-site of th, -BY ILSE lSIEI 0f Mtunichi is the place where the 201th Olympiad is being held right now. More than 200 ouItStanc11linlg Canlad ian athletes ýare conîpetinig there with the best mies of' the world. Perhaps il would be of interesi to know a' few d-eta.ýils the Caîad ian v isitor-s wiIl enl- counîel-i' h Munlich. Fý.ounded by Monlks called "'N'1unicbs" iin the Mîcidile Ages, it becanie the l3avarian Capital. Itlibas nlow a 1 .3 m1illioni population. Iln Spite of' ail tbe char-acteristies of a modemi city like higb r-ises,GO- systeinîs ad a su1bWvay. it still bas preser1vedt the in- tiînacy of' its old parts witb its early baroque build- ing"s. such a',s churches and palaces. A wealth of' art treasures ini galleries and museumis. a vi.gorous in- tellectual anid muLsical life. the character of its peo- ple, the harinony between the city itself aid ils surrounidings, ail these thinigs are part of Muniich, or "Muienchien" as it is called iii German. For gen- erations il has attracted artistically iftted or appre- ciative outsiders who then settled there: North Ger- mans. Scandinavianis. Russianis. English and Anieri- cans. OUr picture shows "The English Garden" (called after ils origirtator, Count Rumftord). This is an extensive park wbich was laid out amiong the enclianting woods and streamls of' the Isar Valley at Police News On Monday niglt. Harold W. Burrows, 30, of 15 Oshawa Blvd., S. was arrested and charged witlh the August 22nd robbery of' Cosgroves Variety in Brooklii. [ariy Tuesday niorni- ing police chiased ai mo- torcyclist up Garden St. North w"here lwie ost con- OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE FAÂLL TERM OPEN INO Tuesday, Sepiemfber 5, 197?2 Six Business Courses from which ta choose: Business Administration Course Accelerated Secretarial Course Secretarial 'Ca urse Accounting Course Stenographic Course Clerk-Typist Course Individual Instruction. Job Placement Assistance. Modern Equipment. Practical Training. Get complete details in free brochure -- "Job Training in Business" Special Programs for Ho usewives. Evening Classes. Act Now. Enrolment is Limited Dial 728-0052 -- 18Simcoe Stieet North, Ã"SHAWA.. trol of' bis bike and over- t uriid. Glen Hubert, 21, of' 1010 Dundas St. East Whitby vas taken hto O shawa General Hospi- tai f'or treatilient ol lus ij ries and later charged witb operating a mnotor- cycle witbout current li- cence plates, careless Lriving and operating a mlotor veicele \vbile bis drivinu, licence was under OPEN HOURS Sunday thru. Thurs Friday and Saturday 4.00 P. M. 4. 00 p. m. Olympics the endi of the I 8th century. 1In the background part of' the silhouette of' Munich are the ""Fraucnikirchie- towers" ,amiong otiiers. And the door handis startsd ta turn . 0. For Arthur Spanner, 72, il was a story straigit 0out of' the Twilighrlt Zone. He was sitting in the kitchien of' bis home at 2 I15 Trent St. S., 01n Saturclay nighît during the stormi witli the lomer off whien lie noticeci the liandie of' his loor turning. As the handile jiggledi and slowly turned, cuîrousity tnot the best of Mr. Spencer so lie wvalked over and.yanked th1w door open. Facing lhn w~as a wou Id-be tbief' with a knifc in bis liand. lie liad been using the knife, to tr-y and force the dloor open when Mr. S panner caugl t imii in the act. Su rprised at being cauzh t, thew thie'f lied and M Ir. Spanner called thle police. to 1.00 a.m. to 3. 00 a. m. WJII I BY RH PRI 5, I IltIRSI)AY, AUI SI 31, 1972, PA(.I'9 Bro-oklin Hardware 668-3831 15e/lo OF F MENI'S AND BOY' S BI CYC LE S 583 BaldlwiflSI., Open 83:30 - 6 Fridlaysa Oshawa Transit a transportation system with a new look Wherever you live in Oshawa, you'ii sec our modern, comfortable coaches with their bright yeiiow and blue stripes. The chauffeur at the wheeli s speciaiiy trained for his job - dependabie service to you. Safety for our passengers is uur first cuicerIl. Effective Date for New Tirne Tables and Routes is September 5 O shawa Transit Ewi . rsog. Ei., hir Oshawa Public Utilities Commission Roy J. Fleming. Vice Chairman G. Brian Dolherty, MD, Commissioner David G. Brady, Commissoner Mayor EdwardG. McNeely, O.C., Commissioner MUNICH Br ooklifl NOW SHOWING CIt a Attn.3l ept - the~ WAUtFN RV4TY itc t eON SAME PROr<AM. Girflit ha PETER SELLERS ADIJLT ZNTERTAiNm£NT Childron's Mtin.. Sot. 1:30 p. jerry Lewis as the Patsy Com111iNg Sept. 3 -4 -5 Jacqueline Susanne ~ Love Machine 2MDFEATURE BOB 9 CAROL S TED B ALICE STARRINO Natalie Wood Robert Cul p Elliot Gould Dyan Cannon STARTS WED. Aduit Entertainme,'t JOHN WAYNE and THE COWBOYS- Aduits 1.75 Phone 668-3618 Children . 50 Stuts .5 Sh'wSrts 7.01 r.rn. Duuly FREE PARKINGS PIZZAZZIP 668-6495 (o.. And Visit Us At 106 Byron St. S. WHITBY 0000 ~~MFRO 00000000000 SpeciaIists in Stereo Sound Equipiient CUSTOM INSTALLED ALL WORK GUARANTEED KING & MIDWAY DATSUN formerly ZOLTAN & NICKS Now Locat.d at 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. 668-6828