Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1972, p. 14

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.AL14, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1972, WFITBY FREE PRESS WI th ,Joyce Reo d For Period Septeniber 24th to 3Oth CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Significant days fur you Capricorn are Monday, the 25th, and Tues- day the 26th, wlhen you miay have an opportunity to speculate on a venture outside of your professional intcrests. Money mnaking schemes intrigue you, but research the project before reaching for your cheque book. Be especially shrewd if the person involved in this venture is a friend. This project could be a success later but scek advice. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 You have everything going for you early in thc week. Take advantage of contacts now. You've entered a inew cycle of social prestige. Much of your future success depends upon your courtesy. Monday the 25 th, and Tuesday the 26th are excellent days to concentrate on your home responsibility or finances. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 On the 2Sth and 26th concentrate on budgets, bis and practical af- fairs related to business. Constructive planning and organized effort pays dividends on these dates. An optimism invades your view of life, and when you are cheerful your humour and kindness miake you a very valu able person to have around. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 Your most significant days of the week will be Monday the 2Sth and Tuesday the 26th whcn the moon travels into your own sign. This could bc a brilliant mental period. You cou Id land on the bullseye if you try. Saturday the 3Oth, wou4d bc an ideal time to entertaîn in your home. A dinner for two or a small party wliere everyone can re- lax and be themselves. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20< You are on top this week. Energy is restored. Tuesday the 26th and Wednesday the 27th, could prove to bc the niost exciting period of the mon th. Du ring this last week-end of the nonth close famnily mcem- bers assume importance. You nmay plan a festive get-together and it should prove to be doubly joyful. Co-signing a promissory note can bc hazardous under the best of conditions. Weigh the possibility care- fully before you agree, even if the request is made by a relativc. GEMINI - May 21 to June 20 Energy is high during this scven-day interval. You seemn to have re- captured your old spirit and lively -get up and go attitude". Mlid- week brings projects close to your licart to flic attention of' those in authority. Your most significant days are Thursday the 29th and Fnî- day the 3Oth when the moon is in your sign and draws attention to' personal beliefs. CANCER - JUNE 21 to JuIv 22 A bright new phase begins. Your outlook is improved. spirits are high, and by the end of the week you feel a sense of accomnplîihent. In- security vanishes, you regard tlic last few weeks as a bltir of inciden taI happenings. »Your popularity increases during the mniddle of tlie week, whcn invitations are tendcred. The mioon occupies your suin sign on Friday the 29th and Saturday the 3th. Modestly step inmb the spot- light! Good tîmes ahead! LEO - July 23 [o Aug. 22 Significant days for you, Leo are Sunday the 24t1i and Monday the 25th when occupational pursuits coine to the forefront. 01(1 friends and new acquaintances assume importance mid-week. Invitations are tendered from people older than yourself. This could be a hec tic week. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 The most significant pcriod for you Virgo is the 24th to the 26th. This period begins with an unexpccted surprise about rnoney. What ever it is, il is good. Jupiter enters Capricorn on the 25thi. For the rest of the year it wilI be passing through that area of your chart that has to do with love affairs, children and creativity in gencral. These things receive a boost and you pick up where you Ieft off in July. It is realiy up to you now, Virgo. Good luck. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 This is your favourite time of thc year. Early in the. week you inay feel somnewhat inhibited as a close reîationship appears tangîed. It is up to you to put matters rigbt. Look at the other person's point of view. Significant days are Thursday the 28th and Friday flic 29tlh. You should experieflce a sense of welî being. