Whitby Free Press, 24 Aug 1972, p. 14

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P>AGE' 14, TIIURSDAY, AUIGLJSI' 24, 1972, W1lI'i'Y IRE I lRI S' week. Eixlpenises could bc greýater* thian ,ciiticiplate(l. Moncy aliairs are due to brîgightcnthe Ilatter part of Sepilt eambeir. 0Gami ni1 : Mav 2l.to June20. You wiII experience another stimuliating seven-day period. You cou Id becomne involved ini events outside your immediate sphere. Capricorn, you often enjoy intriguing events and you could contribute much to an enterprise that is new and startlingly diff'érent. Your excellent organization qualities and your con- tributions in time and energy couid 1urtlier a great cause. Ani exciting week fl'rYOu GeCIiini. YOLII' m1ost Sig- il'icant daIys a' Tlîursdhay thle 31Ist, l"'iday t he I st and Satur'day thie 2nd. Use inlluence anîd chiarmi wisely. A short jouî'ney over the weekend miay be pa'.1tiCLIlI'IIly joy l'IIi, aIOllig YOLI tb relax l'rom wlat lias beeni a hlectie week. C nc e r: June 21to July 22 Most signlit'icat daly of' the week is Satuî'day tlhc 2nid, whîch ks foi' you, a good day to start personal projeets. If' pla,,nninig t go only a, shor't distaniice t'or a vacationi, this week is ideal for- a carefree, simple kine. of trip. There could also be a last minute change in agenda. Le o: JulvZ3 to Aug. 22 Others look to you for leadership on the 27th and 28th of this month. Partnership funds are in a state of upheaval. Watch small expenses and overcxtend- ing bank credit - no matter how enticing the bar- gain. You must determine if you are in a position to afford it. Serious application to financial duties brings resuits on the 29th and 3Oth. Sound thinking brings solutions to these earlier problerns froni Aug- ust 3lst to September 2nd. Feb. 19 t. Marck 20 Give serious thought to the practical approacli un-- less you want the honest facts from a critical ana- lytical point of view on August 2.9th and 301h. Don't bring up your attidues toward ambitions and ac- complishments with your miarriage or business part- ner. You often attract eitical, practical, miaterialistie people to you in partnerships. The major men in your life need special hiandling on the week ends. These people are feeling energetic and quarrelsoîne. You find it hard to deal with themn, anti harnîony must give way to hard persistent work. A r iaes:. Mrehl1to April 1 This month began on a high activity note and ends on the same. On Sunday the 2-7th and Monday the 28th, your most significant days, you feel the full impact of projeets started in recent weeks. You are likely to be surprised and impressed with the results of your endeavours. Finances corne under fine dur- ing the middle of this seven-day period and may re- quire reorganizing your budget. Friday the first of September could be a ment'ally-charged day. Taurus: April28toMay28 Another exciting seven-day peniod for you Taurus. Tuesday the 29th and Wednesday the 3Oth are your most significant days. Energy is high at this time. Finances could be stressed during the middle of the Travel plans are high on the agenda l'or this expan- sive seven-day period. This would bc a good Lime to begin a vacation. Your intuition is high on the 2-7th and 28th. Play hunches--within reasonable limits. You could experience a budget upheaval around thie first few days in Septernber. 1Vr 0o: Aug. M to.Sept. 2 Nothing new happening as of yet. The action will conie later. The 28th is a day to cernent* and improve i'iendshiips. On the 29th contact an older person l'or advice. You cati constructively Advance your career and business matters at this timie. Don't expeet imn- miediate results. What you decide wîll he important l'or a long lime. Lib r a: Sept. Z3to Oct. 22 Uni'inished projects should be cleared away bei'ore thie first of the month il' possible. SignifIcant days are Thursday the 31Ist and Friday the I st-an ex- cellent timie ho start a vacation. Accommodations shou Id be-checked bel'ore i'inally em barking. S corpio: Oct. 23 to Nov. Z2 Your lunar cycle is at its low on the 28th and 29th. Il is a time to let others carry the bail. You cani't kecp going like a house on fine aIl of the timie. By the 29th, you should hiave business matters under control. Your period ahead will ho active enoughi anid this weekend wouîd be a good period to gel off by yourself or with those in your inner circle to find peace and quiet. Sa g t t a riUS: Nov. 23 toDft. 21 This is a period of finishings and completions and continuing the evcry day goings on. You can't bc on the go aIl of the time. You aire probably exhaustecl froni last week. The 29th cou Id bring a comnmunica- tion fnom a distance. ln-laws could be Iîcîpful at thlis finie. AlL ABOUT THE TOTAL LOOK The Sun 15 shining The air is balmnY ail tîe 1 gci. out of your uptights-at a new cul tasal1972 - blunted, slightly layered, a fringe over the brow - Sassoon's new rice bowl cul; blower dried by Tom, Frieda, or Charlotte. P.S. We carry the very best in conditioners, shampoos, treatments for you to use at Shome. Brihng your head in for a check-up. We'Ilre hair doctors for the whole t'amily. THE TOTAL LOOK MEN'S & WOMEN'S GROOM ING SALON 103 DUNDAS ST. WEST 668-3061 668-938 f ree press ini new headquarters The ciry was, 'Go Northi young man!' The task was niioiLlnlental. We tiad to miove the entire office of the Whitby lErc Press froni the oit1 office at 301 Byron St. S. bt te new office at 2 1 2 Brock St. S. Now that îuiay not seeni like a big mnove to miost people but il does present its problemis. Little things tend to get annoying; like trying to get a fouir foot desk throughi a thî'ee and a hiaîf foot doorway., Arnong the things that were mnoved is a clialk sketch of a nude which was dlonc by Mrs. D. Hatchie of' the Whitby Arts Station. For some strange reason it was hung over this reporter's desk iii the inew of- f'ice andi it is a littie liard to keep your minci on work. There is a tcndency to keep Iooking up and imiagining wliat the lady would look like with lier clothes on. If you tried to phone us on Friday it might have been difficuit to get through because our phone had to be diseonnected for a while. They're all working 110w sQ if you have a complaint about flot getting a paper, or if you have a hot news tip, or if you just want to say hello eall us at 668-6111I or 668-6 112. As for the great move we're just about settled clown ini our new office ...more or iess. 77 Years Young '6 g'tq~ F. It's not everyday tlîat you celebrate a seventy-. scventh birthday. so the Whitby Free Press staff honoured their friend "old timer". Mr. Alfred Bruce with a surprise, candled birthday cake. Mr. Bruce is a Dunlop Street, Whitby resident wlîo writes letters to the editor and who visits the office every Tlîursday for an early paper. He was seventy-seven on Sunday, August 20 and celebrated by going to Church and then d ig- ging potatoes in his garden. To what does he attribute his long life? "Well, 1 gave up cig- arettes twenty ycars ago, I take only an oc- casional drink - and I don't take chances," said the chuckling old timier. WHITBY-mHARRISON FUELS LIMITED "Your ADealer" 211 Brock St. S. Phone:668-36lO Opn Evenings- Tuesday and Thursday (Ladies) i4 / 1400 DUNDAS ST. E. - WHITBY "If you want to look your best" Whitby Scarborough (416»668-4321 (416)>439-0241 WIth C a p r co rn : Joyce R od Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Aqu ari un: Maa.20UFeb. 18 Foi .* c: 15 WORDS FOR $14 IN ADVANCE Classified BUY RENT 668-6111 SELL-HIRE

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