Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1972, p. 2

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.PAGE 2, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972, WHITBY FREE1 Tis ncwspaper froni finie to time lis been criticized for inadvertcntly publishing material which downtown inerchants claim relects on their operattons in a way whicli costs thcmi business. The operative word here is In the following commirents, however, we miake no dlaimi to inadvertence, instead we mieari exactly what we say. For too long now, mnany-not ail-downtown nmer- chants have beeni crying thc blues. "Business is bad," they say. "We can't understand it." Well, from flie viewpoint of an outsider, aibeit a po- tential customier, the answer is quite simple. Very littie effort is made by the merchants collec- tively to get and hold a fair share of thec shopper's dollar. Business is bad? Nonsense! Record sales are being chialked up by organizcd merchants everywhere. We have been under the impression there is a retail nierchants' association in the town. Now we're not too sure. Even the presi den t-in-lîimnbo, in commenting to thec FREE PRESS, said he isn't sure. It definitely is not a cohesive force," lie said. "Too rnuch responsibilityis left to too few. Everyone claims they are too busy to attend meetings to discuss itenîs of im- portance," lie said. Too busy doingwhat, for God's sake? On the one hand thcy complain that business is 50 bad they don't know how they can survive. On the other they say they are "too busy" to do the tliings to hielp thernselves and their ope ration. .Not a cohiesive force, indeed. Collectively they are no force at ail. At this ime of year when money is being spent in unprecedented amounts almiost everywhcre, mnany of our merchants are singing the saine old refrain. Why won't people shop locally? Why woni't they give us thîr support? Two perfect exarnples of disinterest and unsound business practices have rccently corne to mmid. The Whitby Jaycees have, as usual, organized a Santa Claus parade. Sure, its prima ry purpose is to entertain thc kids. But an equally important funiction is to bring people into the downtowvn arca at a time whcen Christmias spending is in vogue. The parade will be hield this Saturday, but due alniost exclusively to the hard-driving, unself-ishi efforts of a dedi- cated band of Jaycees. The mierchan ts have not offered their support. They couldn't care f ess. In the second instance. many mierchants won't follow normal business practice and advertise locally. lndividually, those sincere in their efforts to attract business, will spend noney to attract customners. Many others will flot. Collcctively, it is a hopeless task. Sharing the expenise would make it possible for aIl to participate. Simple reasoningt Why docsn't it happen? For the irrefutable reason that there is no organization -the re fore no way a concerted. collective effort can be put forth. These words are not offered to make our niierchants annoyed at us. We feel they cry out to be said. Wc kniow some merchants who support our views o>ne lîindred per cen t. In fact, the president of thc nierchants' association verif-icd our commients right down the line. Hopefully, action to bring about change is contemi- plated. A meeting is bcing proposed for carly in the new year to see what can be donc to once again mnake the asso- ciation a force ho be reckoncd with. We sincercly hope mcm bers and prospective mcm bers will flot bc "too busy" to make it happen., Our merchants deserve the support of' aIl of us Mien CHOOSE VOURS TODAY From 99~ and up JOHN BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE HWY. 2 Holfwoy between Ajaxc @fli hiby 668-3396 HOURS 10 'am ,10 Pm Daily 10 arn to 6 pm Sunday Now is it in a 'courier's' uine of duty to be bringing hams rye and cokes to his royal knibbs I ask you? readers write Thie 747 jusubo jets con- tinued to decrease congestion at many of the world's air- ports iii 1971, accord ing to a survey by the German Air- ports Association. The survcy compares pas- senger traffic and total air- craft niovemients at major world airports for 1970 and 1971. lncrcased use of' the 74 7 was nlost apparent