Tri-m level 'Illîeplusli lieCVFouri iSea- sons5 Sheiatoii î-lotelcilii Tor- ontou hosîed Federai, Pr ovin- cfial and m11 uic ipal de lega tes recen tly iii a 3-day con fecrence cI nnk dine and d iscuss tlie pussibilities utfa lifuturec meet- ing on the prohilcins of' mod- cu uribanizatîin. '[bisl'T-i-level Urban Affzairs conféerence wili ikely inake the hiistory books, but îlot because any great resolu lions wcrc made. A precedent was sel, liowever, for future mcclt- conf erence ings invuiving thee îhrce levels utf guve rn iC lit . Ilis, by ilt- sellt, Va s tIlle mi iia tit (1coi ut tIlle conl'e nice. luM SilOifiCutlte delegates Ilopes wcre llighi be turc. and 1iossibly cveii durnîg,Illue firsi nmeeting. But îieither the Fcd- eral non the Provincial guverti- inen 15 wuuld niake conces- sionis, anicl the munîicipal dele- gales wen i away f*eeing tîa t if' îley hiad won nothiîg, ai icasi they lîad dcmionstriated that tlîey cxisted. sets precedent 'l'ilimi n Iiin g dem iau ccd by and fol,î'lmtîîicipiit ies was mor ue t alks wilii th1 t1h tle F.*eclt I ýandci Pr wi îîcia I guv- crii heu s, rcegarcliig plans ihl wou Id a ffecct tiliei r a neas. Mo - iicipal ncpreseiî a t ives argticd tuai t lucy sîtun Ii Ibe iivolvcd ini umore cunstiltat ionis, silice taxes are Ilean t 1(1bc spc it ini the people's bes iiiterest, wbiiclî arc maiîily of' a local na titre, anîd ninu icipal guv- cnnîîîcn ts wotuld na turally know more about wlierc lu spcni d îoncy, sînce tlrey deai directly xitlî the taxp),yoi- ai-id kîîow lus nccds and wa is. A caIse il) poin t, suggcsted Wit lby Mayor Dies Newman at a press con l' enice lie hcld, vwas the federal Local iiii iative and (ipportunît ies For Youtl progranis. Ottiawa dispenses millions of' dollars annumally 011 tiioutsands out progrnms, sonie of tlîem of' dubious value tu the communiîtics in whicli tlîey operate. Itf more control wcre given 10 nîluni- ci pali tics, tlhiîîgs like î'oacis and scwers, aif'ectinig every t aXpaý'yer d(irCctiy, cuuid Ibe Litpd a ,led a nd repa ired , lie claied. Mr. Newman said lie wishied to explode tHc mlytii thiat IIinuniciliai guvernuiien ts have necitlier the cunîpetence nor Hlie expertise to c ffectivcly manage thieir areas or miake national decisîins regarding priorities and disburseinents of funds. "This," lie said, "is sinnply liot truc. Municipal guvernînien ts ar îade Lup ut dedica ted and capable poli- t icians, thc saille a,,s anly offthe level uf guvernînen clt." Genclral agi'ecnîen t waS reaclucd on holding a t'unthcr naltional tri-level conféecec befure the end of 1973. Smiai- lcr t i-level consul tations miay iii future bce arrangcd withi any province or gnoup of Provinces Iluat wish ili, ad- dncssed lu miattens of essen- tially regional or provincial concern. Vol. 2, No. 48 Thursday, November 30, 1972 10 cents per eopy Would donate salary to deserving groups Wl-iITBY--Bruîîio Harilaid, Ifront-rt-îtiier iinthie bld ho titiseat M avor Des Newmnan in the l)ecenmber 4 muni- cipal election. lias reJected the idea of' realizing "even one cent" fromn the mayor's saiary of' S9.000. Harilaîd promnised tlis week to turn over biis net salary froîîî the town t0 cultural. recreaitional and other groups cleemied wortliwile, so thal ail citizenis of the town will receive soi-e benefit. "I have said bef7ure anîd h sa.y tgiithaï,t i no ct i- îcrested in rcalîzinig any ad- vaiîiave, finiancial or other- \vise. i' 1 ai clocîed rIolie iayu's uttice ." said I arilaid. -1 ai î d e te ri imied tr1 ia r Wiîtby citizenis wil bc giveîu every advarîîage possible un- der any admninistration 1 lead. Silice I duoîlot personally nced t heoncîy wiîich rnon- inally is paid thec iayor. il is nîy plan that tlie net aiuuurt of' that salary will be dinecced to deserviîug groups witlîin our CunînîniLlty whichî strive tu enhance and cîurich tlue quality of-lit'e focîr citizens." lie said. Mn. Hailaid, La succcssful businlessnian, îîontgagc bru- ker. ianagenment and fiîiancial consultant and builder, lias repeatedly asscrîed lie sccks nothing froîîî the post citier ihan a square deal lfor all cii izens. His can'paign slogan l-"put- ting peuple back intu ihe picture"-is a carefuliy de- signed rebutial lu what he clainis is the "public be damnned" altitude of Mn. Newman. NDP names 'F73 of ficers The membership of the Ontario South N.D.P. Riding Association recently elected their executive officens for the year, 1973. They arc as follows: President, Alban Ward; I st Vice-Pres., Bob Wing; 2nd Vice-Pres., Bob Strickland; Secnetary, Marg KIymi;Treas- uner, lan Mornisun; Menmben- ship, Gary O'Hara; Pubiicity, Mary Elien McQuay; Provini- cial Delegaies, Alban Ward; Velmia ('rnish, AIterna tes, Marg Klyîu. Mary Ellieî Mc- Quay, Regioial Couuicil. Vel- nia Cornislî, Reg Reid, Paru D)awson. "The peuple ut* ibis coil- muîinity nnt.wcst, casi and ceîîtr-ai -deserve a vuice in niaitcrs outcoîîcenîîl t lîeîu ai the munuicipal level. 