Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1972, p. 9

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WITBY FRL± PRESS, 1FIURSDAY. DECEMBlRR 7, 172, PAGEi 1) Thîis happy little loy dog we krîow as the Pekingese. arnd une of fhecruosi popular of flie loy breeds, is also knowrî as "the littho lion dug of Pekirîg." I t is riot (lie sanie palace dog of the anciont Clhriese enperors, wlichl was rnudr larger and sorved as personal bodygua rds. The Pekingese originated irn Cinia before the 8-tb century and was inrroduced îflicth Western World iii 1860. lis snall size ruakes ,tihîs breed ut' dog an ideal 1)0t for a svnall apartînerît. A perfect coiupaîîiorî for a retired per- soni, perhaps living alune. He also gels along well withi children who are taugb t not lu play rougbily witb tibeir little playnaîe. A lot of' dog la a sînal package. bie seldoru shows t'ear of arîytliîing. In public e- lhe cardes biiniseli' irn a f ~ haugbîty, digiifried t'asbiorî, but ai borne relishies a roi- licking rormp wiîlr bis mias- ter. Thte Peke is a perftect alarin, aleri lu ail souids- Srimili dogs arec cursidered t0 bc characieristically "yappy". Porhiaps thecy try lu liîake up ini souird wlîaî îlîey lack inrize. but wîtrb patience arîd persislorrce voir cari train your Peke ru kcep quiet eveil Mhen lie's lcft alone or wlîeii the doorbell rings. Yeîn i iay be able Io purcliase a guod Pekirigese Cor _35.00 but slîould be prepared lu sperid S75.00 for a wurhillie puppy arîd iîrcli rmore f'or one willib igli ly desirable bloodlines arid charmpions ini his lirîcage. Tite Peke's average weiglit is rîire poîrrrds. Iréi-lit six irrchcs ai rIle shoider. bîr sorie pîrppies are kriowvriro grow le 14 poîrnds. Thie average h feé span of tibis litic lo g i frori 15 lu 18 years. Sonlîc tf' the sti rkirîg cliaracîcrisî ics of' (ire Peke arc lus short, liai. black. broad ruose. luisrotis, large dark, prornimîcril eyes. Thlis little dog prourdly wears al lieavy overcaol ovor bis long, îlîick. silky coat, a profuise mIlf ont Irle sliurlders. îieck arud 1l'reciiesî witîî luxurrianti triages oni lis cars, legs. underbody anud t ail. The tail is set liîgb. bleavily l)luriued arud carried lu one side over Iris back. Notiriay clioose frorri a varieiy ' colon rs red. fawn, black. blick anîd t ar. sab)le..brirîdlc. white arnd partri- coloîrr. well dcfraied. wiîlr cali fhaviig hIle clîaracteristic black rmarks arîd spectacles. The Pekc's eyes. becaîrse îlîcy proîrîrde. are espccially vurîrerable lu îjury arrd disordens. Dra fis. dariiress. sharp) ubjecîs arîd frglirs wiîh utlier dogs car ilad lu seroîrs ltruble. Most Pekes are af'raid of* %alet-. su dorî'( cxpccî a jun nior sminiii liz ai r ion ii i your ti rly. I n lacir. eveir iii liair irrg our dog. lis cars sliotiId lie lfil led wi lb absorbentt col bru. Wil il ns lit le dug. wc carurrt criiasize cruotngîr I lie care wb icil i sîourd bc giver i)tlîi r cycs anid car s. Frntu a vcry cai'ey-age, younr leke sliourld be ac- cust oied l binîg hi arrdled. A [rer Iris i riiig ru ru. wip)e bis eycs anid stomnacb wiir a sotfi darrp sptrigc. ilueri give irui a brisk brushing. neyer forgeil iiug lu brusl i his i ail liick. hi is iiul rR'cessary tu barbie ytLndug. ilesslire geis Iirri- self' îliorungl,,ilv, dirîy. Wiihi a difly b, nisliig. w1lî cl nsIa inunsl .aind eekly clcaiino. imnriv Pek es o roii lite PARENTS - Your Son or Daughter can EANBETTE R SCHOOL GRADES through POWEREADING a new reading course from Programs For Achievemerrt in Reading Incorporated now