P(I12. liii.RSI)AY, O( TOBIR 5, 1972, WHITI3Y I Rt.PRI .SS ~~ MTRI1NOG with 1Mike Burgess The action last week-end was at Oakville for the last slalom race in dhe C.A.S.C. Regional Solo- Events Championship. And local competitors were on hiand to take home thieir share of the hardware. Jimn Fanirne (O.M.S.C.) proved his driving ability by winnirig two different classes ('C' & 'H') in two différent cars, his Vega GT and a Corvette. Jirn backed Up these wins with a third in ciass 'J' driving the Z28 Carnaro of fellow member Don Cleinent, who placed first. Another O.M.S.C. member, Hannu Hairninen, placed first in Class 'BW with his 240Z Detin. Also in 'W' were George Gilroy (2nd-Capri), ieff Christie (Sth-Mazda RX2). Ruth Halliday 6th-Vega GT), and Wayne Christie (Jefr"s broth- er) again in the Arlie Sales Mazda RX2. Ail in ail, we had I1I local entrants place in the top ten of their respective classes (including 'vours trulv'). This Oakville-Trafalgar Lighit Car Club event wrapped up the series. buit really won't change the overali standings. 15 O.M.S.C. memrbers have locked up standings in the top ten of their classes for the season entitling the top drivers to an in- vitation to the Grand-Daddy of the year-the Detroit Invitational-to be lheld October I4th in Detroit at the Chrysler Test Track. More of this next week, and a full report wiIl follow after we get back from Stateside. This weekend is Thanksgiving Speed Week- end at Mosport Park featuring the next race ini the Bulova Series (Formufla Ford and 2.5 sedan). For those of you who are going to take ad- vantage of our last long week-end and hit the highways....as aîways, please take care. 1 wouldn't want you to miss iny next columrn (good readers are hard to cor-ne by!). But as a word of warning, or food for thought. l've got a little story entitled "llow to die in 0.7 of a second" (thanks to my good friend Joe Dow- benka, editor of the V.W.O.C. 'Buig' for the inl'o'.) HOW TO DIE IN 0.7 0F A SECOND You'"re on the run back home Monduy nighit. Whiat's going to happen to you if tyour car, travel- ling 55 *miles an hlotr. strikes a solid. iimmiovable tree? In slow motion,. here's what lhappens. One-tenth of a second. Thie front bunmper andi grillwork collapse. Slivers of' steel penetrate the tree to one and a haîf inches. Two-tenths of a second. The hiood crumiples as it riscs and smashes into the windshield. Thle spinning rear wheels leave the grouind. The grill disintegrates and fenders hit the tree for-cing the rear to spray out over the front doors. Your body continuies to move forward at its original speed as the vehiicle breaks. The force acting on youir body is -10 timies that of gravity. Youir body now weighis 3,200 pounds. Your legs straighiten out and snup at the knee joint. Three-tenths of a second. Your body is now off' the seat, torso uiprighit, knees against the dash. Thietframe of the steering wheel begins to bend. YouIr lead is near the sun visor, your chcst is above the Steerinlg COILunîn1. Four-tenths of a second. The first 24 inchies of' the car's body is completely demolished buit the rear end is stili travelling uat 35 rnph with your body Furniture reflînlshlng and macrame uit local Furniture Refinishing and Repair is a niew prograin1ofl'cred uat the Whitby Family YMCA thiis year. I t wiii include strip-.pinig 'urniture, re- moving paint and var- nlish., repairs, glueinig, santling, preparing fuir- niture for the final f'in- ishi, glazing, dlifférent woods, verieers, sanid- papers anid brushies, tak- ing out cigarette burns, etc., bleaching, and rub- bing furniture. Thiis course will be lheld 'romi 8-10 p.m. one evening for 10 weeks. Most of the time will be spent workingon actual pieces o f furniture broighit ['rom home. Synchronized Swimming Fire An $18.000 f-ire at 300 Highi St. resulted in a broken bone ini his foot for firefighiter Don Ferguison. The fire alarm iwent off at approx imately 1:30 p.rn. last Thutrsday in