PA G 4, IlIISI)AY, NOVÎiMIER 16, 1972, WIVVi'BY 1'REF PRESS WeIVre Up empty Whitby's major downtown area-the town's core area-is apparently undergoing a transforma- tion. Unfortunately, il is of the type not wvelcomed. Numerous stores and other commercial enter- prises have closed their doors in the downtown shopping area and have either gone out of business or moved operations tu plaza and other diversif ied locations. For many, those whu enjoy shopping clown- tuwn or work in the area, these moves are proving an inconvenience. For the businessmen themselves it chronicles either anl econumic slowduwn or a wish tu "go where the action is." What is proving even more bothersome, how- ever, is the tact that those who should have the best interests ut the downtown area at heart show little or no interest in doing anything about it. The Oowntown Action Cormiîttee, Chamber ut Commerce and tuwn planning personnel show no inclination whatsoever tu study the problem with a view tu stopping the exodus. In our editorial view, when the downtown cure uf a cumrnunity starts tu deteriorate, wMen busi- nesses start muving uut or closing altogether, the complete economic demise ut the area may not be far behind. It behobves the above-mnentioned organizations to take note of the problemn and, before it is toc late, do something about it. Photos by Murray White I LII ML c 1 - . a 7 blanson