Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1972, p. 23

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readers INHITBY PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL REGISTERED NURSING ASSISTANTS $1 26.80 to $137.20 wveekly The Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital has opportun ities for Registered Nursing Assistants who would be interested in ernployrnent in psychiatrie nursing. Fringe benefits incîLîde three weeks annual vaca- tion; ail statutory holidays; attendance credits; generous pension plan; subsidized health, hospital., life and long term income protection insurance. Please apply in confidence to:- Personnel Officer, Wlitby Psychiatrie Hospital, Box I1270, Whitby, Ontario. WHITBY PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL REGISTERED NURSES $7,409. to $8,336. The Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital has opportunities for Registered Nurses who would be interested in employment in psychiatrie nursing. Fringe benefits include three weeks annual vaca- tion; ail statutory holidays; attendance credits; generous pension plan; subsidized health, hospital, life and long term income protection insurance. Please apply in confidence to:- Personnel Officer. XVliitby Psychia tric H ospital, Box 1 ý270, Whitbv, Ontario. write 'l' thte [cier efi(lie Pielress, Is t lieue aîîy litaii Ioi elirW flau the canvasseus for a cer'- tain mnayeral ity candidate Cali go w itti tliei r caipaîlilgn îng'? i t lias been buoughit te nîy at ten tion dtat 540 M ary Strecet East iii Wliitby is char- acteuized by Mu. Newiii's canvassers as a 'sltuii' auca. National Lacrosse Tournament The I1973) National Pce- Wee Lac uesse Cli anip ion slî ip.s wil bc be ed inth te Townofo' Whitby. Wlîitby alog w'itlî Geuuaud Rd., Oshiawa and Ajax will liost the cliaiîpietisliips this ceinlg sunicui. The Anduew Anitentia 1ee. Wee lacuesse teain are the de- 'end(ing '"B"Champions. 'Uentlative dates l'urthle chlaipienislîips are Aug. 14- ut), )73 Lasi year tlie National ('laîipioiisiips ve re lield iii ('algarv . Alhe'îta. 'l'lie local lacuesse execuitive expcct 32 teairms te t ake pairt. 8y: Steve Hanson IT'S TIME TO TAKE INVENTORY How long us it since you stopped to consider your pres- ent Life Insurance in relation ta your family protection and retirement incarne needs? Family and business circum- stances change every year. A Life Insurance program set up five years ago may be quite inadequate today. The Manufacturers Life Financial Planning Service wilI show, you how far'- "-r pres- ent Life Ir-,ance and ather assets wili go in meeting these n eed s. To: S.K. (Steve) Hanson Suite 501, Bell Tower Oshawa Centre Oshîawa, Ontario 728-7391 MAanuAiL'fe .The Manufacturens Lite Insurance Cornpany i have bectn aIteniantiit 540 Mary Str-etfol'eu mue ilian mie on e yauarnid 1l'col vey cenl'idcn t tliat our tewn- lbeuse ceiiplex is thie best iii Wi tby, ou l'eOr ut li at- Ice- inithe Wit by'Osliawa aui- cai. We Lre alIIveuy respectable citizetis Lind woLIld appueciLite La cîissi licLti)o tlit signifies cuir civilized Lige uradier than ai discrinîinLîteuy one. Tlîanks C'eu niLikit i p eUr iinds l'eurniayural ity cari- didate Bruneo HarilLîid on 1)ecenîibcu 4. K. Myhuren, 54OMaîry Street EaIst, Wlitby, Ontauio. D *1~ QUALI FICAT IONS: o Successful famnily man and father of six children o Ontario County rate-payer for 26 yrs o Aquainted with the peoples' feelings on education PRIORITIES: o A stronger peoples' voice in the_ aff a irs of ed ucation o An educational systemn governed by the people and not be a select few in Toronto I HOGAN,'HARVEY IXj SCHOOL TRUSTEE FOR TOWN 0F WHITBY FOR A GOOD VOICE AND A SOUND REPRESENTATION ON THE TOWN COUNCIL' FOR THE EAST WARD, VOTE TO ELECT hED CUH 1. Vhtby resident for over 20 years 2. Fifteen years on the Oshawa and District Labour Council (The Iast three as an executive member). 3.- Member of the Board of Directors of the Dr. Joseph O. Ruddy Hospital as a Labour Representative for the Iast two years. 4. Appointed by the Mayor to assist on the Whitby Storm Damage Fund Committee. 5. Eighteen years as an executive member of the Local Union, the hast ten on the negotiations committee. 