Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1972, p. 5

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WHITBY-ýHARRISON FUELS LIMITED "Your TXACO Dealer" .211 Brock St. S. -Phone:668-36lO DAVID) R.. PARSONS Cer [i ied (;eraI Accoutitant zmiiOices thie <peiiiig ol dl office fo~r the J)Iactice of Ilis Professionl ait 110 King Street East Oshawva, (Ontario 5 76 9511 TENDER TOWN 0F WHITBY SALE AND INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS FOR USE 0F CERTAIN LANDS The Corporation 0f the Town 0f Whitby hereby invites off ers for the purchase an.d development of ail or part of the following land- Part 0f Lts 3,4, l9and 20, Fourth Double Range, Werden's Plan, East of Brock Street, Town of Wfltby. More paricularly, being located on the west side of Green Street between Gilbert Street East and Ontario Street East, having dimensions of 126 feet by 314 feet with an area of 39,564 square f eet. Ail offers to purchase shall be mailed or delivered to the undersigned in a sealed envelope, clearly marked "Tenders for Land" and shali be accompanied by a cer- tif ied cheque payable to the Town of Wh itby, being 10% of the offer for the land purchase. Purchase terms.may be cons idered. Ail Tenders must be f iled on forms provided by the Clerk's Office and the closing date for Tenders is 2.00 p.m., Thursday, October 121h, 1972, at whichti ime ail tenders received will be opened in the Council Chambers. The highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. William H. Wallace, A.M.ýC.T., CLERK 405 Dudas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. Municipal Electioeon Regulations lfor inîunicipal clections liave been chianged Lnder Bill 77 of thie provincial governinent, passed June 19, 1972. The statutory requirement for a nomincation meeting lias been rcmoved. Howcvcr, that docs not mean that the council or any other organization sucli as the Chamiber of Comm-erce is prohibited Ironi hiavi ng a lforum. The forLmil held Lit the nomnination meeting in previocîs years was not a staitutory requiremient. Mr. Wallace wili recommiend that council have a tortim, possibly Nov. i13 or 14. Information on whio lias fiied nomination 'orins is available tllroLigh Mr. Wallace, starting Nov. 9. Timiel'or filing a nomination closes Lit 5 p.m. Nov. 13 andi a candidate lias tii! 5 p.mi. Nov. 14 to with- diraxv. Acclamnations w ili be annou nced Nov. 14 and the cie rk miay reject insLi'l'icienit nomninations. Final nomilinations wiIl be posted iiî the clerk's of'fice, Nov. 14 with naine, occupation, address and office nom i- nated for ecdi candidate. Nominations will be posted ais tlîey are certil'ied. Nov. 15S the times and places of Advance poils and thic election date will be published. Provisionî is mnade tlîat the clerk must mail no- tices to A electors advising of polling places. This was formerly donc by the candidates. Polling day is Dec. 4, Poils being open from 11I a.mi. to 8 p.mn. In past years the polis were open 9 a.mn. to 7 p.mi. Moving the closing an hour later wili give more working people a chance to vote. Official resuits of thie election will be vubliclv declLîred at noon, Dec. 7. Unofl'icial results wili be availLible the niglît of the clection or early the fol- Iowing day. A tally board wiIi be provided for tlie public in thie towiî hall counicil chiambers on electioîî iliglî t. TO BE NOMINATED American MotorsM ANNOU.NCEMENT Regjulations To be norninated, a candidate must have a formn signcd by at Ieast 10 electors whose îîarncs arc on the polling list of those cntitied to vote. He also nîust give his consent to the nomnination in writing. The nomination forrns are available in early Nov- emnber. The voters list is prepared throughi the assess- nient department and the clerk mnay revise it if necessary. The nomination meeting was removed, said Mr. Wallace, because at miost nomination meetings, thie lowns hiad to wait titi the next day to get confir- mations. The niew romnination procedure- is being donc becausc it is miore difficuit to get ten signa- tures than it is to have some one person nomninate you at a mieeting. The point is, if you arc well known you cani gel ten signatures. I up with- leade r. DAI SLIN 1600 s f x A ~ 4,5 54 ~ f 4 ~u~I 54 Baseline Rd. 2 miles west of Brock St. S- 668MKb mb-6 1 k4 1973 Javeliii Receives New, Roof Desigii American Motors' two-door sport,; hard- tops-Javelin and AMX-feature a new smooth-roof design with optional vinyl roof treatment covering the car top and rear piliars for 1973. Full-length raily stripes, erîhancing the Iook of action, are optional on the Javelin and AMX. Other styling highiights include a new reoessed plastic grille with rectangular park/tu-rn Iights for the Javelin, whîle an attractive mesh grille and rear deck spoiler distinguish AMX. Both cars incorporate new twin-pod taillight treatment. Bucket seats are stan- dard in each, with instruments and con- trois being arranged in an aircraft-type cockpit. Ail American Motors cars are covered by the company's exclusive Buyer Protection Plan. NOW SHOWINGth lSept --1 21 , 23 - 1U R F R 1. SAT. 668-3618 Wit keep you han ging AISaIRMCE on the edge PPE ofyoursentl ONUAPPUT EntoatinmentCOLOR *ON SAME PROGRÀUM ChIldrs,'s Matin@@St i3p Puf nstuf » C enda # Sept. 24, 25, 26 - SUN, MON. TUES. THE BOUI LEU "çaESTOO 2M REATURE TAKI NO OF F Adulis 1. 75PIne6838 Students1. 25 ShwSàf 7:0 p.Day FRONT PAGE DESIGN BY KEN DOWN TOWN 0F WHITBY MAIL SERVICE The Council of the Town of Whitby is in receipt of coniments and letters from a number of residenîs lndicating that as a resuit of the transfer of the mailing process from Whltby 10 the Osha'wa Post Office, there has been a general deterioration In the qualily of mail service to the people of this communi ty. In view of Ihese commenîs, the ci tizens of Whltby are i nvi ted to advl se the Council1 of thei1r comments on the level of mail service and in particular to provide the following (a) post marked envelopes of mail received, (b> advice as to0 the date thal the mail was re- ceived. Alil information should be forwarded 10 the under- signed by September 251h. i1972 after whlch lime the Council1 proposes 10 make further representa- lion 10 the office of the Federal Minister respon- sible for Postal Services. W m. H. Wal11ace, A. M. C.T., TOWN CLERK, 405 Dundas Street West, WHITI3Y, ONTARIO. at Berrie's Motor Sales Canda 1972(f 3ATSUt LO aaa iI sTAN Na.I C K '5 a )ýr ( oby Ct 172, &ou,,I&woe Chiidren .50 FREE PARKINGJ WHITBY FRET IIRI-"SS,'I'IIURSI)AY,,51,,'ýP'1-1,-4MBI,"R 21. 1972, PAGES

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