FORA PROGRESSIVE Novembef 23, 1972 TOALRATIEPAYýRS n arFincrdfs craa:poset.i is more vital than ever <bat we. the citizens of Whilby, - Ashbum. > Brookifl amNd yrtie _ intensif>' aur voice in municipal goverument. rgt srtpyr If we have learned anything from recent eXperlence, il is that the very survival ofour if t srtpyr is atstake.-potfrmyrith otc inmucpa 1<ta sin this connection that I1sam solicitifil yaur suppotfrmyri h otcmn uiia Ylctou a fo pe ih vr 1hn say or stand for. whst we can agree on. howeve, is he absolute neeat>'frasrng irn aorwowl lt abdcate his re-sponsibilities if groner. more lucrative political opportuflities arise. We can a"s agree <bat Whitby needs a Mayor who wlI listen Io ai of the people and psy heed as the situationi requis. I oiyur viable alternative in this eaoç. Iwl!1 endeavour <o provde aiil citizena witls an opportuflity (a have a voîce in the establisahmlent of priorties for <he adequate and rmnancially fesble developmeflt of Our ares. And in <is regard. it is my intention to open a commiufit>' office, resnovcd from <the pressuires of Town Wal where ai citizen - with an>' problem or viewpoiil - cao meet me face ta face, anytirne, talk s<raigh from <ho shouider and Çmn out the sisy &M how. T'his will alsa h <tho case with sentior deparneeit headis when required. As your Mayor, I1will wOul toward the day whcn we once more have aur own fufl-servie Post Office, adequate Actais facilitues and a Bell Telephollo office. In addition. I support ho need 0fou cauitiesa thestre uat galler and music centre which wokli greti> stimulate the culturul appotites r uiciiena and enhanco ho qualit>' af aur lives. It will also ho my intention <t s hen these additional facilities are avalablea mini-bus or similar farm of transport "Il h provided ta ensuiet <at ail citizens cao enjoy them ta <he fullest no matter wheire <bey may ho found in aur communit>'. As your mayor I will insâst <bat yau, <ho taxpayer, knaw wherc ail your tax dollsr are going. 1 will put a stop ta unnecessaly spending in <he formn of unrealistic planning and totaIly indiscrininate promotions for selfisb gain. 1 asic yau <o use your vote wisely an Decemhor 4(h. HeIp eloct me Mayor and put pooplo hock int h pictur - sith a voice in your communitY and future. Sincerely, BH/vgBrn ild (Candidate for Mayor-December 4) elctHARILAID ExJ mayor COMM ITTEE ROOMS - 137 BROCK ST. S. - TELEPHONE 668-6700- 668-6767 (Spnsored b1î the Commîttee of Concerned Whtby Citzens)