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 On the 24th an odd business opportunity coûld present itseîf'. I is very good. You can sec the handwritîng on the wvalI even if others can't. If they won't listen, be patient, their timie wiII coi-ne. Don't try to burn the candîe at both ends or your hiealth xviII suffer. If you get tired take a resb. Good times are ahead. SARDEN Il, by SIC§ Morris ULuIii-11 vw Fi'3i 4 uiieerti, surnmer arrange- itients of garden flowers in the c ouse [brougitout thie long winter? Thlis is the second of a q-part series by gardening columnist Mr. Morris on h ow [o preserve your garden flowers and weeds. Copies of Part 1, If you missed the Aug. 31 edition of [lie FREE PRES S available on request. NEXT WEEK, PART 3. MATERIALS TO USE FOR DRYING YOUR .GARDEN FLOWERS Whien drying flowers by ehernical measures; you should tise sîlica-gel which has been specially ground to extract moistuire from the petals and stems of flowers. Silica-gel is better than other materials such as sand, or sand and borax, etc. A good source of silica-gel is the Civic Garden Cen- tre at 777 Lawrence Ave. East in Don Milîs. You will find blue crystals have been added to indicate the silica-gel's activity. Thiese bluie crystals wiII lose their color whcn the silica-gel has absorbed its maximum arnount of mroistture and therefore becomes inactive. To restore its ac- tivity, spread the silica-gl evenly over a shallow pan and place in a 2250 oven. Stir and mnix up the granules occasionally, and leave in the oven until the blue color retuirns. Select the flowers yoLi are going to dry whien the dew is fully evaporated. Flowers shouîld be in peak condition becauise drying doesn't imiprove thieir appea rance. It is advisable to wire 75 woeosL mo $1 r Clossified b66S-6111 Steve Hanson Says: SERVICE US -MY BUSINESS Is your Lir Insurance in stcp with the times? Are present beneficiary arrange- iments still satisfactory? Are the benefits payable according to your family's bost interests? Have changing famifly needs made your lnesnt insurance inadequate? Just mail the coupon for belp 1 answering ihese important questions. --- - - - T S. K. <Steve)- Hanson T:Suite 501, Bell Tower, %i snawa Centre Osnawa,O ntario0 Maôn *Lfe lb.Maufctre 1. Isuane om rn the stemns of flowers Nin lv il. - - I Arlie,,Sales Ltd. The MAazda 808 Coupe 2O9Dundos St. W. Whitby 668-9397 Sil.- - - Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association Player Registration Sept. 23 &24 -10a.m. to 1p.m at Brooklin Legion Hall and the Council Chambers, Whitby Municipal Building There wili be no registration this season for participants born after December 31, 1965. A schedule by age group of this season's game times place wiIl be on display during registration. and I MIDWAY DATSUN form.rly ZOLTAN & NICKS Now Locat. at LMOUO 0FNOMBSA 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont., 66-6828 i M. ............ $2669. 1 1-11 9p" p , (.- Eveninp - Tuesday andThursdIay -140 DUNDAS $Te.L. - WHITI "if you want to look your best" WhIIbV SurbomOu5 <416»6ê4321(416) 439-W41 .A- so they will be easier to arrange. This should be donc beforc you put the flowers in silica-gel. You will likely find that roses hiave* a ten- dency to lose their otîter petals when remnoved from the silica-gel. This cani be remedied by plac- ing a small dot of glue between the outer row of petals and green sepals of the calyx. The container you are going to tise for hold- inig the silica-gel shotîld be a shallow tin with a tight lid. You should cover the bottom of the tin with 11'/2 iniches of the mixture. Whien you cover the f lowers with silica-gel the operationi must be donc carefuilly,,keeping a balance of material on ail sides of the petals s0 that they remain iin their original position and shape. It wilI take two or four days depending on the type of flower, for themn to dry. You shotîld rernove youîr dried flowers frorn the silica-gel very carefully. Neyer pull thec flower by its petal as you are liable [o ruin the flower. The dried flowers wiII pick up moistitre frorn the air. I t is therefore important that yotî place the flowers Ioosely iii ani air-tight container. It is also advisable to put a tablespoon of silica-gel in [1e container. This wiIl preveîit moisture fromi sottening the petals. Once your furnace lias been turniec on this Fait you cati display your flowers without anty worry of them pickinig up nloistLlre froin the air. If you ha,,ve aniy questions please forward to Sid Morris, c/o Whitby Free Press. Î)rp.gtrulrng eumtntr Ilobièrg

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