Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1972, p. 9

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day Rainy days have always bee n a specil prob- hemi witlînme. Tiîey cause nie to fali asieep. To me the miost iuling souiîd to hîcar at becîtime is the patter of ramn on thie oof. So on a ainy day. i have to keep m-y guard up or I find mnyseif ooking longiîîgiy at thue couch or slipping uipstairs to tidy uip the bedrooni and not retumîîing. 1 fouind the best thing to do is to keep your iiii md busy enoLîghi îlîat it doesn't get a chanice to dwell on the iulfiîîg souinciof' raitu. i spent the iast rainy day tlîinking about denitists. i wiih soon tic due for a chieck-up andi 50 my trepid-ations sta,.rted about wiiat thie gooci doctor nu ighit do to mec. Like ail dentists, mine lias the favoumite habit of' throwiniil the tools ini the shiop iii to your inoutii, packîîîg theim cown witlî cottoni b.atten. andi thienasking you wlvht's ncw. lt's ratlier obvious thiat lie isni't ini tie Ieast întcrested ini whiat's new wvith you. WliîiIc tue ain came clown i beganl to e- mienîber nîy last visit. Now;%,I won't sziv miy cdentisý,t is îuot good because blis qualificationis are excellent bu t Ils bedside. or chiairside man uer leaves ai lot to be desired. Wlueni you first go in.. hue usiers you over to thie scene of thue crime. poinîts to the cliair. anti teis youI to nmake yourseîf coin lortable whicîi 1 iimiediately proceed to (do. Teni seconds later tie BIRD'S WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1972, PAGE 9 Chamber to honour 0MB je A. Kennedy EYE vIEw THIS TIME vote for the PARTY that qives priority to PEOPIE* THIS TIME vote for thol MAN who wîiI qivo priority to PEOPLE*' THIS TIME VOTE A public sehool principal with Uthe Ontario (?ounty Board, AI Ward lias cndeavoured for more tian 10 years to promiote and supp)ort commnunity projeets and activities. lie lias clhaired Red Cross and Marcli of Dimes campaigns, worked witlî youthi groups. servcd 2 years on the Pickering District Iili Schiool Board and 3 years on Pickering Townslhip Library Board. 'Tlîcc arc but- a few of miaiy conmmunity interests 10 whicli Allias given his encrgy and ability. A muan witlî this kind of social coninitmient wiII serve you weII in Ottawa. COMMITTEE ROOM - 942-7410: 839-4044 good dloctor tells me to sit up straighter, put my head this way aind look up here, move this armi out of the way, bend mny Iead this way and look up here. The payoff is when hie lias the nerve to say, "There, isn't that better?!" Better? By this time 1 look like a reject pretzel. 'm sure he's got a deal going withi the local chiropraçtor. And as tor X-rays, I'd like to meet the gufy that says they're painless. He shouid meet my dentist if hie thinks they're painiess. To get your teeth X-rayed you have to put this stiff piece of cardboard in your mouth behind the suspiejous tooth. Thien yoti close your r-nouth on it and the doc snlaps a pictuire. Wel 1 know damn well that mny dentist must imiport special oversize X-ray cardboards from somnewhere in Germiany whiere the men are bîgger. Wlierever lie gets thiem tliey're always too big for my mnouth but, no miatter. My dentist hias a thleory . . . If at first it doesn't fit . .. Force It! So iii go thie Cardboards andclamip together goes thie jaws. i always close my iiioutli uintil i feel tlie cardboýard being lieid tighit wliereupon nîy dentist says, "Oli you can squeeze tiglîter thian tliat can't you'?" and lie jams ni y jaws sliîut jusi to prove ie's righit. Somietiiies i worry thiat il'Il bieed to deatli whIfle thee dentist is in the littie roonm taking the X-ray because tiiere's no way i want to Juave a re- ruii of' tliat torture just becauise the first X-ray didIn't turni ou t. Rigormnortis isn't as still as i an whien tlîe X-ray goes oft. nie resu Its Uare alinost always tie sainie thie teetlh are finie and i fi'1Iook.a fter îïhem tiîey slioti d ast for at icast anot lier sîxix ontlis... Linitil the next ciieckup. Sure. even I know thie teeth wili List but thec gufis are in) seriotis trouible. i figuLre abouit two miore sets of' X-ravs and i'Il hiave to uet fa ,Ilse gYumis ecause thec oid onies are aînîlost hiacked to bits. Buit ans'xay. as I said whien it rains i try to keep busy and tiink of' otiier tings thian tlîc rain Ialling on the roof. An evii picture of' my denîtst writliing on the floor gagging with a imoti tiiii of' X-ray card boards ci id fleet tiirougli nmy ii last timie it rainied buit after ail dentists are lîtianii toc) . . . amren*t tiîey? JIM QIA IL One of the most in- fluential figures in mu- nicipal politics in the province-plans a speak- ing engagement in Whit- by early in November. J.A. Kennedy, retiring chairman of the Ontario Municipal Board will ad- dress a general meeting of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce on Novem- ber 1 at Heydenshore Pavilion. Mm. Kennedy, who leaves his Ontario Gov- ernment-appointed post on October 3 1, will speak* on local govern- ment, the rote of thie 0MB and the individual's righits ini the governinent- al process. The meeting, which starts at 8 p.mi., wiii be open to the public andi tiiere will be no ad- mîission charge. Memibers of the Whiitby Town Couincil, Ontario Couinty Couincil and inayoms and councils of neighîboring m1unicipaiitics have been invitcd to attend. A speciai presentatioli to Mr. Kennedy ini ec- ognlition of' lus long vears of' service to the 0MB wili be macle by Cluanu ber officiais. Born and educatcd ini Sudbury, Mr. Kennedy received a Bachielor of' Arts degree froîuî Loyola College, Montreal in 1925 and graduated from Osgood Hall in 1929. He practiced' law in Windsor until 1956 when lie becamne a mem- ber of the 0MB. He was subsequently ap- pointed chairman of the board Feb. 1, 1960. Mr. Kennedy has been described as "A highly outspoken and influen- tial figure in the Provin- cial Governr-nent struc- tu re." Premier Williami Davis said recently lie has dis- piayed "higli standards of integmity in thîe diffi- cuit job of guiding the 0M B tlîrouglî this pemiod of intensive develop- ment and rapid social change." Mmr. Kennedy's re- mîarks slîould be of par- ticitiar interesi to Whit- by esidents because of ihc---recent 0MB hear- inigs iii the town on1 senlior citizenis' 'and iow renitai housinig. and *the Myrtie sausage kitclîen. Ani 0MB lhearinig was aiso sclîeduled on tdie nîuniîcipal buiildinig pro- posed for Rossland Road, but was caniceiled after councii defemmed tuie projeet. What to do on a rainy Aibmm4C.X N.w Democrat

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