Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1972, p. 8

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lAGE 8 HIURSDAY. NOVI MBES R30. 1972, WIIITHY I Rt t ii{l SS Harilaid would hait sale BIZOOK LIN lruo arilaid, m n iniii opposit in 10 May- or D)es Newman in the De- cetilber 4 municipal clect ions, lias proiised 10 hall theIc nove of' the library mb tlute muni- cipal building and 10 deter- mine whether the ratepaye-rs want t he sale of' the building 10 take place. Spcaking (o nmore ihan 125 electors ai a candidatc's nicec- ing ini thîe lrooklini Coin- niniy Centre, M r. Harilaid reitcrated lus claini tihat itie counicil liad sold thue building ou t froîîî Linder tîtetu witIlion t de îcrin ing "Ahtler (lie tax- wanlcd îliis donc or not. "I Promise 10 puit a liai t 10 mh iove of the library and thon ask mir ratepayers whe- ter they want thie sale to take plaice," lic said. Arlie Soles Ltd. The Mazda 808 Coupe $26690 Scallops Shrimps Chicken KING 1050 1050 1035 Home made Pies Soup and ail sandwiches OPEN Mon -Thurs 7:00 - 5:30 Friday tlii9:00 TAKE OUTORDERS 668 -2828 Staruing Surday Dec. 3rd 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm FROM CUBISM TO -ABSTRACT ART -' GENRE: recreuted coitourism" Colorful abstract paintings by Ziegler hang in hîs Studio at 71/Y2 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. Jaroslaw Harry Ziegler A great admirer of Kandinsky Mondrian and Marino Marini, Ziegler studied in Prague four years under the pro- fessôr of Art Academy E manuel Bakla and Frantisek Souk up, f rom 1920-1924. This period was devoted mostly to Cubism and 1 mpressionism. The paintings by Ziegler now are a combination of origi nais but he also takes ideas from Books and sculptures while ocoesionally paraphrasing old ancient masters. Ziegler shows exceptional perfection in lconography. .""Next month 1 hope to have art classes for students" he says. With groups of 5 - 6 per group, charge $1.50 per hour, but-also classes for advanced students on an individual basis. Ziegler opens an Exhibition of his art on November 22nd -Deoember 6th, 1972 Monday-Friday 10-12 a.m., 2-7 pm, Saturday 3-7 p. m. Entry free. FOR INFORMATION CALL 576-5587 of municipal Reeve Toni Edwards, speakinig iii suppott of' hie h- brary taking over the build- itng, acnitted tlic council liad made 5oinC wrong ino(vCs in respect, to tlie sale of tlic buflding. "Howevcr, wc hiave made a comnijînueni 10 seli the buiilding 10 the library -and 1 intcnd to use îuy good offi- ces 10 coflviIce Mr. Harilaid buil 1diong and any othcrs (hat t he sale shiould takc place," hie said. The subject of closcd mccl- ings was raiscd onlce again witlî Mayor Newmnan dcfcnd- ing courlCil's decision 1(1 hold sucli ineetings on legal, prop- erty aiîd personnel inatters. Mr. Edwardstold the mecet- ing that lie, ini conîpany withi Deputy-Rceve Johin Goodwin, hiad on several occasions in die pasi miovcd for open mncet- îings on ail niattcrs excCpt negotiation and personnel niatters. Hc was supportcd iii lus vicw by Mr. Harilaid. 4"1 intcnd 10 give the Towni of' Wlitby back ito you and puLt people back iin thc pic- turc," Mr.. Harilaid told the crowd. Ratepayers discontented- Carr Unircstis runiniig igh in Whiitby's west ward, accord- ing 1(1 George Carr, wlio is secking a seat on counicil iin nexi Monday's municipal cc- tion. Mr. Carr dlaimis (liai nany rateliayers arc "vcry disconiten ted wiili thie presen t administration and that gen- erally speaking lie lias reccived vcry favon rable response 1<) Ibis plat lormn and proposais." He believes thiat "tuic pre- viouns council placed so0 muchi cmiphasis and spcn t s50 uchi lax nîioncy on preparing for future growth (liai thcy ne- glecccd the inîmiiediate needs of tlie conîmunity sucli as ice skating facilities, a swimmiiing 1pool and a Iibrary." Mr. ('arr nmainîains ithat "incereasîing growth in Whitby is iminiiieni anîd tliercîbre we miust prepare forith lowevcr, nul ait te expense of' every- day cuminiunity facilities. By pull ing slr<)nger voices on NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC <efter 10 ve5t5 of enuive designers service) BEAUTIFULLY CUSTOM 61 SHEERS - DRALONS- SATINS, ETC. -~FREE HOME SERVICE LATEST SAMPLES & ESTIMATES Fd 1OM- 4 (DRAPERY MANUFACTURER) L~~J777 WARDEN AVE. jSCARBORO UNIT4 751-6994-5 In Oshawa cali: 728-4601 ASSO0C MMmaE rdITr0a toEtosiomme OF uNtARBqO le 576-m4573 EVERY MONDAY AND TUESDAY #"MAKE IT A FAMILY AFFAIR AT OBI ES" 0obi*es on THE OSHAWA CENTRE Next to tihe Twin Cinemas it0Dundas St. W.. Whitby 668m939 SANDWICH 125 Brock St. South, Whitby. Under New Management Fish & Chips $1901 'r~2~I AZ PaOHU TTie Ail the wonderful Spaghetti you can eat $ for only 77-- council wc cati achieve a prop- or balance in our fuure spend- îng priorities so thaï, critical îîccds iii thceîîunicipality are nul totally lforgotien." Another point that scemis Iu be winning support f*or Mr. Carr is his suggcsîed solu- tion to Whiîby's curreni re- crcatioîî facilities dilemmiia. In lieu of' oie lar-ge, expensive recreation complex, Mr. Carr wants counicil to consider building a series of' lcss cIa- borate skaîng and swiniing f'acilities ini differeni sections ut, the iown. "Sucb an arrangeinent," Mr. Carr contends, "will bet- ter nicet the requirenuents of a greaier 11nimbcr of' grouLps anid acîiviî les. 13y locatiîug tliese lacilities in our main populaiioni arcas we wiIl case tlie prublems of' parking, dis- tanuce and tranisporialioni." lii addition tb lus other proposais, Mr. (arr- would like lu have thc counicil es- iablislb a commuînicat ionîs coiiittec as a regular work- iîîg body of council. "~A bot- ter inifurnucd taxpayer will be muore reccpiivc to thîe action of counicil if' he undcrstands the problcîiîs, the reason ing beliind thie decision and thc îeCsuLîs wlîich inay bc cxpected."

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