PAGE l'O, TIIE.JRSDAY, DÉIEMBEI* 7,'1972, WFIITBY FREE PRESS Bowling 1O PIN LANDER- STARK CLASSICS TOP EIGHT: Hernian Prakken 673 (258, 233), Arno Kn'op 616 (222, 204), John Lawrence 611 (225) Doug Gibbs 610 (224, 202), Bill Durkee 598 (213, 205) Bob Edgar S85 (212), Jim nLut- mani 576 (267), Frank Sobit 559 (207). TEAM STANDINGS: Ticats 98, Eagtes 92, Cubs 88, Mustangs 88, Cobras 77, Chiet's 74, Argos 72, Pan thers 7 1. EASTWAY BANTAMS SCORES FROM NOV. 25 BOYS' HIGH SCORES: Scott George 409 (152), Clhuck Culli- gan 390 (149), Chris Sorrel 379 (148). GIRLS' HIGH SCORES: Cheryt Leonard 396 (146), Denise Gil- bert 354 (140), Barbra Libby 350 (130). TEAM STANDINGS: Blennett Paving 301/2, Lander Stark Chassie 25, G & G Etectronics 24, Thomnas House of Music 24, Elmer's Fur- niture 23, Lucky One Beverages 22, MacLean Fuels 21, Nurse Motors 21, Oshawa Tune Up Centre 18, Smith Beverages 17, Sports Villa 161/2, Oshawa Mens' Business League 151/, Cint's Tex- aco 15, Canaulian Legion Brunclh No. 43 10. EASTWAY JUNIORS & SENIORS FIIiGFII RIPLES--GIRLS: A. ('nI- liiion 487 (174), J. Ruigrok 464 (178), K. Leonard 448 (163) . -- Russell 417 (16 1), C. Maultt'ortd 407 <là 46) IIIGIIIR IîL 130BYS: J. . haines 549 (21 1), M. Brabin 534 0163), C. Prakken 529 (208), 1). Alex- ander 510 (181), T'. Ferris '493 (164). T1'AM STIANIN(;S: '*tiriner's Pinbuisters 251/j, Ab's Ma(torcycle Slîop 24, A & W 2.111, Mary Browni's 21, Oshazlw., ('ummu ntiii- cation & T.V. Service 2 Ã, Siînicoe GtaIf Automnotive 21, J & J Sports 20, Wilson Furnitture .10, Vm' Clothing 20, Iolly 1-ritr I19, A t- tersley Tire 19, C.1.S. Music 18, Imperial (Centre and Car Wash 16, Supreme Windows & Doors I12, IIAMERS MECIIANICAL LEAGUE STANDINGS: Canteos 136, Firebirds 107, Corvettes 107, Torinos 106, Mustangs 105, Claws 10.1,Rustlers 101, Cameros 101. HIGH TRIPLE: Randy Stewait 619, Ron Poulton 601, Watt Ver- vnck 582. HIGFI SINGLE: Ted Whiteley 232, Maurice Brige 230, Watt Vervynck 224. $ for only 19 EAST1WAY MONDAY NI(;1l'l 111161,1 TRIPLFS: ('Carol Judd 535 - 204, Lare <tii I lowîk 534 -214, lIobbto Ross $ 34 - 20<), Mary Tilttertoîî 522 I132, Mmrlellu ( umîiy 520)- 190. Tl'AM S'FANIIS. Sirikottes 29. Spillrs 27, 1(ttit-A-ilots #25, Tiiiiiblers 241/j, Mïi.tll<i8 24, Itiist ChanctEe 23',4 kiiFourî' 22, Oues 20), Misoe 19. Ilooble Ilits 1HM, ,lîy-( 'ee11, "1 îiîd '2" 16, Squatre Shotiors 15, I mîpossible 1) 1înesI5, (4u t fr Snipc'ls 15, Sl:UIION WlNNl;RS: Srikettes. ONTlARIO JUNIOR Oshawa titis once igaiîlilmirtaied Ilrst place In the Ont(ario Jr. Travell (ig10lin I.eagîîe eld Stit. lii Ouîkville. Scores by the'. 5-nianOshawa teumm were: ('(,, Prukkeri 566 (20)1), Jeff Iiamn(!s 478. Mark F.lstQf 474, Iltli hRoss 574, D)uve Alexander 547 (215). lri the position standings: Osh- awa I13, lîurlingtoii 8, H amnilton No. I - 8, tiamnilton No. 2 - 8, Oakviîle No. 2 - 4 and Oakvilîe No. 1I 3 points. TUESDAY NIGWF MIXED LEAGUE MEN: BilI Scott 594 - 224, Gra- ham Finch 544- 196, Gord Pe- quegnotS5î9 - 185 Continues page 15 MIDWAY DATSUN wr..ry ZOLTAN AHICKS Now Locait.d at PRODUOT OF NISAN' 1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. 