Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1972, p. 4

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PAGE 4, TIIURSDAY, SEPTElMBER 28, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS BIRD 'S EYE WIEW -JM OUAI A Dr.am? I' n fot sure if it was a dreamn or not but 1 was thinking about the mayor being sick and all the changes that hiad happened whilc hie was away. Throughi the mnists 1 retnem ber a meeting ini a crowded roomn and the people attending were angry and there was shouting. Suddenly a man got t'I and suiggested that if' hie ibrary stayed wherc it w0as the problemi would bic solved. le saidj the paoliec le partiettCOu Id remCnain in the present town hlli ancd they cou Id od ity it for use as a target practice ranige, thus elim ma,,itt igthie nced (o lay of'foaki caunciliors when theiir t ime camies. And thon the scenie clhanged ta a stormny couLmeil session aintII could sec Bob Attersley stanitdinig up in front of coincil and suggesting that ice slîould bc installed in the council chiam- bers so the rest of the counicillors couild skate in style during couincil sessions. Fie added thit at other timies the ice could be rcnted out to the local hockey teanis for games and practice since thiere was no whiere eisc for themn to go. One of the counicillors nodded in agreemnent and then yet another couincillor stood Uip and demianded ta know if Doctor Hobbs woulcl do the Mayor's operatian at a 10'/r discounit as 'a public favaur' ta the town because tiiere werc rumnours abouinding that the town was going bank rupt. It ail seenied sa real tliat 1 stili wasni't sure 1 was tireiaining. 1 was i iiimy office -anti a phioie cal cianie (rougli i'roni Ottawa. I t wýas the Liberal pairty ,indI they wanited ta speak ta 'ance of aur emiplayees I)es Newmian'. In the dream I 1cx- plained thiat M r. Newvman wastf t really ai n c- ployec lhere and that lie was sick in bcd. Tliey saidti t tell irin tliey were brawned off' because the Toronto lDominion Batik had given the Progressive Conservatives tlîe aId banik cdown- town faor their headquarters l'or the uipcoing electionis and the apposite cornier was taken by the N.D.P. Very inniocently 1 saîd "Ohi?"', and lie said thiat the only place left lfor the Liberals ta have their camipaign center wvas at the aId 1illcrest Dairy. recenitly vacated by the Pol) Mart. but tlhe probleni was the Liberal P)arty couldn't get a permnit froîn the town ta uise the buildiine. 1 snickered anid told them I1 \vauld relay the nmes- sage ta the mayor. And then another cail came in from Tor- anto. It was from a truck rentai company and thcy wanted ta know where they could get hl ofa' a certain resident fromn Almonds. It seerns thaL (lhc residents hiad decided ta rent a tank truck and thcy were going ta take a 30,000 galion sampie of thcir water down ta the Mayor's bouse and dumip it on his iawn. 1 remen-uber thinking hiow much money the mnayor would save' by not having ta vater his Iawn for the next thrce years. But thien there's the cost of having his basement pumped out... And through the mists came stili another phone call. It was Hugh Heffner from the Play- boy Club in Chicago. He explained that it ap- peared they would have ta expand their facilities at Hermit Valley. The parking situation was es- peciaily ciritical because of ail the visitors that had been slîowing up at Hermit Valley since the Whit- by Free Press had published an article about it the week before. A letter caine throughi the mnail f'romi Honest Ed Mirvshi. He lhad a perfect solution for the downtown arca. Ed figurcd the best w'ay ta satisfy the citizens was ta miove the town center frorn nmartgage lhcighits uip on the hilI ta the lake. With the town center and the town hall bei'u, down at the lake Ed t'igured tlîe counceillors wca :ldni't have sa far ta go l'or trcatmient when theý Free Press drove thiem over the cdgc. He addled that whiie ail this was happening lie void tackl thie present tawni center at the four corners ,,nd give it is nagic touch tlîus turning it into anin itimiate cenk.