Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1972, p. 13

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MOTORi NG with Mike Burgess Il woultl be 'old-hiah' ho say tha,,t Eniîerson Fittipaidi hias clinchied the I1972 Worki Driving Ciianipionship because l 'ni sure Iliat the avid en- thusiasts of Grand Prix Ratcing knlew that eleven days ago wiîen Fittipaîdi won thie Italian Grand Prix at Monza. Witli onîy two races left ini the se- ries, the Labatt's 50 Grand Prix of' Canatda, Sept. 241i, tandtihie U.S. Grand Prix Oct. 8th, Fitti- pald i's point total (6) I ) is ýalmIost double thaý,t of' Denis Hulmie ini second place witil 3 1. Fittipaldi also lias a chance ho equal thie laIe .1 mi Clarke's record of' seven Grandtl Prix victories in a sinîgle season. Emerson Fittipaldi (Brazil), Jacky lckx (Beîgium), Graban.,lii Hill (England), Clay Regazzoni (Switzer- land), Denis Hulime andi Chris Amon (New Zea- Iand), Jean Iier Beltoise aind Francois Cevert (France), ýant i maniy, mianiy more!....Sounds like tlhe 'Who's Who' of raci,îg! The cars they will be driving wiII of course be Fornmula 1 single seater, open-wheel type ra- cers, weiglîing iîot less than 121i2 lbs., andi pow- ered by engines uip 10 3,000 cc (approx. 180 cuibic inciies or I1500 ce suipe rchargeci). The race wiIl be 80 laps, 196.27 miles, and approximaidtely two hours ini duration. Friday anti Saturday wiIl be practice and qualif'ying for the Grand Prix anti for the pre- liîinary races. Sunday at 2:30 p.mn.thie flag dlrops f'or tuie last big race of tlie year ini our area. Atd- vance tickets are availiable ini Ajax at Hýarwood lace, ýand ini Oshîawa ut Laton's (put in on youir cretlit card!), anti ut the Midtownl MaIl. Last Sunclay O.M.S.C. mienîbers comnpeted ini Hamiilton for Hamîilton Sport Car Cluib's Regional Chaiiîîîpisip lSlalomi. Ruthli alliday was thie first latly, drivîing lier own Vega CT. Jimn Fanmrne, also WIIITBY FRIE PRESS, TIIURSDAY, S1EPThEMBER 21, 1972, PAGE 13 ini a Vega GýT, took first place ini class 'H'. Hannu Halminen drove his Diatsun 240Z 10 a second ini class 'B', and also second was Don Clemient in class 'J' with bhis Z28 Camaro. Also last Sunday, the 'flyîng cars' cornpeted ini the duist at Swiss Chalet Park in thie first Cana- dian Endurancc Race . . . . 100 miles of blooci, sweat and tears (and dust!). The drivers provided ail kinds of exciternent withi traffic jams, off track trips, and even hiad a couple of new memibers ini the 'Upside Down Club'. And with over $4,000 in cash prizes ah stake, they-try harder! Anyway, some of our Canadian mioney wenh over the border with Bob Slais when lie returned home 10 Michigan. He took top hionours, and de- served it. l'Il bel lie hiad an inch of dirt on him when lie finishied the race! 'Tii next week, Happy Motoring! THE FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET ",W*e buy .and eLjanythîng." 23 PRINCE S 725-9783 OSHA 1 "We can't give you anything but SERVICE"fr Emierson Fittipaldi bas clinched the World Duvng Charnpionship. Photo by Mike Burgess At 25, lie Is tbe vounti(est l[-ormfla 1 cbanm- pion ever and the fi rst B raz ilia n tbi n the \void 'ls mlost prestigiouis auto racing crown flot bad for a iiloxx' who started by racing miotorcycles at 1 5. Another first, aithougli not too xideiy puIb- I icized. is the fltactiba t Emierson Fittipakdi ilbs been miarried îwice, and, i.;ing back îforis th ird bou t w itb the altar anid wou Id you believe ail wi t h the saine person? FHe saLi it was sonîiethînig to do0 xvîi passports and clianging biis w i le's naý,nie and 1Igo t so confutsed ble iost nIle conifpie tely! Not oniy lias lie\von 5 grand Prix races Ibis season. but lie lbas aiso woni two Formula -, evenîts. two nion-cbam iIonisbip iForm ula 1 races: a nd took the S 25.000 first prize Ini the R otIbm ni.'s50.000, uroesricliest au to race. 1Littîl i ba ls o1uI, raced once inCad. p)IIaCîng -seven tIilasi vea r at 1M osport. Tkaiii [Â)t us bvý-paissed tbe I1)70) race ou t of' respect tfor J1oclieni BuIt da ereat deal Of' tu crCIedît 1Ilit111)îpa LId1,s sUccess tinis vea r Inusi ootIo Colini bpn ieam Lotuso rga niza lion. % 1lîib brouliht flib e Lo- tus 72 fromi a baIky. unriiel jable macbine In 11)71I to an ex trenîely fast and very rel jable racin., car ini '7'. As a resut t.lbe lbas oniv faileci to fin islî in two of thie 10( Grand Prix races bo date. Ilinftie resi. lie bias tiever fin isbied worse tban irdi-i For flie Labaitt's 50, Emierson xviii be driving a JPS Lotus 7-'D builî by LotuIs cars and powered by a ('osxvortb-Ford enginie. Talking aIbout tlils Sunday's race a.itNlosport it's initerest ing to nlote Ibat Il1e priz.e i oney is going 10 lie over S-200.000, not to mention S25M 5.00o the wînnier! Neeclless to say Ibat vwitbi a ricb putrse sucli aIb hIi uptfor grabs. tlie 'biggies' are going to be liere. l'ie world's top drivers, iii- cîuding sucb namiiies as i ackie Stewart ( Scotîand ). REGISTIE R rT,1 E KIDI)ES NOW! FOR POIStE AND SELF ('ONFI DENCE, REGISTER NOW FOR BALLET. CLASSES HELD AT HENRY ST. HIGH SCHOOL MONDAYS, BEGINNING OCT. 2nd bo DEC. 16t11 6:30 p.mi. 10 7:30 p.mi. 12 WEEKS 0F INSTRUCTION FOR ONLY $15. PROFFiSSIONAL INSTRU('TOR REC iSTrilATIOIN: MIOINIAY, SEPT'. 25ti, 6:30-7:30 p.îi., N EW CAFET"ERIA, lIE NRY SRETIlICI I FOR FU RTIIER INFORMA'tION PHON E- WFIITBY RECREATlI()N I)EI>T. 668-5803 Enjoy a Cup of Coffee and visit our 10 Car Showroom. Kingvar offers you Oshawa's targest inventory of Japanese Cars. CAN YOiu AgF FORD BANK FINANCINO AVAILAB LE 12~/ KING ST. 1. OSHAWA (1 MiUEAST 0f flAMONY RD.) COROLLA Front disc brakesf electric rear defogger, 1200 c.c. engine, undercoated, re- clîining front bueket seats, with 20% down, including tax, freight and gas. PAYMENTS of $62.00 a month - 36 mos. Scotia Loans Intere st $2188 EXAMP LE: NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 MONTHS AT $72.67 PER MONTH -SALES SERVICE PARTS- KINGVAR ITE 723m1176

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