Whitby Free Press, 24 Aug 1972, p. 8

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P>AGE. 8, TIIIRSI)AY, AUGUST 24, 1972, WHIiTBY FRI P IRESS DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE The Interior Design Centre Serving 107 Byron St. Whitby and District 6856 DODD & SOUTER'S, is one of WHITBY'S busi- nesses with an excellent reputationi. It is very succcss- fully owned a nd operated by HOWARD SOUTER and GRANT DODD, who is artistically creative, and whose talent has proven very helpful for hiornemnakers of the area. A visit to DODD & SOUTER'S will be enlight- ening for there is a large selection of draperies and carpets specially selected for quality. The eye-opener here is the prices. Tfiey hiave proven that their prices are within the reach of every- Dne and that Quality does not have (o be purcfiased by a hiigh price tag. Another addcd attraction is their ýornpIete Interior Decorating Service. Visit or telephione DODO & SOUTER DECOR whether your home be Young, newly es(ablisficd. or more well-establisflcd homne iakers, the talenit here will fielp create ani interior for you. We fiighly rccomrnend tliis service l'or (fie best quality' in BURLINCTON CARPET, CIL PAINTS, and SUNWORTH WALLPAPERS. H. H. GOODE & SON LTD. Valuable Asseit to (lie Eeoîuonuy of this Farming Area )01 Brock St., North 668-2917 H. H. Goode & Son Ltd. is a business dedicuted o the farmners of Ontario Couinty and provides be- -ides general Farnu products and services, additional ,onsulting and infornmative services (o assist (ie lkî.rmi )roducers (o greater profits. lfiey carry a complete varicty oh' Feeds, Seeds, ~ertilizer, Lubricants, Gasolitue and Oi1, plus mnany )ther articles too nunîcrous to inention. 1I'lîis pro- ,ides for the farmers of thie arca a stopping place (o )uy quality products at Low Prices. It is quite undcrstandable why (fis firrn lias pro- iressed so rapidly over dlie past years, us (lîcir reliable ;ervice plus top quality products hiave been made ivailable to the farm producers of the district. Pheir first concern is your complete satisfaction. They ,)rovide the people of this district a Service and Top Iýuaity Products unequalled in its field. We do not 'tesitate to recornrend this lîighly regarded organi- mtion to alI of our readers.1 MacCARL PRO HARDWARE (WHITBY) LTD. rovides Modern Shopping Facilities to the People From AUl Parts of Whitby [ 13 Brock St., South 668-27251 Many Depantment Stores and Discount Houses -arry some General Hardware Lines, but MacCARL FIARDWARE, features a most Complete Variety, uhere you can select a Top Quality Line of Merchan- lise at Popular Prices. Plus the fact that RALPH ViacCARL and his staff have years of experience in lardware Business - which assures us ail of able assis- tance with our purchases. Through careful purchasing and by selecting only :he finest stock of General Hardware, Appliances, 3jarden Tools, Boits, Screws, Nails, Saws and rnany )ther tools, and thousands of articles too nurnerous :omention has enabled (his Hardware organization :enjoy the excellent reputation they have built. Tlhis fias been an estabîisfied FHardware business iirected by RALPH MacCARL. The friendly atmosphere (fiat predominates at ail imes, places this store in a class of its own. In making -.his review of the progressive busiîîess in WHITBY, vie wish (o refer MacCARL PRO HARDWARE WHITBY) LTD. (o you, as one of the distinctive -actors of thie commercial efficicncy of (fis area. Wh. l Mn TOTAL LOOK division of beauty clinie ltd. The Newest Concepts ini Complete Groorning TOTAL LOOK fias introduced to this area, one of the inost beneficial professional services (o men and womien. Mcei and Wornen oft'hfe area, who wish to add a distinctive touch to goocl groorning should visit TOTAL LOOK, wfiicfi fias been decorated very taste- fully witlî that appeal for nien and worncn witfl sep- arate departnients. Sîice this exclusive service first becaine introduced to the area, min and womien of' thec district stcar(ed iaking regular visits (o (lus sfiop. Thien the trenîd began to catch on and soon evcry per- son who hiad hecard of TOTAL LOOK was intcrested in their services. Capably operatcd by MRS. I IUGI ILS, anîd us- sisted by quulified hiairstylists, p)rol'essioiîa-l sca,.lp spe- cialist, cosnîetic t herupist, aIl spccialîy t rained i n imi- provîig your appearance. TOTA L LOOK is certainly wortliy of' patronage ofl al thle smnart nmen and womiei of' (lie district. Tfi ri-Oih their vell chosen t reatînents. thîey, are ah le to brinuîOit those i nîp)ortulit qLuali ties ut' s'ouil dh Iigu ity zani good grOoni i îg. We take grea..t pleasure iii (lus review i c'erriiîe TOTAL LO)OK loi' (le il timalte 111 good1 groo1i i ig, us wve feel (fiat onice YOLI visit lere you wîll Iînid yoUr nanie added (o a long I is( t of'cnpletely sut isfied cLuStoriiers. JOE THIE PLUMBER ONE OF THE FINEST 12-8 Brock N., 668-4247 l'hîis business wlîihwus estubl islied ~îIn 9(12, is under the persoîîal direction t fJoe SCoiutîiwell, with 25 years experience. l'ie tîrm tfeutuires only bet ter knowiîfines of pluibing anid hlting [ixtuires which are wel I recogu ized for- q ual i y a nd service ai iity. I t is (rue tlîu fl tukes good dependable prodtict s (o have tlhe tfiest Plunu bing and Hfeu t ing Systeni, bu t i t is ulso inuportatt(o lave it properly installed by au1*1r-111 suefi as Joe's, wlio lias been ideiî(ified with (fie trude for niany years. Hlere t hey are