Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1972, p. 6

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PAGE. 6, TIJURSDAY, SI Pi! MBER 28, 1972, WIIITIY IFREE PRE SS Fun-mf illed W'irter A season of activity is hiow Winter '72 and '73 cani be best described lfor senior citizens of the town whio Up to this point liave hiad relatively few events organized on tlieir behiaîf. On Monday at'ter- noons senior citizens wil be able to attend classes working with dlay with instructor Mrs. Ida Nix- on. Mrs. Nixon will teachi niany niethods in nîouLld- ing and fin ishiing prod- LiCts from clay at lier downtown Whitby stud- io. During this 8-week course anyone will be able to turn out simplle but interesting itemis WHITBY- BROOKLIN Senior Citizens' Programs Whitby Recreation Departmfent "CLAY CLASSES by Mrs. Ida Nixon hand work taught, moulds used. glazinq and firing betwveen 4 and finîshed items can be made. lime: Mondays 2-4 p.m. for 8 wveeks. Starts October 16. Place: 115 Brock South (Flet- cher's Store. Cost S6.00. "SQUARE DANCING Learn simple calls, flot toc, strenuous from Mr. Lloyd Roer- abuck, caller. Eeginners an.. on-lookers welcome. Time 7: 30 p.m. Thursdays. Place: Re- gaI Room, Centennial Bidg. (will also meet in Brooklin if en- ough interest. Starts October 12. No cost. LEAGUE, Mr. Brown of County BowI wîil form a Ieaque - awards, competitions. social events etc. beginnerswvelcome. Time: Tues- days 1:30 p.m. Starts October 10. Place: countv Bowl, 118 Byron. 3 games for $1.00. FOR INFORMATION CALL: Mrs. Crawford 668-5803 EXT. 64 Monday Wednesday, Friday, 9:30-11:30 a. m. from dcay such as bowls, candlesticks, ashitrays, etc. Glazes will be pro- vided and the finishied itemns fired. The cost of this course will include Al miaterials used. Mr. Lloyd Rorabeck, a square dance caller was a gLlest at the Down Memiory Lane Dance during senior citizens' week last lune. He en- joyed the evening so niLl that lie lias of- fered to give instruction ini square dancing and start a clubtlî tat wiII nîcet onice a wveek. Be- inig a seniior citizen hiiim- self', Mr. Rorabeck pro- mises iliat thîe evening won't be too strenuoîs and zalong \vitl1 those whio already have an in- terest ini square dancing, lie welconles beginnters anid onilookers. Tllese evenings of squaCre danc- inig are, ollcred free to senior citizens 7:30 p.nî. Tlîursdays In thîe (.en- ten niaI BLi ild ing('s Regal Roon. Ift theîe is encouglîiii1- tercst denonstrated. ilhe square cdancing croup will aiernate meeting places witli thie Brooklini (.oînînunîlty I all. Ci.(outtyBowl'. Ron Browin is develop- ing a Golden Age l3o\VI- mng League. T'his league will nicet 1:30 -Tuesdav, Forecast for Senior Citizensl MIrs. Mandv ('ra\\,Itord voIuin îarilx mnans lictelei)lhotnc, at the te nipora ry Se il ior ( i tîi in 1 i nl ornli a tion Ce l O re. alternioonls wîtlifilie spe- ciail price ot' three gaines 1,or SI1.00. A simili arnouLît of l eh dollar- will go Ixîck itto a leaguie flnd f or a social evenlt at the end of ithe seaisoni. Special awaird s and c a rea coinpetit ions are ailIpart of' an or- ganl îzed leagiîe. NI r. B row il\vill ilso lhelp he- gi nners lea rn thle tech- niqule of' bowling, and lie feels the gaine is a sport tlîat can be startedl and enjoyed liv people of' aniy age. lFOr-aU Ilac coLiînt Of upICOnliin! e seior Citi- zens, actîvities. sec ad l'elo\v Fihe plîr 2in1 is bei ng sponsored ly thieWhiitby Recrez t ion l)epýart nien t and t0 lielp iiplenlienit tlieni. \vlrs NLI;îndy (raxv- ford, coordinator of the two June Senior Citizen Weeks will be available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings be- tween 9:30 and 11:30. Senior Citizens are in- vitcd to call Mrs. Craw-. ford at 668-5803, ex- tension 64. Any ques- tions of cost of classes, how to register and transportation will be answercd. Shie urges sug- gestions of. future pro- grains 'so that a con- tinuing sehiedule of' ac- tivities can. take place during tdie year. Mrs. ('ra,,wtFord also exliressed an initerest ini a sp)eciail senior citizens' page ini the local news- papýers and will keep the pap)ers înfornmed on the uipcoing events strictly for the senior citizens in tlhe town. Photos, rel)orts 011 evenits alillo\V they are heînig enjoycd anid special seior citîzenis' 1leatuire articles will be carried on ai special weekly page in the \Vhithy Free Press. 'llie cdi to rial stafif of' thie FrelPress inivites ideas trom tIheseniior cit zens tiieni selves. To lau ncl the seilpage sec thie adl (Callinct Sen)ior ('itizen)s> bclow. I I.. I A Cali Senior Citizens 1In conjunction with the new Senior Citizen's Programs being planned by the Whitby Recreation Department, the WH ITBY FR EE PRESS is preparing a special Senior Citizen's Page which will form part of our weekly paper starting Thursday, October 12. In order to keep this page lively and of interest to our senior citizens, the Free Press is asking for your participation. Do you have an interesting story to relate? It cou Id be a ghost story, or tell about a bizarre character you have met; a story about war days, or a humourous incident which occurred on a huntîng trip. Who knows?.. The Whitby Free Press will pay $10 weekly for ail used story material. At the end of every tenth week our editonial staff will choose the story which appeared in print over the ten week period which they fou nd, the most interesting, and a 'SENIOR CITIZEN'S NIGHT ON THE TOWN'will be sponsored for the story's author consisting of a $15 cash prize, a free dinner for two at the Whitby Chalet and free tickets for two at the Whitby Brock Theatre. Copy (1,000 words or less) should be forwarded to the Whitby Free Press', Post Office Box 206. This special1 feature to appear on the Free Press Special Senior Citizens' Page will be called ANECDOTES'. Copy need flot be typewritten and is open to any senior citizen living in the town of Whitby. "ANECDOTES' is for the participation of any senior citizen living in Whitby-Brooklin. 16te. Pagm0,,s . ores 023 te I h:glinWt h 197 fprfrac ha a. ilCnda oT SUNcbu ,) Na i OW.eparnr o u ON DIS PLAY ZOLTAN and NI(K'S CALL 728-0051 For mortgageS see us first!. When you want rnoney to build or to buy, corne directly where money is. Corne to your friendly local branch of Victoria and Grey Trust. Eighty years of training and experience in serving people like you are behind the sage counsel and advice you'll get at Victoria and Grey - the sane place you get the noney you need. Corne in.today - direct to Victoria and Grey. VICTORI4A a GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668-9324 Il to

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