rr4,URýDýY 'DECPMBER'14, 1972, PAGE 11 WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, DECeMJ3ER <14ý,l1972, PAGE 9 SkIing -on Câblie Whitby Cablccast Director, Jimn Quail, announced t6cday a series of skiing progranîs to be produced in conjunction with the Oshawa Ski Club. Tire series, entitled Ski Capers, will be aired to Cable TV viewers starting inid-De- cemiber. John Nichoîls, train- ing director for the Oshawa Ski Club plains on taking the viewer regardiless of his skill through ail phases of the sport. "Many people wiro want to becomne involved ini skiing niake many mistakes ini buy- ing and selecting their first TV1 equipment", said Quail, ,we hope to provide guidance to thre neopîlyte in his selection." "A fashion show is also planned" lire said. "At the present timie equipmient cari be botir conifortable, attrac- tive and functionial. Ski Ca- pers should show the viewer a variety of apparel [romi which to choose." Also planned for the series is a look at thre different as- pects of skiing. "Slalom ski- ing, cross-country, jumping-. and a peck at competitive ski ing wiIl be provided," Quail said. "Aithough tthe series is flot long enough to provide ski lessons and because per- sonal instruction is always best, we hope to provide the viewer with a conditioning prograîn and primer course for neophytes," he addcd. "Beginners under estimate the importance of condition- ing," 'Quail said.Conditioning, poor equiprnent selection and lack of adequate instruction are thee main.reasons for ski- ing accidents among begin- tiers; Ski Capers is a new con- cept in tirai it gives a local look at skiing-sometiig ca- ble viewers ini Oshawa, Wiitby and Bowmianville have been unable to get. 'Y1 plans open bouse The Furniture Refinishing Course will be holdîing.Open House for the public and friends of the persons involved in the 10 week course that has been held at the Whitby YMCA under the instruction of Walter Pike. This course bas involved people in the miethods and. ways of restor- ing a piece of furniture fro'rn its damnaged pieces to a fin- ished project. Thre course in- volved stripping the old finish by using strippe r-putty or cab- inet knife and then washing witli steel wool and thnners- with thmnners and steel wool you are removing- any old finish or stripper that bas been left on the project. Frorn there they proceed to prepare their project by deciding themselves whatfin- ish they will apply-it is no use for the instructor saying to thcm wilI you put this finish on-"They may apply the finish 1 suggest and rnay, not like il, so 1 have to leaveý the decision to the person to decide," says Mr. Pike. There wiIl be a dernon- stration on différent methods of working with furniture such as stripping and washing. sand- ing, remioving dents or fixing them so they will not be no- 1.30--3:30 p.n. anpi:uu- 9:00 p.ni Monday Decemnber l8th in thc Whitby Centen- niai Building. Theft probed WHITBY-Town police report a break and enter at the Moore Park Restaurant on Highiway 12, north of Brooklin. Thieves apparently gained entrance throughi a rear win- dow and rifled a cash drawer containing $1 19. Police are continuing their investigation. - I SGO.LSTI2.5I M $1.69 ) ' Reg. $1.49 value LIMIT 0F ON£!NAGMN i PER CUSTOMER W TH IS COUPON -------------------------------------- Take this coupon to your IDA. Drug Store-------__ 4. f>-, - - 1 1 - 1 - - - - Il- - -