Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1972, p. 14

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P/ î;1: 14, TIILRSDAY, SE-*PTI,*IMBER 28,1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS GEMINI - May 21 bu june 20 Plan a series of outirigs while the weather Is still comfort- able as auturi is one of your ravourite tinies of the year. Your most significant day of the wcck is Saturday the 7 th. Your mate and close friends appreciate the faet that you have many nîoods. They are neyer bored because you exhibit as much stimulating thoughts about and reactions to evcry faicet of life. CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 This couic] prove to be a hectic seven day period unless you take care that energies are not dissipated in pursuing divergent in- terests. Remain caini and solve eachi probiern one at a tune. Othernvise you mun helter-skelter froni pillar to post. Legal matters are stressed on Tuesday the 3rd and Wednesday the 4th. The next five month period looks good. Disposition im- proves and your sense of humour intensifies. You also grow ernotionaliy and take on a more mature outiook. AQUARIUS - Jan. .90 [o Feb. 18 You could bc in a miood to update your wardrobe. If so, wait until midweek. Saturday the 6th and Sunday the 7th couic] bc excellent times to plan entertaiiment and niake social con- tacts. A zest of life invades - even the dullest chore during this seven day period for you. Aquariuis. PISCES - Feb. 19 [o Mardi 20 Don't eliminate check-ups or take chances wvithi minor heaith pobiems. 'They couIc] get out of hand if not cecked imim- ediately. Your health improves as finances îimprove. Diet and rest are important on the 4tiî and Sth. You're feeling optimnistie and youm optimism can be justified at this point. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 A week ot' turmoîi! Your innate strength and %viiipowver stand you in good stead. As you solve poblem aftcr poblem with little respîte in between, tiold ltaith that this phase is only tcmn- porary. A slight relief fmom pressure inay corne over the wcck- end. Remnember a hike in the woods at this tinic of year can be refeshing as a two week vacation for you. Aies. TA URUS - April 20 lu NMay 20 A brighit new phase begins for yeu. Taurus. You enter a con- structive pemiod. You shioid iuard aainst bcing overiv anit- thougb. Your two mlost important dlays during this seven' day period are Wednesday the 4th and Thursday the SîIî wlen you mnay be sedected to entertain important guests frein out et town. Be cspeciaily awame duming this period of arcas whcerc accid- ents niay occur in the home. C'heck electrical outiets and an- pliances for safety. CANCER - June 21 to July 22 This week begins with a rush of energy. There will be com- plications and niany problemns to solve but your inner strength will serve you as you patiently solve each probieni. The next eighteen-month period espccially eniphiasizes close rclationships. You may disagree with your mate or close associate in several areas, but il viil bc up to you to rnend difféences and pre- sent a united front. LEO - JuIy 23 to Aug. 22 Thîs week begins on a buoyant note that covers you with a eioak of high activity. Your popularity soars and your stock iniprovcs. Appearance is stresscd at this time. Ir choosing newv clothing, curb a tendancy to choose only faddishi garments. lnstead choose brighit colourful cnes. Concentrate on new easy-to-care-for fab- rics of good quality. Your most significant days are Monday the 2nd and Tuesday the 3rd. The incorne of vYour mate rniiet be incrcascd. If so, wlîy not savc? 1 have warncd you before flot to live beyond your nieans. This is a reai temptation tor you, Leo. V IRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 Your lunar cycle is at its peak on the 3rd and 4th. This shouid prove to be a good seven day span for you, Virgo. The only sig- nilTeant thing te watchi for is a tendency to get camles.s witli your money. You couIc] spend too much on unncccessary things. Althlouglh that isn't serious, it ks not the most desirabie cithier. For the est of thc ycar you should concen trate on soiidifyîng and improving your pre- sent standing or position. Local A three car collision last Monday niglit senit eight people ta hiospital and totally demolishied two cars. A northibounid car on FlIigliway 1 2 driveni by Mr. D). Catherwood of' Port Perry wvas, iii col- sion with two souith- bouild cars driven hby G. Matchett. 