Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1972, p. 8

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fAI ,TIIURSDAY, SIPTE IBLR 28, 1972, WFIIIY FREE PRI 'SS ConnoIIy: %'No sympathy for those who misuse Unemployment Insuralnc e" Liberal ,Candidate Peter Connolly an- notinced this rnorning that he intends to spend Wednesday in Ottawa questioning Offliciais in the Unenployment In- surance Commission as ta what mighit be done aboutý the delays sorne people in the Oshawa- Whitby area have ex- perienced in receiving their Unemploymnent In- surance cheques. "What 1 want ta do," Mr. Connolly said, "is corne back here on Thursday withi a promi- ise that legitinate clairns thiat hiave been delayed for any reason be paid within a spccific timne period after the Claimn- ant hias presented hirn- self at the Unemnplov- ment Insurance Office. " Mr. Connolly also pointcd out thiat hielhas absolutely no sympathy for those few who mis- tise thie Unernploynient Sometimes the truth Thie WHITBY FREE PRESS hias been denied advertising by Don Mitchell ao' Mitchiell Bras., Brooklini because of a front page stary carricd on the Hermit Valley Farm, of which lie is hall' owner wjth hls brother ini Iaw, Couincillor Bob H cran. I iii neyer advertise in your paper," Mr. Mitchell- informed Ron Winstanley. a Free Press sales representative. Is the reason a direct result of' the printed story?", hie vas askedl by Mr. Whistanley. "4Yes. I wan't. advertise in a paper thcat prints blankety- blank stories like that." said Mitchell. The story in question broughit ta lighit the fact thiat the cottage on his property hiad been illegally constructed and thuat sonmehow hycîra ser- vicing the cottage hiad been illegally tappeclt'ronm a town hune. At press timie Couincilor Heran was unav- ailable for comm nent. Insurance Funci. *' be- lieve that the most im- portant thing is that those who have a right to Unemployrnent In- surance receive it with- out delay," he said. Mr. Connolly also ex- pressed satisfaction that the dispute between General Motors and U.- A.W. over sickness bene- fits will now be subject ta further negotiation and that in the mean- time the existing Plan at General Motors wiII be maintained., WHITBYm-HARRISON FUELS LIMITED "Your TX h Daler" 211 Brook St. S. Phone:66836lO SSTYLE-LITE SHOES HILDREH'qc-mmw- -2PRICE SAVAGE1, CLASSNIATI., WJSTES 668 m 4881 109 Brock St S. Whitby Whitby Student Wins Scholarship Rasanne Morris. 18, of 701 Newman Crescent ini Whiitby, is amie ai'two Canladian Ihigh sehoal iradluates recently naied \vintiers oai'S3,- 500.00 General Foods. Limiited sclîalarships. Open ta .child ren of CF enuiployees iii Canada.i the awards entitle wvin- niers ta uise themn l'or studies at any ('aiad ian iui iversi ty. A gradmate af' Wliit- by's I)cnnis O'Connor liigi School. Rasanne xvants ta becanie a doc- tar and lias enrolled in the pre-miedical course at the University ofTo r- auto. This summIier. sh e worked as a children's prograin organizer with the Vlitby Parks and Recreational Depart- mnent. Fier l'athier. Roi Morris, iS Supler-visýor of' the company's art de- îxrtinent at thfe head office iii Toronto. Thle othier schaolarship \vinner. iay MacDonald ai' Priuîce Albert. Saskat- chiewan, is nIow stLdying at the University of Sask at c hewan. THE FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET "lWe buy and sei anythlng"l 23 PRINCE ST 725-9783 SA SIPLUMABIMG DISCOUNT FIXTURES & SUPPLIES I ~701 Brotk st. N. Whiïtby 20% DISCOUN T DIRECT TO YOU Hours: 9 a.m. to gr p.m. Mon-Fri Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 668-6601 THE DEST PRICE EVER, ON ALL 1972 COLOUR T.V.'S Many Models to Choose From CH ROMACOLOUR The quality goos in beforie the' nom. goes on" FALCON T.V. 426 Simcoe Sr. S. Oshawa 723-0011 hurts TENDER TOWN0F WHITBY SALE AND INVITATION FOR PRkýOPOSALS FOR USE 0F CERTAIN LANDS The Corporation of the Town of Whitby hereby invites off ers for the purchase and development of all or part of the- foltowihig land: Part of Lots 3, 4,1i9and 20, Fourth Double Range, Werden's Plan, East of Brock Street, Town of Whitby. More parti 'cularly, being locatedi on the west side of Green Street between Gilbert Street East and Ontario Street East, having dimensions of l26feet by 314feet with an area of 39,564 square feet. Alil off ers to purchàse shall be mailed or delivered to the undersigned in a sealed envelope, clearly marked "Tenders for Land" and shall be accompanied by a cer- tif ied cheque payab(,p to the Town of Wh itby, being 10% of the of fer for the land purchase. Purchase terms may be. cons idered. Alil Tenders must be f iled on forms provided by the Clerk's Office and the closing date for Tenders is 2.00 p.m., Thursday, October 12th, 1972, at which time ail tenders received will be opened in thé Council Chambers. The highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. William H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario.

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