PAGE .< 1-lUS)Y NOVEM BbR 2, I1972, XVIl IIY Vit 1:1;1RISS SIASF ADVERTISING REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES __________J Sombk 2nd. MORIGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE e.5 YEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES e NO BONUSES e NO CREDIT CHECKS 0 NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS a CON FI DENTI AL AR RANGEM ENTS MADE IN VOUR OWN HOME *BOR ROW AS LITTLE AS $1.600 *FAST SERVICE CALL Mr. Wilks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto L;J2i Y± For the best in lst And 2nd Mortgages No Bonus CONSU LT M. F. SWARTZ RETREAT PROPERTY H ideaway among ten acres of beautifully matured trees, white birch,' evergreens etc. Iocated among the Uxbridge His featuri ng good river with sandy bottom. Large selections of acreage avcilable starting at $1 1,000. 852-7833 Uxbridge 852-7605. Bob John- son Realty Ltd. Realtor. 5 ___________________________________________ ANNOUNCINO LOW COST MORIGAGE LOANS THAT CAN PAY OFF ALL YOUR BILLS - AND CUl YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1H HALF OR LESS. l n otheir words you can make one re- duced paymnent a month instead of many. Here's What to Do to Get A Low-Cost Mortgage Loan Cal b, Write or corne in. The service is fast, so make your New Start today. We've hebped home-.owners through- out Ontario corisolidate their debts this easy way and everything is con- fidential. Commercial C2 shop 24' by 24' on large lot. Choice location uvîh eleven room house fuîly rented. For sale - lease or rent. DON STRADESKI REALTOR 923-4651 5,000 sq. ft. commercial build- ing, glass front on busy intersect- ion. Desirable location. 5.000 sq. f t. commercial build- ing, glass front on busy inter- section. Desîrable location. Caîl Don Stradeskî Real Estate. 923- 4651; SMITH-CORONA Dealer NEWANS OFFICE EQUIPMENT 117 Tu.ut St. W. 668-3738 Ajtax Floor and Rug Service Specialists ini Rug CIeauiing AIl types of rugs and carpets, expertly cleaned. Cali for free estima tes -942-5590 Fram 400 ta 5.020 It., bease optianal. Wilb divide, air canditioned, braadlaam, ample free parking. I ALLIANHCE BUILDING CORP.LTD. 942-2550 Tronto (416) 449-0310 OR your own broker LOST Young, whrt Husk'y, BÉlue Eyes, Twosîed Collar, Reward, Cali 668-9775 or 668-2410 LOST KITTEN Six* months old beige maIe in Lupin Drive area of Whitby. Cali 668-4834 aflter 6 p.m. Services By collector any crock or jug marked Whitby-Oshawa etc. Cali 668-4531. Arrange your FaIl Plaque Party and receive fine quality -gifts. Why not phone 668-9832 now? NOTICES i Ashburn Community Centre, Mo nday, Novem- ber 13, 8 p.m., coloured* slide presentation: ICE- LAND by Dr. Toveli and Miss Ruth Marshall of the Royal Ontario Mus- eum. Silver collection lunch afterwards. AMBITIOUS GIRL- Lookinig for Job. Filîng, Saleswork, Baby- sîîîinig, Sewiiig. Caîl Jayne today ai 668-4023 or 723-0051. Mortgage Investmnents il Ontario Street Oshawa 723-6510 BUI LDERS E.G. TAYLOR CUSTOM BUI LDE RS Ho use s-Cottages-Ga rages RemnodellIing-Renovations Rec-Roomns-Additions Roofing - Painting FREE ESTIMATES QUALITY SERVICE 579-0195 DAY CARE Day Care offered in my home for tVvo childrcn by experienced woman. Caîl 668-9682 PRINCIPALS ONLY OSHAWA 576-4161 BROOKLIN 655-4492 Principals Orily Real Estate Infor- mation Services helps you selI privateîy. Sales were completed Iast week in Myrtle, Seagrave, two in Oshawa. For Sale totally remoclelîed couni- try home on '/ of an acre at Seagrave $29.900. In Whitby neat two bedroom cottage with workshop and doub- le garage for large trucks $25.000. To regîster at cost only $175.00. ~REV~J1 SCAFFOLDING BOATING -CAMPING LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT PAINT SPRAYERS - POWER TOOL BOATS - BOX & CABIN TRAILER Sales - Service - Rentais - Storage WULDE RENTA SERVICE & SALES 1415 OUNDAS 1 6êý8-3226 STIEEL BO