the building and aller somne searching as to what caused the alarmi to go off' a fire was dis- covered ini a third tloor storage arca. The ocutpants of thie bUilding were suf*ely eva- cuated ai fire trucks were kept bhusy at the sceie trorn1 :50 jp.n. unltil I12:00 a.rn1. FiVe t rucks were called frorn Wliitby andi the aerial platl'orîri truck wvas called Irorn Oshawa. The fire a tariwun- doubtedly saved the oc- For mortgages see us f Irst!l Wheri you want rnoney to build or to buy, corne directly where mioney is. Corne to your friendly local bru nch of Victoria anti Grey Trust. Eighty years of training and experience in serving people like you are behind the sage counsel anti advice yôu*'i get at Victoria and Grey - the sane place you get the noney you need. Corne in today - direct to Victoria and Grey. a GREYr TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W WHITBY 668-9 324 y is currenltly beiîîgollcredl ini the YMCA Sdt. momnl- ing svvirn pIr(>gî'am iut V,,ier pool, Osha,.wit. Star levels 3--5 ut I:00 p. m. Both claisses are tatight by un expcricnced syncllroni7.ed swimmer and ienber of' the Oshuwa Aquutic Clu b. Macrarne--Thiis year ail additional needlecraf't progran l'or children will be hield ut Coîbourne St. public school,Tues. 3: 45 - 5 p.m. beginniing Tues. Sept. 26. This programi will feature macrarne and weaving, both very popular and LisefL cru tts. Tennis IAndoor tennis will be starting Wed. Oct. 4 ut Henry St. highi Alarm cupants frol înjury or death and was instalied on insistance of the lire departmient. In 1970 the ownler of' thc building was toîd to repair the lire escapes and instaîl a modern tire alari. i t took the owner until February of' this year to get the alarmn instalied andI working. The l'ire escapes are termieti 'ade- qiu tc' l'or th1e age of' the building (70 years) by [:ire ('ii' *LU ('rouch. The Whitby [ire De- partilment is investigaitinig the cause of' the li re wvhich t bey bei ieve was started by electrical %virlng. A let 1er xvas hand de- schooî gym l'rom 7-9 p.m. Teninis enthusiasts wili enjoy this new op- portunity to corne out and learn, improve, and practice this popular summier sport. A f'ew rac(luets and bals are providci. Running shoes mIust be worn. C'ost l'or the course is $3 for 8 weeks pIlus basic Y mem- bersh ip. Fitness - Fitness pro- grains are being ol'fered by the Whiitby YMCA diue to the growinig in- terest in lpersomial titness. The nr's litness classes will be lheîd ut Henry St. highi sehool Montlays and Wednes- days l'ronî 7--9 p.nî. and involve active games such as basketbaîî and volîcybai, conditioning and warmn-up exercises and running or jogging if there is sufficient in- terest. The woî'nen's programn will also be licld ut HS- H S, beginning Thurs. Oct. 5 ['romn 7:30-9 p.rn. It wil 'eature a warn- uip, conditioning and ton ing exercises, gamies and perhaps somne mod- cmi dance technique. Costs l'or the mien's course wiIl be $5 for 6 weeks and S3 for 6 weeks lor the womien's couIrse., For ail of' the above programns pIease contact the Y of'fice ut 668-6868 l'or further informîation. Occupants livered by the [ire de- partinent to the super- intendent 0f' tue buildiing at iîdnlighit al'ter the lire. stating that the building iniust be eva- cuatedt. The reason ltor eva- c:uatIon was because the alarn was tiot working due to the l'ire and il' the l'ire started up again or a new lire occurrec thîe occupants Inighit not have any wairniîng. i>rov isions l'or hlou s- ing were matie for'aal thle occupa ýlits QOf thle building but almost hait' of' tiîem Chose 10 stay the nliglît in the Ibuildinlg despi te the warnÎing l'io the l'ire departiment. A letter-['rom an edcc- trician on Saturdiiy ad- vised the lire depart- ment thiat the alurm isys- teiin was working again but onîy l'romn the sec- ond Iloor down. Saves part bf the score with Corol'la lEST WAYI MOTORS Dundas St. W. Whitby 668u4792 letter-s to the edintor ..box 206, .,whîtbv