WHITBY r-RET PRESS, THURSDAV, SEPTEMBER 28, 1972, PAGE~ 15 D ADVERTISING s_ 1&miet£ puft*LR - - - - - - - ,...mu.uiu~,u.uw. ~ '-w--- - ~ i SALES SERVICE PARTS 723-1176 13 foot Cabin Trailer, Stove, lce 1971 1/2 Dodge Colt Hardtop-4 Box, Electric Brakes, Front Awn- Speed, Radio, Undercoat Radi- ing, Asking $1500. Phone: ais, Disc Brakes, Deluxe Interior, 668-6686 1 12,000 M iles. Ai1 -655-3 266 15 -WORDS FOR $1f IN AWANCE sm CfIN 'IOR DRING IT I TO OJR OFFICE AT 301 BYRON STS ANDWVE WILL. RUN VOUR WANT-AD nJL or maximum of 5 we.ks. toi. WH rrfv FREE PRESS10 BOX 206, WH ITBY AdLuuuSdPOU~ oe eMt «M lin - ou'-Ps et tead0M Irs iE NAM£ .......................... .... ADORESS. .. P.0...........................a PHONE NO........................... HELP WANTED Acquaint your f riends and neig- hbours with our newest var- ities of forage seeds and corn ihybrids. No hard seli, no in- vestment. Good additional in- corne. Write Whitby Free Press Post Office Box 206. Reliable nanny wanted for 22- month-oid child. Live in com- month-old child. Live in com- fortable home, weekly salary. Cail 576-5275. Bookkeeper ambitious and wil- ling to assume responsibility. Please apply only if fully ex- perîenced to handie full set of books to triai balance. For ap- pointment cali 668-6887. Help Wanted - Maie or Female Full time or part time. We're Iooking for energetic people 18 years and over with car to seli and service our products. Our commissions are very liberal. For more information cal 723- 5541. Volta of Canada. 325 Simcoe South, Oshawa. Make extra Christmas Maney. Fashion 220 Beauty Consultants are needed for this area. Phone for appointment between 2 - 4, 668-5294 EMPLOYMENT VWANTED Senior Bookkeeper. Alil phases of office wvork inciuding finan- cial statemnents. Phone 579-2098 Eiectric Appliance Service and Repairs - 668-9281. Painting- Interior, Exterior. Free Esti Interior, Exterior. Free Estimate REAL ESTATE George Blyleven REAITOR Phone 623-5300 Bowmanville North End: Weil kept 5 room tframe home with large hpated Sun Pol-eh and garage on spacious se- cluded lot. Priced al $20.900. Cakl foir more information. M;;ple Grove Are-a: Wpii buit and kept 8 year old dlu- plex. Eac"n floor has large living room, kitc'hen wý.ith din- ing arpa, 2 bedrooms and 4- piece- bathroom. Very --oorl investment for the price of $38,000. Oshawa - You have to sqpp this 8 roomn brick bungalow oni large lot in a quiet court. Vendor haq other interes and is arixious to seil. Phonel us today. COTTAGE FOR SALE - 50 miles north of Peterborough on Lake Chandos, 3 bedroomn, fur- nished, plumbing, hydro, good waterfront, boathouse, 15' cut- ter and 50 h.p. mercury. In ex- cel lent condition. Price $1 3,900. Write J.R. FRALICK, BOX 272, ORILLIA, ONT. FIGHT THE FALLACY 0F A FIXED INCOME 1 can show you hovv to earn up to $2,000.00 this year in your spare time. Pleasant work en- rolling members for Ontario's Foremost Motorist's Association. Contact: Harry Grixti, 711 Burns Street, West, Whitby. Phone- 668-3495, BOWMANVILLE - Nanny to helpwith three children. Live in, private room. References re- quired. Must be capable and ma- i T LO.IYIOIT lAI MORTGAGES ANNOUNCIMG, LOW