18, of Westh ill A hleavy fog la the Brooklia area haînpere,,d police efforts ta salve twa lacal break-ja1s. A winidow was forced opi)Cl at the Brooklîj Medical Cen ter aîul a snialI ainaunt of' cash was taken a nd the Brooklit office af the Ontario ('aurty Board af Educatian xvas also broken into and Five dollars was taken. The Whitby Fire De- partment was called ta, Highway 401 Iast Wed- nesday ta extinguish a burning car. Thie 1969 auto was completely destroyed by the fire which was be- lieved ta have started by Ieaking gasoline ignited by either the exhaust system or a hot brake lrum. Mishaps and (raig Weaver, 1 9,of Etobicoke. Taken ta Oshawa General fram the Cath- erwaod car were the driver, his witk Beth, 33, and a three year aid son Brian, as well as Howard Ashton, 78, of' Part Pervy, his wife Ruth, 58, and Lucille Wagner, 55, af' Uxbridge Tawnship. A passenger iii the Matchett car, Barbara Smith, 15, was taken ta Oshawa Genieral along with the driver but the driver of the third car was nat hospitalized. The accident whîch lhap- penedl just sauth af the Thickson Road ctîtoff is still Linder investigation by Whitby Police. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 ccpional matters corne to the forefront in the beginniflg. YOU col eeive cooperation from unexpectedt sources you have not been able to count on before. Mid week a new door opens that has forni- erly been closed to you. Saturday the 7th is your most significant day. Your cnergy doubles and you accompiish tasks that only a few days ago seemed mired in red tape and details. Translate deeply felt mrotions into words that miay have long reaching effects. if you are able to discuss jiersonal problems with your mate or close associate, find the place and time to con fide. -SCOR.PIO - Oct. 23 to Nov.-22 Until November the l5th your subconscious will bc al astir and you wiil bc busy, busy, busy. It is flot a good tinie to buy things you can gct along without as thcrc is a tendcncy to overspend or pay too higli a pricc. Usc your naturai bargain hiunting ability later on. it is flot a good time for investing either. Thiis scvcn day period cou Id sec you driving yourseif too liard. Bc sure to get rcst Mien you féeitircd. You couic] end up sick in bed if you don't hiced the warning signais. SA9GITTARIUS- Nov. 23 lo Dec. 21 October 2nd is your rnost significant and important time. This brings to a climnax any affairs to do with marriage or partnership. You have an opportunity now to rcach an amicable agreement ben- eficiai to bothi and pcrhaps along fines you didn't susnect. Yo-.ur partner seems to bc the rnost constructive at this tirne. it vould be svell to Iisteii. This is durable and lasting, miake the miost of it. lrorn October 5tli to 3Oth you couic] experience an uplift in your job or ini professional matters Open Evenings ~ Tuesday and Thursqiay IVAN'S HARS<TLlNG 1400 DUNDAS ST. E. - WitSY "if you want to look your best" Whitby (416»668-4321 Scaiboroug (416) 439-0241 CHINESE F000 CALLITHE CIYUGft 668-1021 «% And Lot Your Taste Be The iudl 10% OFF on FREE Home Delivei rT IgP ýry Pick Up orders Fast Take out Service SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT 115 OUNOAS ST. W. AMPLE PARKING AT REAR I I $59000 Neil Cosford, Wallaceburg $15000 Mr. & Mrs. H. W Green, Toronto $100 Wallace G. Reid. Kitchener. Ernest St. Denis, Mississauga: A. J. Nisker, Toronto: Maryse Boucher. Montreai: Larry Sekersky. Windsor. Stan Welka. Fort Erie: Mrs. D. Carriere. Cornwall: Lloyd C. Nutkins. London: Duane D. Fisher, Base Petawawa: B. A. Wallace. Wallaceburg: Marianne Polowyk. Toronto: Dr. Adrian Anglin. Port Credit: J. G. Menard. Windsor: Mrs. Nicole Pecore. Cornwall: Marg Murphy. London: H. Shragle. Toronto: Vivian Lee. Hamilton: J. W. Ledrew. Richmond Hill: Diane & Murray Geldziler, Irvington, N.J.; Nick Zelik, Hamilton: Mrs. D. Grisold. Ottawa: B. Swann. Hamilton: L. Wincheruk. Atikokan: Leo & Magzie Chong, Willowdale; Aphonse Guindon. Maxviile: Jan Melesh. Niagara Falls: Gerard Dupuis, Ottawa, Elaine Avery. Mississauga: John Hill, Collingwood: Roger Chausse, Cornwall: E. Mc- l Donald. Etobicoke: F. Haug. Windsor: Sylvester Panchment, Toronto: Peggy Wood. Stratford: l Mrs. E. Bauckham, Toronto: S. Kushir, Don '<un>MUMMM Milîs: Peg Hodgson, Hamilton: Lorraine La- pointe, Toronto: S. Sheard, Toronto: Ernie W. Kin Lottery Iickels may be purchased Irom any member of parlicipating Kinsmen Clubs or aulhorized sales oullets. Ki ns men- serving the community's greatest need. 1 For Information on becoming a Kin Lottery ticket seller, write: Kin Lottery, Box KIN, Cornwall, Ontario. Wth Joyce Reod MIDWAY DATSUN form.rly ZOLTAN & HICKS No..wMLocait.d ut PFIODUCT rmW~N 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. 668-6828 1

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