Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1972, p. 9

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WHITI3Y FREIi PRE,ýSS, TIIURSDAY, NOVLMBER 30, 1972. PAG9 soul for the enitire day. The heavy foliage is gone and the light covering of sfl0w that we have will set the flushing grouse off nicely, and permit you to actually be able 10 focus on the target. A close working "setter" would be a big heip here but you really don't need one if you cover enough ground duiring the course of the day. Pay special attention to the thickcts, of evergreens as thc birds enjoy using thern for cover now that most other trees are bare. Most of ail though, don't hang up the fowlingpiece yet, hlot until December 16 anyway, as there is stili really fine gunning, 10 be had.___ OUT DOORSMAN'F WITH PAUL WICHEIR The end of bird hiur ting scason is in sighît and along wait is the only thing tlîat nmost huniters have tu look torward to. Howcver, Iet's niot bury the old girl bel'ore she's actually dead, thiere is aliiuost a nionth of grand huit ing ahiead and fromn wha t 1Ihave seen it is probably going lu be flhe best of thie year. East of hiere, in thec Trenton-Belleville area, thle waters are literally janned with ducks and geese, 1 personal ly have nieyer seen as mnany or liad suchi good shooting tor puddlers in iny whole life. For Ille last thiree weckends everýywltereI1 xvent tliikinig thecre would be ducks -there wvere. and in huge locks. 1 cail 500 to 700 nallards, ina group, lige. There are what sems to be uncourntable t]ocks of' thesc birds. lî'sjust short o! a wattoleriis parad ise! The best chances secem to be had iin thle sniali beaver ponds with a I ittie bit of' openi wa 1er where Ilocks of' miallaids and blacks keep coniing iin and tak ing of' they 're doing il ail day long. Whatever von do, doiît pass up jumip shooting on any of'fthe rivers and trou t st reamis in thec area. They are also carrvîng a lîavy crop of waitertlowl. Most ofI these birds are feeding in t he necarbv' corn fields where you niay get somle Lnf orget table shloo t Lg if youi gel there early enoughi in theninornino or betore 3:,30 in the at'ternoon . as this appears to he th limile wlien tlle (reenhleads" are lookiiig about 10 il i[ipte nId crop for- tlle îigh t. Good h un tim, tor divers cari he had ai iost ianv\vhere along Lake On tario :ai thiimue outIthe season bnut my biel wvould be 10 hecad for Prince Edward ('oun ty . thle h unk of' coIItin\e tr.sou ti O f Ithe BaV Of Quin Ite. Avid %vatelentowIts ini that area report nafts of' several thousand birds as beiîîg commion and tha t they are decoy ing beaLIt i f'Llly. The town o! Wellington is as good a place to s!art tromi as any I knowv. No nia tter wvha t direct ion youi go froin thlere tllie 1hu.11t1ingshould[be grealt. IfVLI oU ppIL)CI 0go there. sec Joe Stevens f'or accommnoda tions or in st drop iii at h is resort tu get local iiiforiatitnp as 10 whiere vou mîigli t set, your "spread." [lis oldest son is a pretty lfair duck himt er and could possiblv head you in tIlle riglit direction. If thle rnffed grouIse have beeînffMlonyon hfie past few years tIus is jnst flic lime to even the scor e a bit. Ail districts I have been' in ton cl with report a bumiper crop of these feather bulets. Lindsay and Tweed seeni especially good anîd bothi of thlese areais are witin easy reach ot anvone in Whitby. Now that thte deer hnnnter-s have departed . wi th t lie poorest k il! in years. tlie wood s are cotuple ely free for the grouse h tinIter and you can belt îa t lie will nol sec alnothei VOTE John McNutt for Town Council West Ward We finally We finally did it. changed the looks of the Bu .For openers, open the door. And Whaim-O: WVhat*s a nice big inferior lîke you doing inside a Volkswagen?' There's plenty of Ieg room up front', There's lots of head room. The windshield is curved und pushed awayfromyour nose.1t's 42% larger.(Thaî's the windsh ield, flot your nose.) The padded dlash is completely re- designed and easier to read (for those of you who like ta read cdashes). The seats are more comfortable, cur- ved and contoured ta your body. Inertia-fype seat belts buckle up as standard equipment. And wonder of wonders, it is now much easier for passengers to get to the back of the Bug. With ail the newfound room, we had! ta find a new ventilation system. Which we did. And it's so good that, now, even the side windows can Le ventilated and de- fogged. mostly hidden. (Although the taillights are nearly fwice as large as ever before.) Altogether we made 20 improvements in the Super Beetie for 1973. But withouf a. dou Lt, the biggest im- provement of ail is thefeeling you getwhen you get inside. Take if for a test sit toda.y. Few tig in life work as well as a Volkswagen. As for outside improvements, they're 0o WHITBY jC OSHAWA W HWY 2E 142 5 Dundas St. KL WHlTBY V Ontario 2:. 668-9381 668-9384 ~s t-Woolco 'rTHE Thrnk B31ig. Elect William Livingstone Councillor East Ward- VOTE 1 Livingstone 1Xi

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