PAGE 12, TIURSDAY, NOVE MBER 2, 1972, WlITIBY RlPRS Citizen iraps Councll hard for teir Criminal FoIIy' WH-ITBY -A Whithy resident, Frank Sugdeii ofBlyroîi St, S. has chairged couticil wit h f"cniîinal toly" lor eîîcouri aging resident ia I developîîînt and ignoring industrial goth. H-e furthler cli,îgetd iii ai letter to the town th lat it would aper esident s aret being.asWed to pîy muie ta\es in order to providle seývise vices which can on lv kliee quired to take cate of ncw GRAI)UATIES WHITBY--Recenit grzlduates of Shaw Colleges, Toronto- based commercial school, are Shirley P. Grylîs, 121 Ccedar St aind Patty Scott, 203 Lee Ave., both of Whitby. The girls received their dîp- lomason October 2-1 at Eaton' Auditorium. resietit ùl dvelpî idi c as I vide ('eek ai tllie liitidI tey t' anti aIezI Ohýjevdiing to mIIil 's tde sire Io hillose a %jevoWl sowcî i \ai teut t ut tîpi ooaI hottl 110 de'sooc 1o sil\tI:'ivol- \,elo oN îi 'wcîs t N lic iii (ho~ t e'il <ý.ts ~ îesîemîtîl gowi<h di- %VhlliN h ,îs a î'iaeeto tt' v." lic ,.'trt îîud, Xîîri tliiit wio have to p-av tfoi î', oo. atlds iîsîîl \It Ve îid liîed lb speîid îuoiîey toi, soes, stic added, q*wlîy shonld h have tw bc raised by t his filetthod anîd nil put ini the budget where it sliould bc'?" Coviv's o, t l ci<iwo ' Town Park B3rlnls En WHITBY - A course In' folk-$inoing is being bffcrcd by the Whitby' FamlIy JYMCA. The course, intended for c'hlldren 10 to 12 yeitrs old, will tech the mi' <il to(>k-singing Tourlsts Wli,,i 11W ileydletslioiîe Park is becoiiîg a favoutltt' stop- 1)VeI for vai iutrU Iadecr gr-oups anîd subsequelitiy Is serîig(lie towîi as a fast growing tourist attractÎon. During the past year 190 American and 81 Ont ario families, represcnting cight varions traiter groups,attended Heydenshore '*Park ini their trailers, Town Treasurer Forbes McEwen reported to Coun cil. The great majority of An-. enican visitors are enior citi- zens and niany live in their trailers on a permanent basis instead of miain taining a home, he pointed out. Total traiter park revenue for the year amounts to $1,013.89 while $650. was the original snm estirnated. Hleydenshore Pavilion was used by the groups as well, and $300. was received as rentai fromi these gronps. Two occasions were dnring long weekends wlien the hall is' more di llicnlt to ren t for ottier events. _In addition, the miunici- pality receives a eredit of S300. toward the hydro out- lets snpplied hy' a tral 1er gronp. The traiter hydro expense arnouants t() approximaitely S1I00. and thelie mnicipa lity provides garbage pickup froni a central location after cacli rai ly. Mcliwe\vn said. "'Tlis snhîll opera tion brotiht ton rïis t o ~Whi tby who wonld not have ot hcrwîse corne witli the re- snlting benefit to local mer-- chiants." WHY SHOP AROUND? We represent ail Tour-com. aniles advertising in this newspaper, and other pubi- 'calions. For further infor- mation contact: Donald Tiavel, 102 Brock St. S. Whitby, Phone: 668-8867 Canada's number-one import car is here! Datsun 1600. 96 horses, up to 35 miles4e# the gallon. With the kind of per- formanlce that's made it Can- adas most successful raiiy car. Buy the one that's been4 xested under the worst pos- sible conditions against the best possible competîtion. Datsun's The Leader. fe.19 73 DATS UN NOW ON DISPLAY ZOLTAN1 aud NI(K 9s 160 Simlcoe SI. Sottl Osîavwa Cali 728-0051I e BIGGEST BARGAIN IN TOWN 15 WORDS FOR $7 UN AANCE SEND Fr W4 T I OR BRI NG IT INlQ OUR OFFICE AT 301 BYRON ST. S AND WE WILL RUN YOUR WANT-AD 'UNTIL SOLD' or maximum of 5 weeks. PLEASE FRONT WORD i., 2><. MAIL TO;, WHUTBY FREE PRESS BOX 206, WHUTBY Adknowledgeunwnts oi rectipts ore not sont in respetc rant enzies 1968 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan. V-8 automatic, Radio, medium blue exterior with matching blue interior. A one owner car at a low, tow price. Lic. No. 23078A $1395 1971 Charger 500 V-8 automatic power steering, power brakes, Radio. Green exterior with black bucket seats and black vinyl-roof. This car is a much desi- red car at a very desir- able prîce of Lic. No. 573113 $31 95 Î250 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-0843- 4 PORT PERRY 985-3201 1969 Mustang Mach 1 Higfl performance 428 automatic, power steerinig, power disc brakes, Radio, white watts, wheel discs. Sea green with gold racing stripes and white in- terior. Was $2 395.00 Lic. No. $29 68232A $29 191Buick Skylark G.S. Convertible. 400 engine, automnatîc, power steering, power brakes, power windows. Lime green with white convertible top and white vinyl interior. A very sporty car for thzc sporly buyer. WVas $3395 Sale Price Lic. No. 611433 $3195 1 3 SPECIALS from WIIITBY DODGE 1972 CORNET CUSTOM V8 automnatic, power steeri1ng, brakes, radio, rear window defogger, b um per guards, body side mou Iding, block heater, 70 AMP battery, white waIl covers. $3488 Lic. 1134R. 1972 Valiant Duster, big 6. Automatic, powe r steering, radio, rear wvindow defogger, bumper' guards, body side rnouldn guards, body side moulding, white walls. $3340 Lic. 1270R. 1968 Ford Galaxie 500, 2-door hardtop. V8, automatie, power equipped plus. Priced to seil. Red. $1388. Lic. 67643P. Premium rad FelOi -.668»3341<* to choque ou money orders. et the advertiser's risk. Cash sent through the mail is NAME....... ADDRESS . ,Mcoonalcl's v family * restaurants ccee Tcù M 1 î3 OSHA WA HA WA ltc)n Hwy 2 ai Simcoe N. Thif k son a Tïiunton -1