being offered exclusively at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Classes will be held on Mondays and Wednes- days from 4:00 p. m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10: 30 to 11: 30 a. m. Typîng classes also available on Saturdays. Better Concentration; increased reading rate; better retention; new study methods; better Notetaking Skills. Phone or write for complete details. Dicd 728-0052 lice or ticks. Slhuuld yoII flnd parzasi tes uf' any kind , im- nmedi.ately allack this problemi beibore dýainage lto ir skirr anîd coat is donc. Many fetlctive products ruay be found on the market, today, or may bc obtained 'froum your vo terinarian. The flirst ruonths of' your Pcke's lifo will bc busy. Wbiile visiting the veterinarian lfor his prcvcntîvo shots and becoming ýacquairited with bis ncw borne and fam.iiily, hoe stili lias to leara marîy ceements in his training programn [bat will make hinm a wclcomie addition 10 your hom11e and rîeighbourhood. With patience and persistence hy his inaster, a Pckc cari be trained to bo vcry obedient and t perl'ormi many tricks. But please keep ia mirîd, this littie dog, like a cbild, may nul reach ail your expectations. Aniis have limita- tiorns the sarne as humnars, but with love arnd affection ruany cari be overcorne. "TIDB ITS" BE ('IOOSEY! Yuur l'arily decisiori is ini 'avour ut' a dog. One uf' the most enorjyablc and valuable gtcps ist visit a dog show. Here yoir will sec ail the mature breeds at tiroir very best. It is your investnment and pleasure l'or years tu corne. Take your limie. Please tbc sure. Copyright - 1972 Xmas Iigpfht tour planned for seniors ThecWliitby Rocreatiori De- part ruent arud Iie Rotary Club arc co-sperusuning a Chrisinias Liglît Tour arnd party for Se- nion ('il iieris. On Moiiday. Dccciiiber I18, Seniors will borard buses a( the Whlirby creîinial Bu ild- inîg arnd tIre Brook lini Cori- rîîîîru Fi all a t 7:30 p.nii. for am i Irtur's leur ut' ire Wîiîby. Oshîawa a rca. Residenutial 51 rect s (liai have colt)tn nul o)isidc Chiristmias displays wiIl bc clîecked bef*orclîarid sot) lat the buses will îr-avel îîiese arcas. AIl Senior C'itizeis are inu- vited arnd as riany buses as necessary will bc avalable. A mieniber of Rotary wili aci as_ liosr (or loitsess) arnd gide on caci bus. A t*'C )luetur. thle buses xviII iniload art 1Icyderuslurc Pavil non l'or a ('h lristruras parts' Iitld by thue Rotary C'ub. Tliere will bc rcf*rcslinienîts. rrrsic, dancing and a carol- sirig. A fier tIre pariv Seniors wiIl lie rlnicd by bus lo ihir depanlunre Phift)îiimi VVliih ýi bnid Broukliii Nierun bers of(tire r lîrce rea Senor('i icri('îrs are aisked tu sigal up witb thleir club of'rrcers. Al thlers inîercsted ia going are asked tu caîl Mrs. Crawlbrd aI 608-5803 ext. 04 aruy Momday, Wedrresday or Friday morrrinîg. There will be also rides available te the (clenniiaî Bu ildinug fer this occasion. q C'mon home with me This littie Ajax yourugster, t00 shy 10 give her name ta the photo- grapher wanted this caricature of Santa 10 go home with her. Murray Whiîte Photography :23PRINCE ST. 725-9783 OSHAWA FALCO TV .We Service What W. Ssii Ourseives What we put Un back keeps us ln front. PHI LI PSMOD(J qLE iQ pii FALCON T.V. 4'26 SUMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA 723-0011 -MON. TUES. THURS. & FRI. r9AM.TILL6PM e A8 1L9PM ÎEHAVE A LARGE SELECTION 0F CHRISTMAS GIFTS D SAENmeonsDI P remum Buaflity Fuel Sil *$>DI OILD t'î 6 68u3341 e>

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