6. For a positive voice and a concerned speaker for the EAST WARD, Elect ED CAUCHI for council on Dec. 4th. WiiITI3Y UIE PlIiSS, TIIURZSIAY, NOVEMIWR 30, 1972, PAGEi 19 WIîth JRen bd (1APRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 You have a slight 1robico> catching thic spirit of*t'hhe lidays. I,)ecora- tlis ciisp layer] cotistan tly reinid yen et thle season , ye t etiilii siasmi cornes slewly. 'This inîportan t week is the iast opportunity beleore tie New Year te complote projcts undisturbed. Make every monment of' every day count. Acconîplisliasmuicli as possible svhile people in authlor- i ty cati be reaclied easily and yen have flic incen tive te flinish tlasks. ('onmuicationfs iluprove afler Wednesday flic 6thi. AQUARIUS --ian. 20 to Feb. 18 Consideration l'roni behind the scenles will corne to your aid on thic 8th and 9t>. 'lic upsetting trendl silice inid Noveiner sit'ts (fuite suddcnly on l)ecemtber 6tlb. Many legil deadlocks wiII be broken then and xviii lead to wide expansiveiless and better relations wvithi friends and elip loy crs. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Avoid wornen incliined to be possessive or too intense about relation- ships near the 3rd and 4th. Sonie jeaiousy nay ble i evidence and can occur. tknioxv you disiike hurting anyonc, Pisces. i t wouid be more to vour liking sininply te avoid friction lnthie liirst place. Your protection lies iin powcerful truist celupanries, influentiai people, ;and politicai con- nections l'or adIvice and financial hieip, if* needed. AR lES - Mardi 21I to April 19 'Tlis weck roils on sinoethly. You usualiy respond te this tinie of vear because yoe t'éel thec spiri t ati lexciteiuien t of' ftl oiidays. Respite frorn tie ieavy pressures thlat have ciiaractcrized the last two and a hiait' inontlîs is now poessible. Yoiir t\vo înost significan t days of this seven- tal.ieried arc iuesday thicSih and Wednesda thlic Ûth. TAURUS- Aprîl '20 to May -'0 Tiîk wcck begin s siowxly theni buiids w.itil cibcratc calîn. Yoti kéel the iîced to speed tri the \vhels and tîuicken the pace. Il utimr inîproves on Mi nday tire 4tlî. Yeu r iiist sign ilican t days during ti seven-day per- loti arc irid ay Ille 8 tIi and Satu rray tile 9tlî. Use tiîis period wisely by etiii ploying initetienol ino buîsiniess affairs. (;EMINI- May 21 to Julie 20 Y ou have (ltii ficti ity li thiie ueoliday spirit this year. t)stiaiiy you are flic lirst ini tlic hiseheld te tiîink abouit gif*ts. tiecorations and parties. Your m est shiticaiît tiav tIiti netis scveîî-day period is L'iday tlle 8tî li~purclîascd at luis [hxiiiiewl reticct tiîougtiiî til coneern rather tlîanIî rîvoli tv. )i' overlead credit card s andi clart-e accouents \xvhîchl niay be toc difi'icuii te iq uldate early nie\t year. CANCER --- June 21I to July 22 Tihis is thetimîe of'ftlic 'ear vou tîsuailv enjey the niost. 'lie lholidaY spirit gets te vou very eariy bu t extra invoiveineiît tlîls year lias kepi your nu îîd oel'f fIlle ioiidaiy season. Noxx is Illie finie te get eut tue decoratieiis aiud start your shîoppinîg. Yen xxiii 50011 catch up and get in the ineood. LEO - iuly 23 to Aug. 22 'l'lie 1lîl m iuîocf 'iuesday tire 5 iii occurs in tthat area et' your ciîart dealiiîg \witlî amiusemnt s. chlldren aiid teacliig. l'lie meekend is aurs- uicious for a hieart-wannling farniiy get-togetier. It relatives are tinable to e iet l'or tuelclolidays. [ilue occasion nîay have sonîe earîîîarks et' ('hristmaa,. mail%' gift.s. good l'eod, anîd special understauîding tlîat draws kin iiiot a close unit. VIRGO-- Aug. 23 to Sept. 2 'lh is peried swin2s aretind flic 4îl and -5 ii and orne verezes in te the ethier andti b i esini a cycle hasting, about 30 days but conîld start somietling kistinug soewluai longer. )'ti cari no\\ inîpleieiît anti alipiif'jeb idt'as yeu 've beeri peiudering. coiîsiderin . [btit have îlot so I'ar been able ir puît in îc execu tioli. Lit'e gecîs cing again, Virge. andt you xiii tind a spectiup iii thinigs. LIBRA-- Sept. 23 to Oct. 2 'i'his seveii-day period effers opportuiîity Ie get cauglît upon iany SITE Eomey on DI Preuium BuaIiy Ful N 668 331 wq

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