P>AGE 6,1IlI ERSI)AY. NOVEMIIE 16, 1 972, Wl I'1BY 1 E1RS Basic residenice teleplione rates ini the Whitby exchiange would go up l'ive cents a month in 19~~73 and 35 cents a month in 1974 if l'ie (Cana- dian Transport Commission approves ic reases askcd by Bell Canada Friday, Novemi- be r 10. Proposed inecases werc included ini applications "A", to take effect ini 1973, and "B", 10 be întroduced in' 1974. The I1973 application asked for increases ini basic rates, service charges, long distance rates and other ser- vices suclh as extensions. The 1974 application ini- cludes proposed increases ini Pennies soved ore pennies goined ... aond youl save ao of 'mOn these and mony other spécials ini our big PENNY PINCHER Drop in tndjyl <SALE ENDS SAT, NO rate býasic rates, service charges, long distance and pay plione rates, ex tensions, and a new 25-cent charge for soi11C calîs 10 dii ectory assistance. M rs. M. D. Veater, Bell nmanager ini this arca, said inecases allowed Bell by the CTC last May are being large- ly o ffse t by increased operat- ing costs beyond its control. The conîpany says relief' throughi a rate inecase is needed to avoid construction cutbacks and def'errals. Ser:vice charges would double in two stages, with a 50-percent inecase iI1973 and a further one-third in-' crease ini 1974. Prescrnt rate f'or a new residence plione lot SALE! )V. 25) increase here installati on is $11 . This would go 10 S$16.50 nexi year aiîd $22 ini 1974. I ncreascs proposed fo r 1973 for long distance would apply only to thîe initial charge lîeriocu and only on calîs within Bell terriiory: two cents l'or custonîer-dialed; l'ive cents for1 opera tor- handled station - 10 - station; and 10O cents f'or person-to- e rson. The I1974 proposed in- crease is one cent on cachi overtimie minute for aIl long distance calîs. General increases proposed f'or I1973 include f'ive cents a nionth f'or residence and ho- tel extensions 'and 1.5 per- cen t --witl ha l[ive cent Imini- mnun- for îîîost other services. Pay 1)11011e rates for local cials, which hiaven 't chainged iii 1-0 years, would double to 20 cents over a I S-month conversion )e riocl, beginn ing ini 1974, New vandal-proof phiones witlî a d îal-tone-first featulre would bc provided. Tlhis would permit a caller to reachi an operator in an cmiergency withlout depositing iloney. The proposed 2 5-cen t charge f'or caîls to dircctory assistance would Jiot apply' to hand icapf)ed persons sucli as thec blind. Nor would the charge be lcvied on calîs f'roin p'JY phones, or- hospital o)r Gencral increases f)roposed l'or 1974--in addition wo basic à ,oI r ', , Town West and rate b)oosis --include an addi- tional l'ive cents 'J inonth lfor residence iind lhotel exten- sions, and 6.25 percent l'or most other services. As part of its application to the CTC, Bell is asking approval of a five-year-plan- to go into effect in I 974-to make f'our-party service the new standard in rural areas. As mnany as'I10 customers share a uine in sorne rural areas today. Multi-pa,ýrty service would flot be offered to new eus- tonlers iii these aras. In- creascs in 1 974 for residence customiers, which would range froni 95 cents 10 $1 .65 a 111011thi would depend on the number of telephones in the exchangc's local calling area. Unider this plan, only sin- Council Ward else where gle and two-party service wotuld bc available in buili- up areas of' an exclhange out.- sidc the main urban centre. Commrutcd rmilcage charges would bc eliminated [or these cu storme rs. Customners living in rural arcas who have single and two-party service do pay mile- age charges, based on quarter- mile units, ini addition to their basic rate. Mileage charges would go up iii both 1 973 and I1974, and under this plan they would be computed in haîf- mile units bcginning in 1I974. Monthly increases would depend on ilie distance the customner is [romi the urbanl part of diîe exclhange. Eighty- 1-ve percent of Bell customners afl'ectcd by this part o>f the plan live within two nmiles of' thieir cxclhange's main uir- ban centre. Increcases f'or themn would range [rom S I .30 b 5$5.60 a mon th, beginning in 1974. Maximum increase under this planl would bc S 10.60 a inonill. 1/ pa'ice peCiU SsuGG' 2 for 59' 59C eo. NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 10 oz. Special SUGG. LIST 1.99 1.49 JOHNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO 8UGCIST1.52, 1.09 LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 18 ounce SUGG. LIST 1.99 CONTAC-C COLD New! Pkg. of 20 SUGG. LIST 2.80 1.33 CAPSULES CLAIROL HERBAL ESSENCE SHAMPOO 12 ounce - SUGG. LIST 2.49 HANKSCRAFT VAPORIZER Model 202 - 128 oz. SUGG. LIST 9.95 69 swA UQUIUD Of G~ pgOII%21 ruitmhpoo- lm WHITeY COURTI UNALIN tD.A PARMACY <117Mdckt. K U8&M~ CHRISTMAS MINI-LIGHT SET 20 Light, s 9 SUGG. LIST$19 *"VICTORS" 8ouc IN BROOKLIN SHORTSL.D.A. PIARMACY 65 li" st. 6%S3mO INVITlATrIONAL Club Members and Guests Only Thé Town of Whitby and the Whitby Curling Club tire once agai. hosting the Dunlop luvitational Bonspiel. W. look forward to seeing Club Members and their guests duri.g the event. mI. Sa?. Nov. 11, 1972 Sot. Nov. 18,1972 Sa?. Nov. 25,1972 Fri. Doc. 1, 1972 Sot. D«c. 2, 1972 (Finals Day) BeIl seeks VOTE John McNutt for "#EXQUIS ITE"P PANTY HOSE BEIGE COLOUR SmI., Med. or Lge. (Minimum of 8 per customer) 4fom'$I Open Evennp - Tuesday and Thuriday 1»DUNMA ST. L. - WHITS "if you want to look your best" WN*Y Sýtilu 1416»6S-4Z1 01Q 43»0W41 HAVE A COFFEE with BRUNO 137 Brock St. South i Ai Si Ir gr ME Penny PinChEP S31E. lý 11F 1III10P Il or OiIY COUGH PROFS R,,Ulor, Dry 13c voog 14 ounce SUGG. 2.99 le33