668-6828 bis LED * y d Eric Biernis awaits vîewers for his show. The in a public showing at the Little Red School Murray White Photography. Pickering artist displayed numerous excellent paintings House on Pickering Beach Road in Ajax. - Photo by iji idlm Potter Witby-On îario's italt h min- ister, Dr. Richard Poti1er. says a detailed, indcpendent sur- vey wilI take place at Ille Whiîtby PsychiatriceIHospital. D)r. l'ut ter t old ilic lcg- islature the sLIrvey Icaîn will bc assemnbled by Dr. [.0. Bradley. excecuive director of* I lle Canlad ian1Cou n cil 0on 1leS- pitl eniployees, who mnade commenlt s and rccoimietîd- ion s on tlle1w eoInga l i/at loil of' tlle hospîtal wlliclt coi- Illcnced in may of' itis \cr (Sec si ory, Page 1 ). orders new D)r. 1>otter said tuiaI of (lie 10 teconnemdat ions tiade in Illeie eport. olnly tiire re- inaimi to be dealt witll by [lie limspi <id. ite se arc de finoing tlle objectives. polîies anmd pro- cedu~res wi tlhiii t lie ltospîiîl finmdin mgplaces 1l()r-pU lits 1no longer t ecuilug litospital care and tIlic est ahI isli Ileîni t)I, a litullti-disciphlary comnîlitttee. 'llite uin ister said A recoîtîniaionts of* tîle coin- Illitîee sý(ould be deali %vitli PORTRAITS CAN I OSMURRAY WHITE S L IDESPHOTOG RAPHY MO ESWEOO)ING & ELAR MITZVAH BPECIALISTr 115 EMPEROR ST. AJAX. ONTARIO 1-942-4519 *SKI-,DOO You.'1l wihere the yellcnv i vent For the f irst time ever, "the machine that changed winter has changed"'. Ski-Doo snowmobiles feoture colours other thon the traditional yellow and block trim. Three new '73 T'NT models in metaluc silver accented by black and a new golden bronze Nordic 640ER with ton 'seot and brown-btack- trim of fer on exponded colouýr selection. VALLANCE EQUIPMENT BROOKLU N 655-3291' probe l'y Ille muit tee. Br-adley-led coin- From $2188 COROLLA 1200 SEDAN o Front Disc erakes ci White Weil Tires o Rear Wendow Defoggsr " Four Spd Synchroryu0h Transmission o Arnd Many Others ISTWAY ire MUPdDAS ST. W. WHITBY I668-4792 Safetyý deposit boxes from $5! Your ValuLa ble docunien ts- ce rtilfica tes, mortgages, deeds- ail the papers you want to proiet 1roîn any eycs and hauds except your OWII puIt 01111in i your Victoria and Grey safcîy deposit box costing as little as ive dollars a year. Safe as only steel and reinforced concrete cati n1ake it. your Victoria and Grey satcty deposit box stands between your valuables and the hiazards of lire, theft and Ioss. Get yours today. . at Vic- toria and Grey. RUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308- DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668-9324 /ÃŽPAGHUTTi' Ail the. wonderful Spaghetti you con eut 576-@4573 EVERY MONDAY AND TUESDAY "iMAKE IT A FAMILY AFFAIR AT OI3IES"i 0obi*es luTHEl OSHAWA CENTRE Next to the Twin Cinemas