special ists in miodemn bathl- roomis and miodern heatiîg, botfi gus andc oil, also ser- vice work on aIl types of plumibing aiîd elect rie wa(er heaters, (luis iîcludes repairs, aîteratioîîs and new iii- stallations l'or residentia,,l, commnercial and iîîdustrial services, as weIl as special gas Iîeating. We sugges( you try (his up-to-date organization for your plumibing and heatiîug requirernents as people, troLigilout (tic area have been npleased lwi( (tf- ie vy atisfactory work, t 4 STOLK'S HOME BAKERY 141 Brock St. South 668-3586 Feature Distinctive Products Which Are Favoured Ini This Area. The (asty products of this firn are greatly ap- pireciated by (fie people of (fis area. Fully recognizing their responsibility (o the public (fie sîîop, which opened in 1970 is owned and operated by JIM AN- DELA, and scrving the langer part of this area, backed by JIM'S long and con(inued experience at baking ever improved bakery products l'or years are providing complete variety of the Frcshest and Tastiest Baking Products, sucfl as DANISH and FRENCH PASTRY, CAKES,, HOMEMADE BREAD, FANCY COOKIES for Parties, Clubs and Banquets. lu every product of' STOLK'S fresh ingredients, suefi as eggs, milk, best grade Ilour, sugar, yeast and othen essential ingredients, whichî are carefully blended and mixed, then accunately and scientificaîîy baked by means of tlue îuost mnodenu equipment iuder approved and rnost sanitary conditiouns by skilled bakers. Any of our readers wlio nuay have beeru 50 un- fortunate as not (o have tried (luese excellent pro- ducts, may we suggest you visit STOLK'S HOME BA- KERY, as (hueir products are worthuy of highiest recoin- mndat ion. h.tby WHITBY AUTO WRECKER'S Serves An Important Need to the Garagemnen and Motorists from Windsor to Montreal Brock St. N. 668-3322 Motorists, garagemen and the general public have corne to know that when it cornes to used auto parts, there is a wide selection at WHITBY AUTO WRECK- ERS, owned and operated by Walter Labanovich. Serving the area in a double capacity they also pay fairest prices for wrecked cars. Most progressive firms rely on WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS to supply thern with used parts that are liard to gct. Garage operators have shown preference l'or their services because of dcpendability and ex- cellent reputation. There is probably no other organization in the whiole Auitornotive trade tiîat lias cxtcnded suchi an Efficient Service to Garage Operators than this firrn. Rememiber, wfiether you arc buying or selling, you are assurcd of courtcsy and friendly services frorn WHITBY AUTO WRECKER'S, "The House of A Mil- lion Parts" and the logical firrn to contact for good tisecl auto parts, as wc arc plcased to refer thecir ser- vices to otîir readers. ARLIE'S SALES WHERE PEOPLE FROM THIS AREA DEAL W[TH CONFIDENCE 208 I)uîdas St. West 668-9397 Tis lirmn was founded \vith tlhe higfiest principles in business. Tlle firmi is capably directed by Bob Kluper and every nimber oftfli staff fias contributed iii a large mleasLire to (fie suiccess of the firm. people [rom aIl parts of' the area are assured of being able to choose witli great confidence, thie car of' their choice [romn a NIIW MAZDAÂI1600 c.c. aniid I1800 c.c. overliead cam., piston engine also featLîring the (the revolutioîîary Rotary engine. In Road Test maga- zine MAZI)A was chosen out ol 33 import cars 1972 "CAR QI? THE Y[-AR", also available finest Quiality ('hecked Used Cars. Thiis lirnî's greatest asset is tlieir good reputation wliicfi tfiey liave uipfield tlîrougfi Fair and lioncst Poli- cies iii ail buisiness condiîcted by themi. Froni the very inîstant you stop)fiere, you realize tlbat tfis f*irîn'is cour- (COLIS Sales Staff are on the job (o sec (fiat you are shlown the many nmodels suitcd (o your individuial re- (1iliremients. Af'ter a demionstration drive in your cho- sen car, you will drive [rom fiere kîîowing (fiat with their policy of' satisfaction to customiers, you have becomie another of' their rnany hundreds of satisfied custorners wfio already know (fiat ARLIE'S SALES is the place to cornelfor dependable transportation and service. BEA VER LUMBER CO. LTD. Thie Greatest Name in the Building Supply Business in Canada 419 Dundas St., East 668-5818 This firrn enjoys the enviable reputa(ion by vir- tue of' over 65 ycars ot'f onest business dealings with (fie public. Thuis is an aIl Canadian Cornpany with over 300 branches l'ronu British Columbia (o Quebec. There are 83 branches iii Ontario and this is the world's largcst Building Supply Company. Their excellenît branefi in WHITBY is very capably rnanaged by WILL SCHNEIDER. Thcy fea- turc a coînplete line of supplies for buildings of al types. Thcy are complete HOME IMPROVEMENTS DEPARTMENT STORES, displaying tlue Iatest ,de- velopuients in pluîuubiuug and lieating equipnient and supplies, mouîdings, carpets, (iles, builders' hardware, waîîboard and panelling, and 1001 articles (00o nu- merous to mention. Their qualified staff wil Advise you on your building requirernciits without obliga- tionî. So why not go ahuead witlu your plans for re- rnodelîing or buildinug anud stop iii at (huis dependable firm and sec fiow thecy can assist you in (fis reéspect. Stop) in at BEAVER HOME CENTRE and dis- cus Beaver Budget Buying for aIl your buildiing plans as "BEAVER" features Quality Buildinug ProduIc(s at Best Prices.

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