Re-elect NDP Committee Rooens:, 100 Dundas St. W. 668-8879, 668-8870 WIIITI3Y FREE PRESS, TJIURSDAY, OCTOJ3ER 5, 1972. PAGE 3 Sirice 1968 Ed llroadbent has î'ought lor the interests of us ait in Oshawa-Wbitby -- istening, persuading, acting. Take the Michelin case. It was Ed Broadbent who demanded that the millions granted to Michelin to set up operation.s in Nova Scotia cease -- because jobs at Dunlop are threatened. Or the Autop act. It was Ed Broadbent who spearheaded the drive to protect the 14safeguards'. ï1y acting on a number o fronts, he brought the government to its senses over the Autopact and personally went to Ottawa to discuss the question with key U.S. senators. He is one of the NDP team which dramatically and specificaily exposed the "corporate rip-off" -- whereby big comparies pay few» if any taxes whiie private citizens shouiJer the tax burden. Ed Broadbent was the only MP for our area to provide regular newsletters from Ottawa ex- plaining bis own positions and seeking our op- inions. Fie was the only MP for Oshawa-Whitby to provide a year-round community service (3V/2 Simncoe Street S.). Anid at bis Ottawa office it's a standing mile tlat constituency problems mnust be acted 1 1 0n witiin 48 iours. Ask around -- you prob- yknow someone he's belped. So put tbe two together - a vigorous spokes- miai on national questions and a bard-working constituency MP. It's a coinbination we need and deserve for Oshawa-Whitby. And we can bave it by re-electing Ed Broadbent. 1