*r of smiall aid Country sliops aid stores xvith I od fashioneci street lampls anti trees anti benches. I wasn't trippfing out but 1I may hiave eaten a taca thiat disaigreed with mne and caused bad dreamis but af'ter a second look 1 really wonder if it was sLichi a bad dreami at all'?)'? Broadbent Amend ment to see refund to workers across Canada NOW us the time te change your fumnace o Naural Gais ~~~years rentai of gas burner. Get ready for winter now with this special, limited-time ffer on a Natu rai Gas burner. If you act before Septem ber 3Oth, you can convert our present furnace to Natural Gas, without charge, nd no rentai payment un tif September 19 73. The Natural Gas burner can be installed in any type of urnace-forced warm air, gravity warm air, hot water olleril, steam. Installation, service and maintenance are absolutely ree. You pay for Natural Gas only as you use it. When monthly rentai payments start in Septem ber, 1973 for the gas burner, they can be as low as $1 .95. Think about the cold winds, snow and ice ahead and convert to Natural Gas heating now. 668 9341 The impact of' an Ed Broadbent armendinent ta ('anadian Ieffislatiouî will Lie feit across (Cani- -ida. The amiendinent pro- pased ini legèislature con- cernied General Motars sickness benlefits and area residents who work for the caunpany wili reý- ceive an averag.e of' S I 3 eachi inirefuntîs. T 1ec-Uncnîpîayunent lnstirance Coampaniy re- cently instittcd a sick-- iless bene fi t plan wîîcrc- by a persan wh() was sick aind u nable ta vark xvoLltI receive beniefits_. \U'k ~STYLING( General Motors cmi- î)ioyees. howevcr. al- ready had a sickness Lienelfit plan wh ich they negotiateti witlî (lie coin- pans' in the contract and therefore d iti îot neeti tlhe 1.. I.C. p la n. Thie company decideti ta integrate tlieir plan \vith tduat of the U.I.C. but the IUnitedi Auto XVrkcrs uion intercetl- cd because tlîcy tUlt the resilt wouild be rctlucetl heleîts. Geîîeraul Motors an- [lounilced Iast nlighit ini Oshiawva dit alter nega- ADORN HAIR SPRAYM0 COMB AND BOOKLET ATTACHEDJ 0 SUGG. LIST 1.981 630 CORTE.WNlIA fIAYi SèIORTS wLIA. PARNACY 117 ~ 6* IràSt .UBfW HTy 1 "a 3. L 65.301m ooxtl$ tiations witlî thîe union tîîey waLuId uot inte- grate the twa sickîîess plans during the present union contract. General Motors cmi- ployees diti nat ieed the U.i.C. plan. ley wvere entîtîtid ta - a refuti froin the gave rnnii t Le- cause tliey con tributed ta thîe plan in the U. I.C. con tribu tions wlîicli are taken out ai' tlieir week- ly paychecks. 'l'ie origzinal legisia- (ioni pravitlet that the ref'und wouid got) t Gen- cral Motors but M.P. Ed Broadbent felt an ain- îîîcndmcentwas necessary because thîe cmployees liad cont ribiîted 5112 of the mioney wlîicli was ta ta Lie refunideti. The leg- islation xvas lulv anm- nîiended and will result in refunds in Jianuary of next year. The inmpact o f Mvlr. Broad beniit's amn- nîendnîien t will be f'elt across Canada as well because the governmient will Lic refuinting nîoney ta workcers xvho Ihave sickncss benefit plans in conîpan *ies otlier tîi General Motors. HEARD'S TAXI 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct Line at Arnold's Market, 115 Brook St. N. For Vour Convenience 150 Porry Street Whltby THFE WHITBY LEGION PresentslIt's Annual Sports Dance To Be HeId Dancing To Ron Murphy from 8:30 on. Buffet Lunch Tickets $3*5O per couple (Available at the Bar> CEPACOL MOUTHWASH 14 OZ. BOTTLE SUJGG. LIST 1.49 ""PALS" CHILDREN'S CHEWABLE MULTIPLE VITAMIN TABLETS - 1 00's Plain or With Iron SUGG. LISI 4.W AVE RST PARAMETTES VU TAM N\TA B LE TS 125*s SUGG. LIST 5.95 74e 2m69 CURAD "OUCHLES S" BANDAGES 60's SUGG. LIST 1.09 BRECK SHAMPOO 150 o.SUGG. LIST219 PRICES EFFECTIVE MON., OCT, 2 TO SAT.. OCT..7 SUPER a SPECIALS la 19

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