1 iii- tend i o soc thla rt iliy have t liai voice. Tlîai. imore i han aîîyti hiîîg cIsc - is why 1 aîuî coltesti ig tinis dcciîOîî. -Tlie îiuney nicalis lit tIc ru uIll and, iiiaau atteîupt to val idate îuîy con teon u1 pledgc tu turîl uver overy penny truin tle îlot aniouint of' tic salary paid nie as niay- ot. Iu comnîiiy groups in a positionu tu spcîud il wisely anîd wcilltfor the Ibeitenîuîeîit of' the cultuiral anîd leisuire life of- ail our citizeîîs," Mr. Hari- laid said. Ajaux plans library expansion AJAX-Plans for a pnoposcd $575,000 libnary-tlîeatrc ex- pansion have beon prescnled 10 the Ajax Council. Bruce Waiker, chairman of the Library Board, empha- sized the need for an expan- sion t0 the present library in order ho keep pace wiîh the growlh qa- the town. Membership has increased over the past five years by 86%. Circulation bas increased over the past fuve years by 70% and the book stock has beeui inereased by 75% in or- der 1o satisfy the needs of thc contiîîuously gnuwing nie mber slîip. The thlîaîre ho'be built iin conjoniction wîih the libnary wouid bc unique ho Ibis anea. The dual tose of the site. ini itsclit, repncseîits a saviîig Iu tlc Ajax taxpayen. Designed i o accoiîniuda te 328 people, ih le îa ire would iiici ode a large hobb)y arca soi table tor ant exhibits. Action continues at the Whitby Dunlop are sated for Saturday, December 2. YOu CAN Eligible voters in Wiitby, whetiier a home owner or a tenant, may vote for a mayor, a reeve, a deputy-reeve, two c(>lncilors for ilie ward ini wiih ley ive, four can- didates for the Public Utilities ('<mmissioln. Public school supporters may vote for two candidates ON THE BROOM! Bonspiel at the Whitby Curling astVte ntOTEr County Board of Education. FREI PRESS CHOICES ON-- PAGE 4 Club. Finals in the competition Murray White Photography FOR..à Separate schooh supporters rnay vote for one candidate to the Ontario Cotinty Board of Educatioîî and two caul- diates for the Romnal Catho- lic Separate Sehool Board. If doubt stili exists, elc- tors are urged ho cail the Clerk's office at 668-5803 for funthuer clarificationu. HARILAUO Tendering practices cut growth WHITBY - Bruno Harilaid, candidate for mayor in the December 4 municipal elec- tion, has charged that millions of dollars in unfavorable pub- licity has accrued to the town because of councîl's erratic tendcring policies. Mr. Harilaid miade the sta te- nient during a candidate's mleeting at the Centeninial Building laie lasi week. He claimied that critical news stories. such as those hecadlined in the Daily Coin- miercial News, a Toron to-based construction industry news- paper, eariier this year "are just one reason why industry and business remain wary of the Town of Whitby." Mr. Harilaid was referring to front page and lead edi- tonial comment published in the construction newspaper. The article and editoniai daned the Whîîby counicil t'or its teîîdening procedures whichi the Ontario General Contractors' Association con- sider a 'serious departure fromn acccpted construction indus- try practice.' The article ini question ne- lated to the fact thie town hiad received bids froin 11 con- tracting firrns on the coin- nîunity mnunicipal comiplex and police building. ht stated that negotiations were started withi the two Iow- est bidders witlî a view lu bringing the price within the town's $843,000 budget for the project. Tlhe lowesî of these bidders was involved in negotiations with the îown until miid-January, 1972. But, on January 25, this firnii was told that council has decided instead to invite new tenders froin tour local firmis. The ilîrc original low bid- ders, however, were excluded and îîot invited to retender oni the projeci. "~And ihis is noi the tirsi inue tha r itie Town ut Wh it by lias raiscd soîne quest ion ou t- side ilie nititn icipal i îy on i ts tenderîng prucedtores," Mir. Fiaridaid said. (nîtillued >on Paýge 13) for future, meetings