iin the case of Gernmany's Colognie/Bon n International Airport, wlîich showed a 15.2 per cent in- crease in total passengers han- dled in I1971I, with only a 2.5 per cent increase in nuni- ber of aircraf't movemients. Honolulu International had 7.7 per cent less total aircraft movemnents in 1971, as corn- pared to 1970, yet accomi- mnodatcd 5.1 per cent more passengers. Mîaii, Florida had 7.8 per cent Iess takcoffs and landings, but handlcd 4.8 per cent more passengers. J.F. Kennedy International in New York, recorded 5.4 per cent less total aircraf't movements but registered a gain of 9.8 per cent in pas- sengers carried. A new study by the Boe- ing Company compares the effect on airport and airways congestion of' 747 and îîew widehody trijets on Japanese domcstic routes. During the pcriod froni 1974 to 1980, the study reveals, a fleet of 747s could handie ftic sanie total nunîber of passengers as the trijet airbuses withi 277,- 000 less landings and depar- turcs. Use of the 747 on such services would reduce aircraft movemnents at Tokyo by 1 24, 000, in Osaka by 71 ,000, ini Fukuo *ka bý' 23,000 and at Sapporo by 59,000. Other results of thic Ger- nman study sliowed that Zur- ich, Switzerland, had an in- crease of only 0.8 per cent in aircraft Jiovemnelts but show- cd an increase of 13.5 per cenît iii passengers carried. Paris-Orly, France, had a 0.1I per cent increase in aircraft niovemients but carried 8.3 per cent nmore passengers. Dear Editor: Caine across this article in a recentý copy of Inter- national Review magazine. It is an autlioritative re- port and would appear to support the argunmen ts against the proposed ncw Pickerin~g airport. Tlhis îîiglît bc the proper timie tupuhlish sucli an ar- ticle in your uewspapcr. Congratulations on doing a fine job for Whitby, you seem tu becftic onîy people unafraid of puhlishing con- troversial news. Yours very truly, John D. Townscîîd, Whithy, Ontario The Editor, Dear Sir: To ail wlîo gave nic their help, theireîîcouragement and their votes, nîay 1 express sin- cere- thanks. To inany who have said 'better Iuck next time' 1I must say 'let's wait a wlîilc auîd sec lîow our new couîîcil perforrus, and not as- sumne hhat the urge ho displace tlieni wiIl be so strong as it wM as this year.' The shift in ilie Toronto pattern nîay cause seconîd thoughits aniong the old tiuiers, and give confideuice to tlîe îiewcomcers. Slhould I bc seen ah counicil nîectigs in '73 it sîîould not bc assumced that 1 ani stIll fighting thec last war, nor rel- ishing another. Yours truly, Ralph Stratford P.S. Your courteous coverage of Gerry Cox iii last weck's issue strcngtheiied îîy liopes tlîat wc rcally do have a 'Free' Press and not just a clicap one-as occasiorîally seemed the case when tirnes were ten se. To Tlie Editor: In regards ho a letter writ- ten on behiaîf of' the Brooklin- Whitby Junior B hockey teaîîî. 1 feel obligated to vcrify a few tinigs. Contrary ho the opinîion expressed tlat tlîe Mercliants of tlîe Wlîitby Mail do not support Minior Hockey, I would like ho state that hhey do support Minor Hockey iîî several ways. Tîcy spons5or both an Ali Star leami and iîouse league tealîls and they also contri- bute several prizes anîîuaîly to the Ladies' Auxiliary Danî- ces. Tlie profit ofh' lese dani- ces go dircctly to providing Miuior Hockey benefits such as the Auînual Banuiet. 1 would also like it ho be known that tlîe Junîior B teaîîî and Brooklin-Wlîitby Minor Hockey are two separ- ate organizations. At tlîis hne I would like ho tlîank the Mcrclîaits of the Whiitby Mail, Brooklin anîd the dowiitowii section for thecir past and presenit support ofour Miuîor Hockey programn. Mrs. Pat Baker, Treasurer, B.W.M.H. Ladies' Auxiliary. Attention Students The "Harlem Diploniats" basketball show will be ah Henry St. Higli School on Sa t. Dec. 16 aht 8: 00 p.îîî. The Diplomîats wilI play a tean inade up froni the staff ah Henry anîd Andersoni Highi Schooîs. Advance tickets are $l1.25, whilc tickets ah the door the iit of the sho'w wilI be $ 1.50. Don't miss this one. I Arli. Sales Ltd...- The Mazda 808 Coupe $2669. ZlD0undas St. W..t Whitby 668-9397

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