- vil le and Barry Taylor, Russ Son ichet- ti, Mike McGillvary and Jim Branton. The B&Rts, stîlI handicapped, won 19-9in their Bnooklin meet with Hunts- ville again on Tuesday night. The Transporter s soon hope to have more regul ans in the inr 1ineup and Coach Bnr i an Brady feels that his team will have no difficulty defeating Huntsville. Un t il1 the return of thein regulars the Transporters praved Tuesday night the y are still getting gneat lacrasse from fine players like Bill Down, Phil S t e v e nsan , Paul Bnradl ey, Jim Heard and Chuck Lepine. Next game fan the Transpanters w/ill1 take place tanight. IPLUMBINC DISCOUN I ~ FIXTURES & SUPPLIES 701 Brock st. N. Whitb1 20% DISCOUNT DIRECT TO YOU Haurs: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Fri Sat. 9 a.m. ta 5 p.rr. 668m6601 The 23rd is a day to use caution in aI l matters. If driving be cautious of the other felfow as well as yourself. Losing your temper could cast you afriend at this time. After the 23rd should be the beginning of the power drive for accomplishment which you shauld reach in thelIast haîf of this year. SM gIetar 8US: Nov.23to.,2I Take careof yourheaî th. Nerves coul d be a prob- lem at thi s time. an the 23rd the Sun enters VI rga, for thirty days, in yaur house of profession. This wil1 nat be aharmonious periad saget down ta work and pay strict attention ta detailIs, the practical and theconservative. During an emational upset l"hald yaur tanguell. This is nat the time for a new romance. HEARD'S TAXI, 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct Line at Arnold's Market, 115 Brock St. N. For Your Convenience 150 Perry Street- Whitby CLEARANCE IM11 THE BEST PRICE EVER ON ALL 1972 COLOUR T.V.'YS Oct. 23 t. Nov. 22 BERNIES MOTOR SALESI American Motors V GEORGEL TD. REALTOR 6688826 218 Dundas St. E. on No.2 Hiqahway, Whitby OSHAWA $13, 300 2 bedroom frame bungalow in good S. E. location, near ai 1 school s and shopping. Ideal for handyman. COLLEGE HILL 3 bedroom, 2storey, double garage. Close toSouth G.M. and French school. Try an offer as owvner must sel I. OSHAWA DUPLEX 184 Hillcroft - Two - 2 bedroom apartments, in good N. E. area. ane apartment vacant for im- mediate occupancy. Try offer. HORNET SPORTABOUT WITH GUCCI TRIM 668-2262 BASELINE ROAD AI T HITBY-PICKERING TOWNLINE