WHITBY FREE PRESS, TlIURSDAY, DECEM13ER 7. 1972, PAGE 13 OFFICýIAL OPENING 0F BROOK LIN ARENA The newly refurbished and renovated Broqklin Arena was officially opened last week. The facility, Ltd., contractors on the project, presents the keys to the building to Alvin Puckrin, arena anae badly needed in town with the Whitby Arena now condemned and closed and being in an unsafe while councillor and recreation committee chairman Gerry Cox looks on. là the photo at igt condition, is now in showcase condition. In the photograph ait left, Ron Deeth, Mel-Ron Construction action gets underway ait centre ice in a ceremonial faceoff. - Murray White Photo~rpy Alouettes win floor hockey tourney The Witby Y Floor Hock- ey League Tournanient Satur- day fcalLured 8 îeamis. Four teains represented the Y floor Hockey troin Henry Street Canada's number-one import car is here! Daîsun 1600. 96 horses, up to 35 miles to the gallon. With the kind of per- formance that's made it Can- ada's most successful rally car. Buy the one that's been tested 'under the worst pos- sible conditions against the best possible competÎtion. Datsun 1600. lî's The Leader. *$-1973. DATSUN NOW ON DIS PLAY .-A#-. ZOLTAN 1 60>Snm Si. Souith (:41 î280051 Higlh School and two eaclh froin Meadowerest in Brook- lin and Dr. Robert Thornton Scllool. Tourrinen t winncrs were Meadowcrest Alouettes de- feating Henry Street Stam- peders 2-0 in a close gaine. Tîey deleated Henry Street Lions and the Rouglh Riders ini the eliminations. Dr. Robert Thorn ton Boni- bers deleated Henry St. Argo- nauts thien lost outin ut he seini-finals to thle FHenry St. Stanîpeders. In the Consolation iscies (lie Rougli Riders fromin lenry Si. deleaied Ille meadowcrest Stamipeders ini a very close gaine. The eiglit teains played soîne excellent loor hockey. Referees were Chris Avent, Wayne King, Brock Burley and Bruce Williains. The next tournamient will be hield December I1I at Heni- ry Street Higli School. The players are up 10 grade 8 and Plav reCgUlarly each Sattirday' morning at ():15 a.m. ai D r. Ro-bert Thorn toni School, Meadowcrest Scliool ini Brooklin aand Ftenrv Street Higli School in tliese Whitby YMCA orgarnized leagues witl inter-Y Imurnamen ts lieId* every second week. -Big shooter Harry Heroux, Duffs'sTowing teamn in the Brooklin-Whitby minor novice house league, scored three goals for his team Iast week and led themn to defeat the Mowat Insurance group by a 7-3 score. Murray White Photography DARO MOTORCRAFT SERVICES 555 Wentworth St. E. Unit No. 3 Oshawa, Ontario 579-0362 New Replacement Snowmobi le E ngines f romn- $1 09.95 QUALITY MOTOR GILS AT WHOLESALE PRICES-CASTROL, KENDALL, VAL VOLINE, QUAKERS & PENNZDIL seays You wouîd be very surprised at what Santa can find in both our stores.... oD FOLDING 1h NETS HOCKEY NI HELMETS fi c IOCKEY reg.$25.oo now $15000) ETS la.50 now 6.50 5.65 now 2.25 HOCKEY STICKS .95 HIGH RISE BICYCLES (girls) HIGH R ISE BICYCLES (boys) s 54.00 BOY'S FIVE SPEED BICYCLES BOY'S TEN SPEED BICYCLES (with 18" frame & 26" wheel) TEN SPEED'S $19095 with safety lever SNOWMOBILE SUITS ALL SIZES NOW 20% OFF Autographed multicolour Bobby Orr Posters Size 22 X 28 $1.99 Snowmobile Helmets Reg. $24.00 Christmas Special niL I '12.50 Skate Exchange & Skate Shar R-E'DS'.' -CYCLE'. AND SPOR'TS BLAIR PARK PLAZA. AJAX PLAZA.. TWO LOCATU)NS AJAX 668-8471 942-8941 4ký