Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1972, p. 9

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Starr Nus Aduit Outlook, WFITBY F7REE PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMI3ER 28, 1972, PAGE 9 BroadbentÀ's Worked Hard' Say Whi.etby Electorate ELICTION à'72 A phone survey of tlie electorate in Wlitby tliis week seems to mndi- cate that Trudeau is los- ing some of the charisma lie will definitely need to get the Liberals in power in Ottatwa after the election. Many readers have in- dicated tliey liaven't seen any election cam- paign material except for sonie from tlie N.D.P.s. Ed Broadbenit was sure to run agaîii in this area followed by the an- nouincernent tliat Mike Starr wouild give it a try anid theti after a wait an antîouncernent that the Liberals were briniging in an Ottawa man, Peter Connolly'> ta run for themn. Mrs. Fry of Dundas St. feels Mike. Starr is tlie man slie would like to see as the next M.P. for the Wliitby Oshawa area. Slie explained lier clîoice, "I don't like what Mr. Trudeau lias done by spetîditug more nioney on the youinger population thian on tlie pensioners. " She feit tiiere was an abuse of governmnent spending be- cause of ail the .youth grants tliat liad been givenl out to soie or- ganizations witlî ratdier dubious repu tatiotis. Slîe felt thîe Trudeau goverti- nienit was ignoring thîe tîeeds oh' tlîc senior citi- TOWN OF WHITBY Notice Respecting Assessrnent Appeals The assessment ral may be lnspected during business hours, -at the Municipal offices Iocated at 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby. Any complaint with respect to any assessment on the assessment roll may be brought ta the Assessment Review Court pursuant to Section 52 of The Assessmient Act, R.S.O. 1970, c. 32 as amended by Section 10 of The Assessment Amenciment Act, 1971. Notices of Complaint must be madle in writing either by letter or on forms available at the Municipal Offices. For purpases of identification, please include your namne and postal address, and the reason (s) for complaint. If possible, note also the assessment roIl number, the street address, concession and lot numnbers, and the municipal ity in which the property under complaint is situated. Any Notice of Complaint shahl be mailed by ordinary mail to the Regional Registrar named below, and, in addition, by registereci mail ta any persan whase assessmei¶t is cornplained of, not later than the 3lst day of October, 1972. J.L.M. Harbinson, Regional Registrar, Assessment Review Court, Suite 303, 713 Davis Drive, Newmarket, Ontario. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., clerk your UNITED API PEAL Steve Hanson Says: Itfs Time to Take Inveiitory How long is iL since you stopped to consider your present Life hisur- ance in relation -to your family protection and retiremnent incarne needs? Famnily and business cir- cumnstances change every year. A Life Insurance programn set upi five years ago may be quite inadequate today. The Manufacturers LiCe Finan- cial Plainning Service will show you how far your present Life Insur- ance and other assets wil1 go in meeting these needs. TO: S. K. <Steve) Hanson Suite 501, Bell Tower, )sha~wa Centre Osflawa, Ontario A#lnuALife pu. MauDOea M nneCoMpa&M u i Co mI-tf ito p Markham Sept.28 to CAIlLE SHOWS HORSE SHOWS SHEEP & SWUNE CROP EXHIBITS zens who liad worked liard, paid their taxes, and finally retired to find tliey were not being given enough money. Mrs. Fry thouglit Mike Starr liad a more aduit outlook on the needs of tlie area but she couldn't cite one party as being better and said, "One party just seems to be as bad as the otlier lately." She added, "I'd like to see Diefenîbaker return as liead of the Progres- *sive Conservatives." A Metro police con- stable wlio receîîtly îîîoved to Whitby, anîd is very happy witli the tiiove, feit tlie N.D.P. lias the sanie senlsitivi- tics as lic does. P.C. Baiti of Harding St. wlîo works at 41 Division in Torotîto ex- plainied, "I'd like to sec BroýAbcnt witî but if Trudcau Liwcrc running ini tlîis arca I'd votc for liitîî altlîouglîI 1caî't say nîncli l'or the rcst of' lus pa rty." Mr. Baini feit tlicre wvas a probleni witlî lîousing and said luis owtî hiomie Iîad risen ini vaRLie by S7000 ini the six niionitlis lie lias owncd it. Hic wondcrcd wlîat tlîc govertintctîtcaiùo abouit the risc ini housitîg costs and cxprcssed lhope tit tic N.i).l. 's could titid a soluitioti before tlie )Lrcliase of' alhomie xvent beyond thic grasp of' tle average working Fci r Octel E XHM18IT S SUN DAY AT 1 Pm CONKLIN MIDWAY Spe>nd à fun wooksnd ut Fa!ir man. Mrs. Crawford of At- hol St. liad a différent opinion of the N.D.P.s and said, "I can't sup- port the N.D.P. philo- sophy altliougli Ed Broadbent lias worked very liard in this area." Slie added, "I would like to vote for Trudeau but I would have to chioose Mike Starr." Mrs. Crawfèrd wasn't particularly impressed withi the Lîberals and said, "As for this Con- *nolly', I can't suipport tringing ini an Ottawa mian. Tomi Gamnble of Cen- tre St. is withi the N.D.- P.s. ail the way and lie thiouglit* any laborer sliould vote tlie sanie. He explained, "The Lib- eral 'Party and the Pro- gressive Conservative Party look caftetr the big corporations bu t îot the labourers!" He added, "At lcast tie working mani would like to vote for Mike Starr but said lie would liave to vote for Broad- bent because he feels labour sliould vote N.D.P. One reader who asked flot to be named said, "We haven't discussed it yet but 1 think we'Il vote Conservative." The reader liac a personal dislike for Trudeau and the way lielias con- ducted liîmself and said, "We just don't like Tru- deau at ail!" The reader expressed disappoint- ment with the present Liberal governmnent and hoped the P.C.s would be in power after the Llpcorning election. Mrs. Banks of Calais St. would prefer to vote for the party rather than the man but she said that as far as she could sce nobody in the area knew Connolly and pec-ple didn't want to take a chance voting for a mani fromi Ottawa tliey didn't know. She addcd, "As far as the local candidates go there really isn't any-* body I'm tliat fussy about." Mrs. Banks had to grudgingly admire the work Ed Broadbent has done in the area and had changed lier mind some- wliat about him.. .. "He's more vocal and active than 1 first thought but I'd stili like to see Mr. Trudeau win on the Federal level." Mrs. Allan of Kent St. also feit Broadbent had been doing well and said she would vote for liim because, I think lie lias done a very good job."ý Aitliougli it's mucli too soon to predict edec- tion resuits at present the battie seems to be forming between Ed Broadbent for the New Dernocratic Party and Mike Starr for the Pro- gressive Conservative Party. The Liberal can- didate, Peter Connollyi is flot well known as yet but witli the election stili five weeks away anything could liappen. "'p (kis faaU MORE MOVIES MORE SPORTS 12 CLEAR CHANNELS FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLV New Subcribon OnIy See cable tv in your home Free Cali today!1 668-9331 cak~tv 143 Brock Street South, Whitby (ocable HIGHWAY 7 & 48 LOG SAWIMG CONTEST 4mH COMPETITIONS WRESTLING ON SUN DAY MAMMOIN PARADE ON ths Mrkham mmmwmý

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