Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1972, p. 7

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WUIITBY FREE PR[SS, THURSDAY, SEPTE.MBER 28, 1972, PAGE 7 ARay 0f Hope For Study Group! Following a two-hour mnatchi of wits, the Whiit- by Citizens' Stuidy Group walked away from Whitby Couincil Chambers with a pro- mise from town fathers thecir alternate plan for town hall, police and library facilities wouild be opened up and se- riously examined. Follow throughi of their proposed plan would hiave the library rnoved into space vacat- ed by the police by November 3 1, with por- table classroomis erected behind the present municipal building ta iouse the planning and public works depart ments wlîich are slated for Brooklin under the counicil plan. Whien these departmnents miovedi into theni by ianuary 3 1, the library would then be expanded to take uip tlhe entire space of the basemient. The police department would miove its hiead- quarters into the Brook- lin Muinicipal Building and would also set up a suib-station in tlhe pres- cnt library building whichi wouild be vacated. Stage two of the 'Study G roLip's plan would leave tlhe muni- cipal-admninistrative of- fices as they are now. but also proposes the construction of a tower soutli of the present ex- isting couincil chamber wMien a need for addi- tional space arises out of the setuip of regional govennien t., The decision for con- sideration for counicil of th is plan was liard wroughit, and before tlîe final decision for cx- amnination was made, ac- cusations were flying frornbath sides. .Basing his entîre brief on the Town Develop- ment Guide, Ralph Stratford, spokesman for thie group said that the construction of the police building on the Rossland Road si te could be "the first break- tlîrough for miassive growthintlîe town." His attack on the guide prepared by the town planninig departmient was direct. He said it (tlîe report) betrayed an unnatural preoccupation witlî growtlî and termed it as desperate, hollow- a siel." "In tlîis study tlîe omissions are almnost as higlily placed -as tlîe inclusions," lie charged saying that there was no indication that tlîe study was ordered by couincil in the first place andi clîarging tlîat the study proceecis withouit ternis of reference and tlîat it acknowledged aid with- ouit identity. Defauilting tlhe report on specil'ics lie ques- tioned the assumnptions of the stated projection of tlîe town's growtli by tlîe year- 2,000. He also questioned the general assuimption that Whitby is central ta Peter*bor- oLigli, Barrie and Tor- onto, and that the town 's population would douible at the end of the next tlîree decades con- secLitively, wlicn in all its, listory it liad neyer donc tlîat. He termed tlîe reporb's ratios of residential ta industrial growtlî "completely il- logical". "How can you be critical of tlîe develop- ment guide when it has been prepared by OA- PADS?" asked Couincil- lor K.C. Hobbs directing a question ta Stratford asking wliether lie lîad read tlîe OAPADS re- port. "Hlow can you be critical of tlîe devclop- mient guide witliout even L reading at least the first paper of thec OAPADS report? It's asinine, il- logical-how couild you, Mr. Straîford?" Stratford aiswcrcd hini tlîat his group was opposcd to the concept of accepted growth for growth's sake. We are not criticizing you, we arc saying tlîat the po- lice building is the first stcp ta Uic point of no return. Wc arc only ask- ing that yau don't get yourself ta tlîat point of no return. "The fact tlîat you have broken ground at Rossland Road is not a stopping point, we ask the 'change' Yeu give will help 'Change' a lot of people$s livea . . . se dig into your 66cookie jar" that any two of you table a motion and study aur proposai." A motion was put forward by council ta receive and file the study group 's alternate plan. Councillor Atterslcy then questioncd the in- tent of the motion say- ing that if it meant re- apening and cxamnining the report he would sup- part it. "We should have a look, council rnay be more wcll iniformcd," lie said. "I'd like ta sec some price tags and examine the cost and fcasibility of the plan," said Coun- cillor Gerry Cox in sup- port. A seconîd amendment to the main motion from Cauncillar Vernon Mac- Carl removed thîe police building fromn the plan, eliminating any hope of tlîe construction stop. The motion ta exa- mine the Study Group report without the po- lice building succecded, Councillor Hobb's voice expressing the only nay in a recorded vote. It was an aceomplish- mient that offers the first ray of hope for the vocal citizen 's group since the proposcd selI out of the town hall was discloscd at the special meeting called by council two weeks ago. The Study Group lias been active in its fighit that the voice of the' people should be heard, and even one member of counicil whio holds conflicting views ta the group had this ta say of them! "Until the past six montlis 1 can remember no anc attending public meetings of council. AI- though I'm sorry we couldn't be more in line with your thinking, l'Il admit you have created municipal involvement on the part of the com-munity." Yes, you, the housewives of this area Tao often, when aur canvassers coil from door to door in the residential areas, they are greeted with . .. "t'd like ta donate but my husband hos already donated at work". This is fine and it's true ... but we also depend on the quarters and dimes that are given generausly by housewives during our residential canvass.- The Uited Ap- peal Campaign starts Monday, September 18, If you are asked for a donation.a. please dip into your cookie jar or purse and corne up with a donation of your own. Today, thousands of people need your help . . . the helpless, the homneless, the sîck,the old, the disturbed. Give please .. , if you don't it won'it get done. UýNJTED APPEAL WHEN YGUR VOLUNTEER THANKS ro-You IT'S WGRKING CANVASSER OALLS Tne Oshawa-Whitby United Appeal Need Your HeIp!l HO~ EP NMW SHOWING.at-Ihe ON SAME PROURKAM ROD STEIGER AND JAMES COBURN WIIL 10OW YOU APARI IN "DUCK,YOU SUCKER" Childrn 9s Matines %Sot. 1:30 pm "Thé CIassic" WIZARD 0F 01 C.SIgga Oct. 1-2-3 - SUN, MON. TUES. Sidney Peltier ira Admit Entetinm.e' BROTHER JOHN Thai Horsme Starring Omnir Shariff Tho HosomenLeigh Taylor-Younlg STARTING OCTOBER 4th T h e 0GoD FA T H ERc~ Aduits 1.7 Phone 668-3618 ,ýh11dren .50 Students 1. 25 show syerts 7:00 p.mf. DoiIy FREE PARKING'6 à ir

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