P>AGE 2, TIILRSI)AY, ALý';u(ST 3ý1, 1972, W1IITB3Y ERE11 PLS STAND Up, FOR YOUR RIONTS The stage is set. The timie and date are f ix d. 7:15 p.m., Tuesday. September 5, 1972 at Whitby Town Hall- and this timie - you, the taxpayer - are invited ta attend. The occasion'? Nothiing more innocent than meeting ta discuss (quote fromi a town ad on page Il-), "the provision of arena facilities, the police building project, the municipal building project and the library building proect" - "and ta establish priarities for the undertaking of these projects." The acting should be superb. Especially for those who were around for Round 1 in the battle of 'Taxpayers Versus the Rossland Road Town Hall". Strangely enough contenders opposing the town hall proposai at the tinie wanted the string broken on a three-way package. And presto it is. W -hat was once the munIlicipaý-l and police complex with library-at-thie-old-toxvn hiall thirown in. is now "the arena t'acîlities, the police bUild- ing project. th1e municipal building project and the library building p)raject." Odd too that just a few short miontlis ago we heard that no one (despite the claniouring' hundrecis on file at thie Ontario Municipal Board) opposed thie Rossland Road Town Hall proposaI. Now xve shallundoubtedly hiear that due ta noted apposition, town fatliers sportingly agree that the will of thie people shaîl prevail. Or wards ta that effect. lsn't it ironie tliat the Septemnber 5th, meet- ing supercedes by just two days, a Sep)temiber 7 meeting where the major, local, service clubs will mnerge ta give seriauIs thIought ta a non-political p)rop)osed arena complex for the tawn'? The first notice to the people of Whitby on the proposed town hall at Rossland Road ap)- peared ini tle formi of a 'notice of comncil's ini- te'ntion ta dispense with a vote of' the electors on Chiristmnas Eve mnd New Year's Eve. Thle September Sthi public meeting follows the long Labour Day Weekend aller advcrtising (ýa t press time at least) uncomifortably close to deadline day in two local newspapcers. hiere's hoping you aren't too bLIsy reparing l'or the long hiol- day weekend. Eveni the niost timiorous of pundits would venture a guess that with a subtle shiifting of priorities, the Police building andi arena wil came aLit oni top witli the library following close behiind and the proposed and conItentiaUS town hall . - - . mnaybe ini limibo. A sudden spurt of council generosity? Election time is just round the corner. Withi a suddeni but sub[tie snitting of pri- orities a politiciani will be let geintîy off the hook. Somiewhere along tie fine a munIIicipal pro- jeet of some burnîing ambition blas already gone from a thiree-ini-onie parcel ta four separate sen- sible itemis. The only gift ta be offered the people of Whiitby can takle place on September 7 for- tlie 4 &gil't" on thie 5 tIi WOUILdcost thle taIx pa'yer twice Thie stage is set anid it iicleed appears as if thie people of Whiitby once more wouLdI be Lised as îxawns iii a game of' polit ics. P)eople of' Witby be thiere 7: 15 p.m.. i'usdy.SepteInher 5 thl. If0111Y to dCefenld you r oxvn righlts. .-.ivv4r~WRIE VAYWtiý-4ÃŽE STER F-zCE 1ý5 Yh- UNKNCWN t-ER TELEPL4ONE 'REVEAL5 CHýS IN1I-iE STRET AND POSGI tA5 THE W(Nc6EEP WARRIOR RULFR«.NW N ONF- --ý1 Ae? R-r cmAN ANE W 1CT4I YERTRAL * ~.* ~ tAPP GÃ"LMIFATA E/N9L)5CNt HEw/// r= ~ j?-T 4EEWL ýeAA>EFFO>-C1Nf tC-1EwE oLDC4 ~ ~~Q37 ~~2 jaro WI1LL q LLANT-E tv OeEWEAPON-- F1 ETAT ER -rEVORA AZ? 11-lEE C IU I.LO4Sa3H r-44,< 144t_=SW//V7A0TION? OZ-UIAIS,4T A NE&»Ë .C . . ..U. . .. . u&>lID/)t 4 s .............. -E * ;- îy ~ci ao.A~TC~EEI. '4F0F<N-Y nextweekintroducing Big Bad Johnan biStg d'i' t or ia o m ml en and his Stogy next week