By Elizabeth Tyler or Àéx Il ÀA% 1) 1. slum I'mno WHITBY-W.iby mayoralty candidate Bruno Harilaid has effectively rejected rumnors tlat lic is a slumi landiord. "People can sec for themi- selves," hie said. ý,Mr. Hariiaid explained that hie owns a numiber of apart- ment buildings in the com- rnunity. "None of themn is more than five years oid," hie said, "and ail of them are in good repair. They are main- tained in such a way thiat miany people want to take up tenancy in tiieni when re- locating," lie said. The candidate acknow- ledged that rumiors of this WHITBY FREE PRESS, TI-URSDAY, NOVEMBI R 30,1972, PAGIý 17 la'ndiord- Harilaid type arc "nîo more than 1 ex. pected during the campaign." Hie said, lI have been aware that the ugly stigmna of slumn landiord would be attached to my name immediately upon my open declaration to run in the forthcoming election. Being a businessman, 1 am also aware that elections have their own way of engendering rumnors and creating con- fusion. 1 considered ail this very carefully before rnaking up mny mind to run for mayor. "But what concerus ime more," said Mr. Harilaid, "is not the faci 1 arn being called a slurniord-for l know l'mi not-but the concern of my tenants who eall me at my Brock-St. canipaign headquar- ters. 1 do not want my tenants referred 10 as slumi tenants which is the case if these un- founded rumors are believed." Mr. Harilaid said he has many tenants who have been wiîh hirn for as long as five years. "For those who wouldlk to sec some of my apartr-nent buildings, I refer them to 1 526 Dufferin St., the one iocated at Victoria and Brock streets or the one at 500 Mary St.," he said. Mr. Harilaid said he is de- the lirst t*èelings of proud and happy owvnersb îp subside. Pets. likc children and aduits. require a wvcII balanced diet . freshi air., sunshine and pieu ty of* love and afcin especially the irst few monfhs Mien bollb yoîi and your pet 'à ' are gettiug acquiaitted. Tbeiy. too. are susceptible to broken bones and ilinesses and iss!lie îreaicd by prof*essioiial.4,D j er persons. A After slection of' your pet. make surê you have tie l w name of' a veterinariani in your locality, and keep his tele- K R T -c ITS plroe dacue idyoret.cnernex Erne -)pu- i-2t GF ST B UBBLii Ez BATH ( chasing your pet a cail to the veterinarian will give you - ua AirSuugestod Lis[. $5.25 B e preartyeof to ao fr ta e xpeilnses I' ourve nintbly budget. Pets need the proper fo(od. mneical atten- tionand don 't lforget lu ai low l'or the niany tircal s. toys and~ accessories you wvil ant t0 panper YOuIr pet with. AnotherMa inus! is to clieck witb tdie municipal offi1ces in your local ityx f'or reguiatiol1s concerning tbe licensîng of' your pet. Cosis ~- vary in cadli commuuîty. not only l'or différent species, but H I RE also a dif'ference in cost in respect to Illie sex (of you Lr pet. - lu tbe excitemient of* purchasing your pet. 1 an sure you will bave forgotten to ask many important questions.ccrù (ftj Don't panic, a quick telepbione cail 1theli keunel or store sur.G. LisT $LB whiere you bougbit your pet wiIl allay any immnediate panic. And remienber, Ithere are numerous books on tie Market 4 writ ren on various pets w4ichi will aid you ini the t raininlg,. care and understandiug of your pe!. H It is my hope tbat thee following weekly columuns dc- P voted 1theli various different brceds and species of pets.,l f will lielp you iu slecting and enjoying your pet and also in OLD P01. being a better educated owucr. Eachi week tbis columun will j OfU MfrSlspod I contain somne interesting "Tidbits" on the various pets. P C Copyright - 1972 SOE OPNRP co.lcele LSugg.bstS225 179 O 3-PC. GIFTSET j HEAR 'S TAXI Atr oe Clgn n UW83732 Sg.Ls 50 Radio Equlpped & DirectLUne $399KO A For YourConenieceAM A Amolde Market, 115 Brock.St. N. 15 SeetsTye u Fiu Fod ~15 SPARKLE BULBS CHRISTMAS D OUTDOOR WRAP '~LIGHT SETY SUGG LIST8c c$ 9 51-AR SSRIVET190 PC. ASSORTMVENT IR R STRATFORD CHRISTMAS CARDS TEGSOSEARS, asks "WHITHER WHITBY?"SUGLSSi5 o 99 SUGG. LIST 79c 63c Is GROWTH so GREAT? Isn't BALANCE better than BIGNESS? c. '~ We canl get Quantity anywhere, - .je drV ço1L% LETS DEVELOP OUR QUALITIES HERE! ~ If you slare this line of logic, vote ISTRATFORDar0I West W rI MI1 11Ià b The decision to becorne a pet owner is one not to be taken lighitly. It is a responsibiiity not unlike welcoming a new baby to your home. In a short white you wili have adopted a loving mienîber to your fiamiiy who wiil repay you miany times over for ail your care, attention and, perhaps, frustrations aiready forgot ten abou t. One mutst provide for feed and offer crature coin forts on a par with those offcred 10 auy other family miember. Pets sbouild nieyer be bouglit ou impulse aud each miember of yotir family sbouild be willing 10 share a part of the re- sponsibility ini raising and caring for youir particular pet. With tbis iii mmd, ibis weekly column is designed to be a guide to those coiltemplatinig Ibis stcp and, equally. a source of information f'or present owners 10 assist tbe i in deriviug a fullI measuire of enjoymienî front their furry, feathered aild finuy friends. Since a pet in any f'orm is a livinig ecature, once ac- quiircd, shoid mot be igniored or neyer cast aside. Great care must be takeii b ensuire that youir cboice is the rigit Omie for a part icular lani u or home. Obviouisiy. a person' ,s choice may varv \videfy and mnay be dict ated by -environ ment . accommiiodaI ionl, persoual feelingas and lfe-styie. Bu t. no mlat 1er what the overridinig conside rat ions are. one imust be prepared 10 accept a pet as a long termi investmen t. and one inot to grow t ired of onlce termined to face up 10 any charges that lie is a slunm landiord. I have t0," lie said, "I arn sincere in miy attempt to become Whitby's next mayor and amn prepared to an swer any question frorn citi- zens interested in learning thle facts and who may be in- fluenced in any way by these diabolical and untrue rurnors. "But 1 ami not happy to have nîy tenants dragged mbt this political mud-raking man-, eouvre and suggest strongly that interested citizens can sec for themseives by driving t0 and viewing any of niy buildings." s-roin r4AmE-(qs.)