Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1972, p. 14

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PAGi: 14, TIIURSDAY, O(TOt3LR 5, 1972, WIIITBY I RET PRI SSý W-Ith Joyce Regud 1 or' period Octoher 8ti I(o 14th. CAPRICORN - D)er. 2.". o Jin. 19 Signifacant days for you Cimprocoroî duo ong tis sevotn doy pbraod re Friday the 1t h lucky day> aend Soidiny thetot4h, Tho pocto could be hectac thos wook, but you aro Iini pod spirits, A gothorioog nf frîond(s early li the veok providos ao iophthomoiod, ;oîdoloon ovivenoiiid enold leave you li a nmllow, happy f, imo ofi oîîtnd for the o uainder of the week. AQLAIUISjoli, 2(0 lu Fi). 1l There is a need foi, doplonî4eyý 4oid toi vouto n uoh von, îtoMper on the months 10 conw, Ti hs motli Lwdotioculo o10nmai'onoadu asVOu cou Id bu one-soded on yotit thonlkisioOthai s OPpo1sing VOUno oflts tond your mind and nwtions woo toî41 ovaoon harnooy. Yoto know what you desre-90 attf itou 1ouad ceatuilly howvavuîn pao îow.ship deals PISCES - Feb.. 19 lu Marci 20 October l4th s an excellent dav toi busineïssparoîershop nwlrgOrs, or anything dealong wïth securooy. healOh or Pmospeuooy. Othtors wii i tnd you charming. Socoal oagons and bohaviooaoeuimopor tant this month, and very specoal on the 8th and 14th. Look your best and plan 10 entertain important peuple and clonch deals, as you car i mo busoý ness and pleasure together on a sensoble tash iOn. ARIES - Mardi 211<) April V) This seven day period is a complex, pressure-fiiied interval. What s important now is how you handie the situaboons. Solve each problem as it ariýes without losing vour poose and temper or composure. This as the key to it ail. Your two most significant days are Thursday the l2th and Friday the 13th. This could be an ideal turne to take a short business trip. TAU RUS - April t> May 20 You wouid do well thos vveek to tend bo your osvn affaîrs and refuse to become involved in differences of opinion or controversial discussions. Try to be cheerful in the face of dlaoly petty annoýances. Be especially thorough in your vvork but also allow others to take the limeloght, Affairs brighten considerably on Thursday the l2th. Your mos: sig- nificant day s Saturday the i4th when a journey may be contem- plated. A complete change of scene and faces vvould be welcome. How about a trip to the country? GEÏMINI - MNay 291 (o Jule 20 Social events take your eye and heart this week. Your energy is high and should bu funneled nto safe areas of planning projects that have entertainment value. Symptoms that could lead to ili healîh should not be let go at thîs lime. Changes that corne about durong thos month may not be temporary, but part of a long term pattern. Curb your desire to make any hasty moves at this tome. Learn, observe, seek on understand underlying causes of conf 1ct. CANCER - June 21 to Juiy _2 Your twvo most important days during this seven day period are Mon- day the 9th and Tuesday the 1Oth. Inexpensive sorts of entertainiment are favored. Vitality may bu belovv par near the end of the week. Healîh problems may be lurking in the background. If you don't fuel up to par see a physîian for a check up. See that you stock to a sen- sible diet during this period. LEO - JuIy 923 (o Aig. 22 You should note a change of pace and be able to unjoy the fruits ni past labors, while observing action from the sidelines. You slip into a sweet routine after an extremely busy period. Your two most sig- nificant days are Thursday the 12th and Friday the 13th. If your children tend to get on your nerves at this time remumber they re- spond to affectionate treatment. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 92 Your mos: significant period during this suven day interval os f rom the 1 lth to the 13th. An opportunity could corne about duning these threu days, in a way you Ieast expect. Something you have been doong sucretly or haven't brought forth yul can be used now quite wveil financially in a business or occupational way. This is flot a puniod to be too criical. If you sue something that could be detrimuntal to someone ulse, let it stay burîed. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 Your higo activity period carnîes over f rom iast week mbt this seven day spao. Watch a tendency to sarcasm during the middie of the week, even if you fuel put upon. You are usually even-tempered and cari take a gruat deal before losing your composuru. Anger vanishus OpnEveninp -Tu.esdy and ThursO.W HAMSTTUNG ~ 1400 O1Wms ST. IL - W1lTS "fyou want 4o look your bestOl i* M~~tbMOy S 4abrog GARDEN 116 j~rr~n~rng ~'umm~r 1flotuL~r~ by Sid Morris Tliis is tlhe lust of' a 3-part series on preserving stiiiiJiei- llower' ii<>iii yoitr gar<len dealiiig titis hUe wlulitle pairtîeiilir preservatîon of fluage. Patris 1 anîd 2, drying flowers b>' ciemical meas- tires are avaujiable tîpon request ait(lie office of lte Whliiy Free l'rems, 21I2 Ifrock Street Southt, Whliy., To preserve fouage you can use part glycerine to tvo parts water. This mixture is taken up by thie branches in thie tsuai way. but the water is givon off to fthe air throughi transpiration. The glycerine remiains in the plant's tissule whlichi gives the leïaves ils soft textiure. Y'oiî should place bhe leaves andi stemns being ettred in a well-venbilated roomi at about 750 to 800 F. The air mnovemient wiIl increase the trans- piration and hiasteifthie curing process. You will find bhe leaves of miany different plants xviii change colour according 10 lighî cex- posure. Beechi Icaves wili remnain green in a dark roomi but xviii turn every slhade of' brown to lighit beige according to ttheir exposure to Iighit. Ex- posuire to lighit nay be donc. after curing. You cani place the leaves ini a stinny xindow unttil the de- desired colour you want is obtained. You should select branches fro i 18 (o 24 inchies iin lengtlh for best restoIlts. bu t for beechi bofli green and purpie variet ies lut cure ex- tremieiy xWelI ) YOu nîay Ct lengtihs for as long as four fcet. Continued from Page 2 Jobs wiII only bc pro- vided now andtini the fuituLire i f (orporate Taxes are reduced to a minimîumi and Canadfian Industry ik alIowed 10 compete in doniestic and toreign mîarkets. The N.D.P. and the former C.C. E have always been comiplete idiots in the fields of FEconloies and Taxation. Taxes are simply cost burdens both tor the individual and corporation, and prevent uis frorn develop- ing our Country and providing eniploym-ent. Canadians need Mr. Stanfield at the lhelm during the next 4 years, if as a Nation we arc-, going to be able to comi- pete effectively in dom- estic and foreign mar- kets and thus provide a Iii level of' employ- ment for our citizens. Camneron D. Dellnmaî HEARD'S TAXII 668-3732 Radio Equipped Direct Unre at Amnolds Market, 115 Brook St. N. For Vour Convenience. 150 Perr Stre« Whitby As a rule, cut branches with mature leaves. For oak, and white or bolleana poplar, use new growth. Russian olive cures welI in its natural silvery colour. lvy, Euionymus and Periwinkle should be totally immersed ini the glycerine solu tion. Bru ise the ends of woody branches. You can do this by hitting the end with a hamrmer. This shreds out the inner bark and exposes as much as possible the water-conducting t issues of the stem. When you eut the branches, get themi into the solution immrrediately, or; keep themi in a pail of water until you. are able to get them ,into the solution. You will find the curing of branches of fo- liage will take uip to ten days. Leaves will f7eel soft and leathiery wlien they are cured. Most tree's and slirub's foliage seems 10 ti re w cil, but you will find tliere are a few exceptions. Ali types of maplles, sunmacs, poplars (except thle very new growthi) and willows wiIl not preserve Weil. The followiîîg trees and shrubs slhotld îlot give youi any problem whcn preserving thieni. Thecy are, appie. barberry. beech. chierries. crab- apples. Cotoneasters (somne types). EuIonym uLs. hiawthiorns. ivy. ironwood. Oregon grýape, oaks (new growth), peaches, peurs, periwink le. white or bouceana I)olar ( ncxv growtl ). quince and higLi bu sui-cra be rry. MIDWAY DATSUN form.rly ZOLTAN & NICKS Now Locat.d ut 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont., 668-6828 DA11UN PRODUCT Aax Fi»gure FREE Formei Salon Month to ALL le Membersi $10 f'or 10 Visits WE hIAVE TII E IFOLiOWlNG FACILI~TîES* Onîe satina Individual Slhowers Private Change Booth Modern Gymn & Facilities Individual Programis Juice Bar Beauty Saloni Travel Club 942-66 11 104 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax Plaza

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