PAGE 12, TIIURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1972, wHITBy 'FREJE PRESS Minor Hockey WIII Press On With Temporary Ice Arrange ments The Brooklin - Whit- by Minor Hockey Asso- ciation registration fees for this year are: $20. for anc boy, $40. for two boys and $50. for three or more. Ice costs in the Town of Whiitby have gone Uip to $2 1. per hour this year. Since the Whitby Arena lias been closed, the B.W.M.H.A. execu- tives have been trying to obtain ice in other aenas, and are faced withi the problemi of paying $28- $38 per PEE WEES continued t'rom front page In Canadian National Exhibition Tournamient play the Legionaires defeated the Bolton Huskies 2-O in what C.N.E. officiais described as one of "'the best played" games of the tourney. John Heffer came uip with a booming double which put the Legionaires 0on their way to victory while Ianl Gillis and Douig Shecarer inatched pairs of singles. anid Fred Petryshyn added a safcty. Camn Murkar on the mnound carne p with I13 strikeouits, gave up four hits and walked only two ta get the win, his eighteenth of the season. The Legion- aires were schedulectto meet Hamnilton Mahoney Park on Tues in the second round. Steelers The Lasco Steelers lost the first gaine of the E.O.B.A. Bantam finals against Cobourg in a contest which they threw away in the ninthi inning Mhen they blew a glorious chance ta tic and probably win the the game when trailing by one run, going into the bat- tom of the final inning they put men on third andi f irst only ta run into a double play whichi rernoved the seriaus threat they had developed, and went down 6-5. The Steelers had collected I1I hits off'Pauil Sweet and appeared ta be headed for victory when the sud- den reversai of events took place. Mike Rowley with a triple and a double, Kevin Roche who has been hitting well for the Steelers had a triple and a single. Camn O'Donnell had a pair of singles. Steve Tutton a double, and Steve Sarginson and Dave Allen singles in a thrilling game which saw the Whitby club hoid a 3-0 lead until the fourth when Cobourg got a lone tally and saw the visitors tie it up with a three run eighth ta make it 4-3. In the bottomn of the eighth the Steelers fought back garnely and went out in front once again 5-4 only to have Cobourg snatch the lead away from themn again, ta continue the see-saw pattern which really had the fans whooping it up. The Steelers died in the ninth however when their rally was cut short. The Lasco steelers were defeated I10-6 in Co- bourg on Sunday night, which eliminated them from further play. Dunlop Radial PIy Tirs HEÀDQUARTERS ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE 103 Dundas St. East, Whitby 668-3356 hour for these rentais. The B.W.M.H.A. execu-, tive has contacted the following arenas in their search for ice rentaIs: Ajax (no), Bowrnanville (no), Cannington (no), Port Perry (no), Stouff- ville ( no), Sunderland (nîo). Thiere is a very City of Oshawa n'îay he able ta provide somle ice. The I butse League teanîs this year wilI play however, 45 mninute gamies, (3 ini. war-11 Lit), 2 - 20 ini. periods. andi2 11in,1.ta change endîs tollowing the first period ). I t is inost iim- portant that the teamis be at the arena antI ready ta go on the ice at the start of' their schieduled garne tirne. House Leagues will operate on Mon. & Tues. nights from 5-10 p.mi. and Wed. nighits Iromn 8:30 tilI 11 :00 p.11. Ail - Star teamis will play on Sat. nighits fromn 6: 15 - 11 :00 p. n. a nd Sun. frorn 3:30 - 9:00 p.m. AIl - Star Practice hours are Mon., Tues., & Wed. frorn 7:15 - 8:15 a.m. House League prac- tice hours are Thur., Fmi. & Sat. from 6: 15 - 8:15 a.m. Ice time for practices wîiI be handled by the Minor Hockey Execu- tives, the AIl - Star Di- rector is Mr. Fred Wolff, and the House League Diector is Mr. Alex Es- choltz. The B.W.M.H.A. is holding a Monte Caria night and dance at the Centennial Building on Sat. Oct. 21Ist.'Theme wilI be 100 tickets avail- able on a first corne first 12 and 13 VYVU -. ~ IVA 14A 1.5 -,1 Sepiember 3rd li1: 00 -12:O0Noon 78 -9 12: 00 -1: 00 P.M. 10-11 1: 00 -2:O00P.M. 12-13 September 1Oth 6:00 -7:O00A.M. 14-15-16 7:00 -8:O00A.M. 7-8-9 September 16th 6: 00--/: 00 A.M. 10-11 7: 00- 8: 00 A.M. 12-13 September l7th 7: 00 -8:O00A. M. 7-8-9 8: 00 -9:00A. M. 14- 15-16 HOCKEY CLINIC The CIinic wili be held at the Don Beer Arena, &iIlingham and Quigley Streets,, Pickering [South of ,he Baseline Road and West of the Nuclear Power Plant Roadi, as follows- DateTimeAge Group Au us 27h 1: 00 - l2: 00Noon Sepembr 2th 6: 00 - 7: 00 A.M. 7: 00- 8:OO0A.M. 8:00 - 9: 00 A.M. Players to Wear Full Hockey Equipment Clinic Convenor - Dan Kemp 668-2455 Admission - $1.25 Per Person Guest Instructor Ken Des jardine of the W. H.A. Quebec Nordiques Registration Form 1972-73 PLEASE FI LL OUT TH AND RETURN TO- 15 REGISTRATION FORM BROOKLIN-WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION c/o 107 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. NAME OF PLAYER................................. ADDRESSOFTHE PLAYER............ PHONE NUMBER ............................ DATE OF BI RTH -DAY MONTH. 10- 7 -8 12 - YEAR .-1 POSITION PLAYED ........................... NOTE: A PLAYER WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO PLAY, UNTIL HIS REGISTRATION FEE 0F $20.00 15 PAID. ENCLOSE VOUR CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER FOR $20.00 AND RETURN TO THE ABOVE AD- DR ESS. This certifies that the Brook Iin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association is flot lhable or responsible for any injuries or fatalities suffered by my child, while participating in the hockey program of this Association. SIGNED ...................................... /4/ Parent or Guardian W f' 4% ,LINaWHITBEy MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION August 27th September 24th Date Time