COST MORTGAGE LOANS THAT (AN PAY OFF ALL YOUR BILLS - AND (UT YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN HALF OR -LESS. I n cher words you can make one re- duced payment a month instead of many. 1971 Concorde Mobile Home. 36' X 8' -. Furnished, fully equipped - 668-5192 or Lot 18 Subway Trailer Park. 1971 Concorde Mobile Homne- 36' X 8', furnished, fully equip- ped, 668-5192, or lot 18, Sub- way Trailer Park. For Sale Mof fat Deluxe 24" stove excellent condition. $75 Phone 668-8739 after 5. For Sale - New and used va- cuum cleaners. Repairs to all makes. Free estimates. Pick up and delivery. Caîl 7423-5541. For Sale - Kingsize bedspread~- White Chenille $15.00. 30" bed wvith mattress $1 0.00. Cali after 4 p.m. - 655-4264. Newv & Used Vacuumn Cleaners, Repairs to aIl makes. Free Pick- up, Deiivery & Estimates. Phone 668-6672 - Evenings. One "Firelli- tire-tube type. 155 by 13 - also two snow tires 4-ply, 640-650 by 13 like nevv. Reasoriable 668-3056. I FOR MORTGAGES ALWAYS DEAL WITH A MEM BER 0F THE ONTARIO MORTG-AGE BROKERS ASSOCIATION our member(s) in your area: RAE R. JONES & SON REALTY LTD. 122 Brock Street South, Whitby APARTMEN'1 FOR RENT SERVICES PII()FESSI() NAL, PIANO TUNIiNG R epairs & Reconditio1iî1 Experienced in ail phases of the piano business including uprights, spinet, grand, square grand and player pianos. Ail Work Guaranteed. MEMBER PIANO TECHNICIANS GUILD DEREK J. HILL (CERTI FlED> Tuner - Technician Caili668-6247 MI give piano lessons ta be- ginners in my home. Call 655- 4703, Brooklin, in evening. COMING EVENTS DOG TRAINING CLASSES NEPACHEE DOG TRAINING SCHOOL, OSHAWA. EXPER- IENCED INSTRUCTORS. RE- GISTRATION OCTOBER lOth. PHONE 723-5110 DIIESS MAKING AVAILABLE CALL 668-2597 Electric appliance service and repairs 668-9281. Paintinq in- terior and exterior. Free es- timate. 668-9281. SNITH-CORONA Dealer NEWANS OFFICE EQIPMENTr 117 1rot St. W. 68-3738 2nd, MORIGAGE MONEY a.5 YEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES e NO BONUSES e NO GREDIT CHECKS e NO 1INQUIRY 0F NE 1GH BOU RÉ a CON Fi DENTI AL AR RANGEM ENTS MADE IN YOUR OWN HOME 0 BOR ROW AS LI TTLE AS $1 ,600 e FAST SERVICE CALL Mr. W.Iks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto APARTMENTS FOR RENT L'osslynn Arrns Apts. * OSHAWA'S MOST CRACIOUS LIVING * ELECTRICALLY HEATED This Is a stiperic~r building, weli I-nuit oiîdi exceiienlly main- toined-and caters to those people requiring a better woy of living. NO LASr MONrFI'S RENT RIiQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 'If No Answer 579-1413 'Your comfort is our concern" APARTMENT Geared to your budget North - Central South 579-1626 m 576m6956 728-3139 - Evenings - 728-5297 99Na1iart fPopeJq /rnaqeme4 PHONE b668-921ture. PHONE 623-2018.----- u - A ............ ,.a. s.oaaa.*a..aaaà 1 1" s., CLASSIFIE" Here's What to Do to Get A Low-Cost Mortgage Loan Cali, Write or corne in. The service is fast, so make your New Start today. We've helped home-owners through- out Ontario consolidate their debts this easy way and everything is con- fidential. ~~~rT~a!IyKuMOTO RS ® 11~1LL1VJRLIMIE KING ST. E. OSHAWA (I MILE IASI O 4AMONY RD.) I 'I s .Pm* %nomme -ï4-b