Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1972, p. 2

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l'AG E.), TiIURSDAY, DECEMBE'R 7,1()72. WiiTiJY 1FIiU PRLSS ditorial A ray of* hope for tIhe mil n 1 tre et cnîergen.l tlis wcek jusi one day af'ter Ontario municipal elec (ions, No longer will poliiciatîs ho<able to f'orce granîdiose ideas-or any ia l'or (liat niatter-on their own opposing electorate. Not tliat is, without the green light lrom the objective Ontario Municipal B3oard. The power of the 0MB has beeti investigated for worth and subsequently strengthctîed by an all-party select comrittee of MPPs. It is the commttîee's specific recoînendation that municipalities hold public hearings more often and detail informationti bthe publié-before going ahead with projects. It is rather ironie for the citizenry of Whitby iliat the report preceeds the iibrary board's takir'g over the town hall by twelve days. However, in the process sacrifice surnetinies is iieces- sary irn achieving thcetîd resuit. The eoniîitee's f'ortliriglît recominiendatioti serves as encuragemient îlot uîîîy for rîews- papers such as the WHITBY FREE PRESS who repeaîedly iubbied the OMB's cause but to the average nain 01 the streetwho is not always as shirewd as aspirirîg local politiciýans. For the man on the street a wvatchdog lias been placed on municipal politicians. .. the 0MB is still there. Krugi Relations between Pic- kering Towniship counicîl anid citizen groups are viol good because the counicil is viol willing ho provide citizens wvith inîformîationi they seek, Johin Kruger, president ut' thie West Rouge Ratepayers Association charged Tuesday. "Cou 'rcil doesn't realîy care to give ciîizeîîs informiat- ion excepî Menwlîeiîey feel it wiil be to iheir advan- tage," lie said in an add- ress lu tthe Bay Ridges Kinîs- nievi Club. ci tes But aithie saine liie the council is îlot aiways ini a posiiour lu provide tic necessary infuriinatîii. He cal- led for an alliance betweevi local goveriiiient anîd pres- sure gruups agains! seniior 1ev- els ut'goverrîniieiit. "A couricil respuisive t0 cit izeni participa tînon is tire best hiope wc have tu minù thie chiailemîge of regioviai gov- crimenîît wh ich faces on r towuriship riexi year. Yonr task anîd the task of ail grourps is tu niake sure you eleet reader s Dear Sir, May I express a coîrcern whiichi cornes f'orcibly to ligiht ai election finie anid that is tihe incunbevit. For ruany peuple hoe is the oviiy wurthy vote. Thiis remnîîvds une of nraviy business people when Younig peuple out uf schlooi iookinîg for a job are asked what experievice tiiey hiave aund su oftevi-are loft lu con- tinue luokîîg for a job. Maiy peuple Who have of- fcred lîeir services if giveuî thie chiance could prove to be uf' a vital assistance lu mii- pruviîg our connuîîiîy and way of life as weil as sonne who hlave scrved ten or twen ty years. Is it viot rcasouîabic lu give tiiese potential civil leaders a clianice, as they star! ais a couvficil rucuirber? 1 wouîd i ike tu t irank nIrle \Vitby Frec Press for.tîreir. coverage o!' the munuicipal clec lion, aîîd to tire people wvliu Canme onut ountIlie storirly wini er day lu vote fui youu Iack of sLucli a counIýCÎin ii1)73,"lire îold tIre iienirbers. Mr. Kruger said tire key to power at tIre local level is pa ssiurg iii friraiaon f'roin cotiiil lu pressure gruuips wiliiclir vair il. "Uurî il now, local gov- crîrriienit lias no t becii ade- qîratcly' equippcd lu dispeunse ivist a;taircous iniformnat ioni ii ail iniiterested cil i/Cils unrd un- t il ani nexpenisive nicnlrod ut'* sucîr data liaurdli ig is f'otid, tire probleinîivill iikeIy re- inraiî," lic saîd. C.IiO< 1390 AJAX *LOCAL NEWS SPOEi *PIus the finest ln COUNTRY U PERSON TO PERSON Èà '.COMMUNITY r RADIO CHOO 1390 i ITS -write candidates, ît shows your in- terest ihi your conmunity and your appreciation for cach candidate's effort. Yours truly, Rev. R.H. James Dear Sirs: I don't know whiether your readers saw thiat terrible f'ilmî on television, of the poor aniîîîals being capturcd in tlîose îiiîlunîanie steel claw traps. 