PAGE 4, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS Elec trïical^ Manufacturer to -build'on .4-acre si te to III Cannon's deci- sion 'to locate in thé' Whitby Industrial Park was the high standards of development required in the Park. The site selected by ITT Cannon is adjacent toà parkland, and will, according to Winters, "provide an ideal setting for their building." Reviewing plans for the ITT Cannon Electric plant slated for Whitby's Industrial Robert Enright, Indlustrial Developer Wes Winters and Reeve Tom Edwards. The purchase of a 4- acre site in the Whitby Industrial Park by ITT Cannon Electrie, a divi- sion of IT Canada Limited, has been an- nounced by the firm's general manager, Robert s. Enright. He made the an- nouncementjointly with Whitby Development Comm issioner Wes W-in-. ters. Mr. Winters said the firm plans to build a S400,000. 35,000 square foot manufacturing plant on the site. The contract for construc- tion of the building hlas been let to Mel-Ron Con- struction- Limited. "We are pleased that Whitby Town Council lias accepted our offer for the property," En- right said. He said the new plant, located less than 30 miles froni the existing facilities, is ex- pected to "materially in- crease our production capabilities." HTT Cannon Electric manufactures connec- tors for military, aero- space, commercial and industrial applications. The operation employs 100 persons. Wlhitby Mayor Des Newman said he was "pleased" with the de- velopmnent. "Another major manufacturing itr comipany lias recognized whlol, the inayor said. the miany advantages of Winters said construe- Whiitby's 1Industrial Park, tion wouîd start mni- and the advantages of imcdiately. He said a ina- our community as a jor factor contributing 1972 Plymouth Customn 4 Door sedan, V8, Automatie, Radio, Power Steer- ing, Back Rear Window Defoggers, Engine Block Heater, Balance of Warranty - 18flOO miles. Licence - 83919R - Price $3,59 5 1972 Dart Demonstrator Coupe, Big 6, Automiatic, Power Stcering, Rear Window I)efoggers, Burnper Guards, Body Side Mould- îngs, White & Bro)wn, lÂcence 91I7329R. - Price $3,270 1968 Ford (,alaxie 500. lied Fastback One of the iGhaêwm group2 '"Big snougb tu save YGU monsy SmaII onougb te know your namo" DOMINIONIb'Cfi SUCKERS ~~~~?~2 CRS bIh 2per box TOOTHPASTE * * FamIIy Sizo eEPNAP \ f UIPP 2*CAR CRASH s4,800 DAMAGES A two car accident at Highway 1 2 and Taun- ton Road last Monday completely destroyed two cars and sent three people to the hospital. M rs. BJ. Wannamak- er, 33, of Brook lin and lier motiier, Mrs. L. Hfub- bIc, 00, of' Bowrnan-' ville were nortlibound on lîliway 12 wien the iiccidenit OCCLlrrCd. D)river olf the other car, \vhich WIIS xeSthOLïndC O11 latitn uRoad, waIs Mr. R.W. Cole, 21. Of Oshîawa. (Cole lias heen clarged Witl1 fi ilinig to obey a stop)-signi. KAZ3 J VAPORIZER-HUMIDIFUER 3 97bXfiies 3)1 LiMITED OUANTITY ON ALL ITEMS ~fefl theC.#u~grOup 5t* PCISCOUNT STORESI PLANTERS SPANISH PEANUTS 50 x 2$ pk. ln box 67e 121 Brock Street South WHITBY, ONT. 1T~ "1 I 7Lm 7 q7iÉ