ATjS Ali Stiapes, Alil Iesigyns t roin 26" - 50' FIUSKIE SrTEEL BOAT' CONWAN Y 1628 Charles Street, Whitby 668-5431 DON STRADESKI REAL ESTATE 942-4651 SPACE FOR RENT Ilu From 1 600 ta 19,000; short or Iong term lease. Wilî divide, 550V, 220 and 110, new construction, truck lovel loadin9, sprinklered. steam heat. Suit woodwork. ing, furniturermanufacturer, plastics, tire soaee Ooen storage andi warehousing, 1,600 to 60fOOO,,short or Iong.term bease. ,!OFICE[UBII±NU Travel HALCYON DAYS TRAVEL Nassau Bahamas Special November 24th. Dec- ember Ist to December 8th. Departure to Nas- sau $189 incIuding meals, air, first class hot- el. Oshawa, 67 King St. E. 728-4687. evenings 576-5146. Ajax Branch 942-6611i Open daily to 10 p.m. Dressmaking & alterat- TRAVEL AGENCY ions expertly and quickly Travel1 counsellor with done. Phone 942-0688. airline or travel agency ___________________experience required. DONALD TRAVEL Does eachi month keep WHITBY Phoneo 668-8867 comning outthie sarneý If your answer is yes Ace Cleaning Contractor let me help part or full 20 years experience to tîme. No investment offer you- necessary. Cati 728-3110 668-8332 HELP WANTED Application required for Chief Steward for Royal fi , adian Legion. Branch 112 Whitby. Send comn- .-te details of business experience to date. att- lion of the Secretary of Royal Canadian Legion. *Inchi 112. Whitby. Ontario. Closing date N ov- 9aber 13.1l97?. FOR SA LE--1971 T.N.T. 30 HP Skidoo $500. After 5 p.m., 601 Brock St. South, Whitby. 668-8060 For Sale TOY POODLE PUPPIES, white ones, black ones. Top quality and temperament. C.K.C. regis- tered maies and females. Phone 725-6473 Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa Buying or selling furn- iture appliances, dishes, etc. Cal1 Elmer's and save. Chesterfield, TV, wringer washer, rugs, tables and chairs. Many more articles. Cali 576-7253. Guitar and banjo instruc- tion. Cali Bill Payne 668- 9472 between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. weekdays. Wholesale Beef Sides & Quar- ters, direct from farm. Goverri- ment inspected, grain fed. Cut and wvrapped ready for freezer. 655-3326 Y~oLl I tower - coloiti head - I1('dvN' iolor specialisis. 725-8<) I3 2 BUN K BEDSPREADS - Green With Ship Design. S3 each. Old wooclburnîng stove $25. Cali after 4 p.m. - 655-4264. General Repaîr Work. Special at tent ion given to si-nall jobs. A division of Superior Conistruc- tion --579-2355. Size 10--i12 Girey Persian Lamb Goat. Cocktail Sineves $ 250. China Mînk Jacket --Sideslits - $50. - 668.'3523. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Dressrnakitng and alterations ex- pertly and quickly done. Phone 942-0688. Woman seeks Housecleaning position, preferably in Meadowvs of West Lynde. Cali 668-6047. WA NI E Attractive, discrîminat- ing women who like quality cosmetics to show our beautiful "Mink Oji" u lne to friends, neighbours - highest commission. For full information caîl 655-3679 or write Eden Cosmetics, Box 305, Brooklîn, Ontario. For appointment - Betty- Jean Blyth, Sales Rep- resentat ive. 1967 PLYMOUTH Sports Satel- lite Hardîop V8, Automatic, Excellent Condition, Recent Paint, will be certified. 655-3266 1968 Meteor 500 in very good condition. New tires, snowtires, radio $1,100. Safety check. 576- 7253. MUTUAL 0F OMAIA'S Exclusive mass marketing agency in the Oshawa and Whitby area has openîng for one sales representat- ive. QUALITY LEADS, highest commissions and bonuses or draw in the industry. For appoint- ment caîl District Manag- er in Oshawa 576-0540. Wanted teacher for ladies' day- lime e 'xcercise class. Caîl Betty Gardiner 655-3187. NEW DATSLJNS Onby $77,25 Down Only $76.16 per Month MIDWAY DATSUN 1300 Dunclas East WHITBY - 668-6828 W, HELP WANTED Automobiles ~ j SALES iIIoyITITIIà ISERVICE PARTS et INGVARIL rE KING ST. L. OSHAWA (1 MIL E ASI 0F .HAAMONY RD.) 72ll76,