1 realize thiai men depend on1 these canimiais for their Iivlihiood, buit still tîrere nru1-st bc a more liirîriane mcîehod of doing il. i hope thai those animial loyers amiong your readers wil I do tire i r par! anid write to) Premrier Davis as 1 have donc, tu lielp t irese îîxr eau irot speak fCor r hem selves. Tliairk yun, Berriadet te Rusbororr)tglr data -Iniftire Jong terni i Ilrunst Iy bel icve tlrat Irle key t o a rîîeanîîngl'ul d iah(gire be- tý%veenr a iriiiîcîpaî gîrvervi- mrenit arîdlits citizeirs is to iind aninlexperîsive way of' traursinttiurg inrformiation to Irle citi/ens." "'Ili e true urban guer. rilia uughit iol to bc a cit- i/cri agaiîrst tire local guverri- mnit, bu t ratllier tlie local goverrirliirt agaîns!tIrle sen- ior levels of 2goverii iien I wlîu liold thle real ecorrorniecCap- aciny. to lreîp resolve Ile cmi- ergîig probiuîs out larger tir- havi counrîîrnit les.."' "Tiaitlrhey have non been mec!Io a standard ac- ceptable l tire ciýtizenîs is une uf' tIre prime reasons wiiy we are seeivig a dciriand for cîtizelis' p ar t ic ip)a t i ori gro% iniounr co!rirniîtics. It is a force whlicli is îlot gulig to fade awvay and [lie task hefore US s is b iariIo cope %vith iln adecna Iteiy. "Protests are directcd agailîst local courrîcils as nIle uruos! visible level of' gov- crm unenit, luit becanise ut',tra- dit ion anrd arr inadeqîrate base local cou icils are aI riost iin- capable ut' rcspoid iirg ade- qnateîy tu tire deîuîads of flie moîreilitanît citizenis," lire said. Do you know something we don't? Newstips. Coli 668n6I1I TIR WMIIIYFR[[ PRESS (Voice ot the County Town) I'ometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtîe and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. Published every Thursday 1utislhcd hy V"iill) Iree I>r.%lfL. 2 I12 Brock Si. South. W lVIuihv. Mail Bo\ 206. WVIity. Pirone 668-6 11I 1 or 668-611 I2 (;ciieruil Manager: W. "Bill" I)Lrkee 1Editor: Judy I)urkçeMALN I:ditri.iI Slalf: Bill Williamîs IVAnL spourt% EId tor: Doug wCales PE1RMIT Adver!hisiiL': Ron WVui%leIcy NO. 2Y)4 1 R iek Marrhomn BLOOD CLINIC Arr Ajax irayor anîd couricillors' blood clinie is to be lieid oui January 16. Tihe anriotnceni nt was mnade this week by Leslie Pearce at tic regular mont- hily meeting ut'tlîc Red Cross. i How to b. a poor but honest loser, By Mike Royko 1 wish that just once a defeated candidate would step up to the microphone on election night and make a con- cession speechi somnething like this: Ladies and genitlemnen, 15 minutes ago 1 sent the following telegranm to rny opponent: "You win. Go to helu." And 1 sent it collect. The resuits arce cear. The figures tell the story. We hiave been beaten. 1 feel awful. It has been a long and difficuli campaign. Cne of the reasons it lias been difficult is thiat my opponient is such a liar, and 1I had to spend mnost of my time answering himn. I would hav'e lied about hlmi too, exeept that I thought t/e tria/i îvould be dainagiîîg enoughi. Marty of you have been with mc righit fromn the be- giiniig of' this camipaign, and you have worked hard. 1 just wishi that yoti had worked hiarder. Maybc 1 would hiave won. 1 kniow lîow disappoîn ted you flC. But, believe me, vou doni't f*el as bad as 1 do. l'in the one whose political career I is IrcdJ. Wow, do 1 tee!l ouisy. No miore cheering crowds. l'Il miss nliati most. Yet, CVeii iii deféat. ()tc cati Icarii. Anid I[rave. It/îu'c'gune e )eirv cornier of t/is eoîn1nu1îîîtî', îalki;ig Ioîlîuusaîîds of people, atidl I have learnec i /îuv ineaniîg/es ihe conversations have been. IViai eati.voi sav lu a cuwe recelr'itng iie besicles: "Hi flwere." 1I have 5t(>od 01t 5ide o('l ac tory ga tes aniii Mco'il- imiter stations shak ing t hotsanids of h ands, arid it imade Ile feel like an idiot. Whiat lias, lhand-sh aking( got tu do vi th anyîhmîng'? And tliere's zil\vays sotte big goof whio tries to show wh ý,Iat a st ronig grip) lie lias, or sontie creep who didn't wasli Ibis liands before lI ii thc washruwrn. 1 a tten ded gath e rings of' ail 11hw e thu ic groulps, and a t eaclî and cvery oune of' themin 1aite etici'oi ods. Yuuou ld hiave seeni sonnie of thie vird thlinlgs Iate. 13Lt i f you turn dovii eveni one baked owl eye. yoti mîghit luse I10,000) votes. >cî tilu /okiiig back at iils long. hiard Ijutrney ,, I have on/v onze reýgret. I regret t/ai I got 111h) il t/theirs! platce. aîid 11/luever JurAgir'e 1/10e o] voit rulu c(101i'iiiced nie I iou/ld iîî. 1 kiuOW thlat Inîanly uf you Iwlo wurked su liard iii mny heliaf cant unerstand wlîy we lost. 1 cari'!turiiderstanid ilci tler. The on Iy îliinig 1 cati lOgLire is [ii iny opponen t liad lie tter TFV commnercials, becauLselhe didni't miake aiîy senise v/lieni lie openied Ibis iluotth. Bi3rt eveni in tliis dark mioiiient of def'eat, vve ulust rry to look tu the fUture. Anid ini sonie ways, the future is brîglit. Now 1 doiî't hiave to smnile ail tlie t ime. I t will bc a long rîime bel-ore aniylîody buit imy dcnii ts ecs rîy iceii. N w w/eu souniebodvi asks ine lîow I stanid 0onan issue, 171/te/fll ein tuai it 'suioîl of tizeir business. So. as we part. I wan t to thiark aIl of you. 1 wisli 1 coti d tlhank yunaIl miiividuially , bu t I don 't remnem ber all your niaines. [or the next ycar in going ru say, "~Hi. Mac," to everyonîi 1mlec t. 1 wa i tto lu thank nîy witè. Sue was vitlî nie all ie vay, fi ...ou... sie, A- ostiv 'd Los-Sh' lato-.1

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