WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY) DECEMBER 14, 1972, PAGE 7, by Joyce Read' For Period December 17 to 23 CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to ian. 19 This seven day period starts with a slow pace and ends witil a spurt of creative energy. Significant days dUring this seven day period are Sunday the I7th and Monday the l8th wvleti yaur social lifè is apt to bc heigitened. Pressures of -he last twvo eeks dissipate slowvly, only to gradually build up again. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 Many pressures in recent weeks leave as you settie into quiet sur- roundings. Snmall things. really flot important, may have bec i mag- nit'ied due to pressures. View ail thlngs in lighit of your values and your reaction to themn. Creative work or entertainmient should be carefully hiandled froni a money standpoint. You could bc backing something that gets more expensive as the time goes on. Do flot oveîextend credit ini luxury items. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 How a business or home is run may bc the main issue camiig Up. Some need. for better organization is in evidence hiere in bath busi- ness and family life. Arguments salve nothing and lead only ta wasted energy. Orderliness is most important to you and others may corne to understand this in the last minute hurrying of shopping sprees. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 You are tired and have conipleted an exhaustive work period, but rememiber there are only a few more days untîl the New Ycar ushiers ini a lresh set of values. Take the time and cnergy to complete your current assignment without bypassing details in order ta gct finîsbed an schedule. Your two most significant days are apita obc Friday the 22nd and Saturday ilie 23rd wvhen amusements, children and romance are hîghlighted. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 Energy is at a peak as this seven day interval begins. Your influence and authority reach a new high after a month of patient waiting. This is the timie ta get ta the heart aof matters that are especially important ta you as a person. Your home lufe is equally hectic bc- cause of several invitations ta be honored. Diets and exercise go out the windowv ta bc resumed at'ter the tîrst of the year. GEMINI - May 21 to- June 20 Humor and l'un are restored as problems sccm ta micit away. You arc f caught up in a whirlwind of excitement that actually propels you Santa hors on Saturdoy Hîghllighr u1o tlic p re- lhuliday seasun. flie Whitby Sainta (laits Parade, is sche- duled lu take place tliis Sat- uirdayv Decemiber 16. Altlîuuigh only eighîit luats have nul iricd 1the Jiaycecs tlhey wilI bc participating, publici- ty chiairiniaii Cary Lucas says thiis fias been thie patterni uver past ycars withi a rash ut' luats and participants fre- quently turning out moments befure the parade sets uut. Six bands hiave indicated they wiIl be participating alunig withi majurette groups and the lucal sea cadet corps. fur visiting youngsters. He will also be ut the fire hall tii 6 p.nî. un the folluwing Sut' urday, December 23. Driviuig tip The Whitby Detachment, GA Ontario Provincial Police, ad- vise motorists that when driv- ing in falling snow after dark, turn off those high beamn lights. Always use the low beam on your headlights. to light the road ahead belowfllOdhC the falling snuw. High beamý ID m 1 ME hit the white snuw flakes anc ' create a vision-reducing daz Al effect. Remember .. Ir 121 Broc falling 5flow ut niglht, alway! -use yuur luw beamis tu givi I better visibîlity and help yot sec better what's ahead. along the rest of the year. Significant days arc Tuesday the l9th and Wednesday the 2Oth when t ie moon ln yaur sign brings you ta the attention af others. You are able ta accompllsh a great deal by bcing ln the rilht place at the right time. CANCER - June 21 to July 22 A rare excitement permeates the atmosphere. during this expansive seven day period. At long last you féel the fervor of the seasan. You are filled withl an'energy and enthusiasm infectiaus ta your asso- ciates. You brighten your routine with marvelous gaiety, while ac- camp lishlng duties with dispatch. You bask in an aura of being weil liked and appreciated and your attitude reflects yaur inner cantentment. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 22 The holiday spirit engulfs yau in a chain of high activity that builds with breakneck speed ta an exciting climax over the weekend. The significant day ao' the week is Saturday the 23rd when the mioon enters your own sun sign. Abrasive actions af others during the last few days vanish with a feeling af peace. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 On the l8th Venus enters Sagittarius. If you haven'tdonc aIl your Christmas shopping, you might l'ind sanie fantastic bargains in places you'd hardly expect on or about the l9th. On the l9th the full moon occurs in the area of your solar chart governing occupa- tion, business and career matters. It looks ta me like you are having a hope or wish came true and thcre is mare than op~e af them. You are entering the holiday season on a highi note. Enjoy yourself. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 This seven-day period is filled'with last-minute preparations for the holiday. lin othier years, you have organized lime la perfection so that you miove with case through chaos created by others. This year with business and social lueé stepped up, you run slightly behind schcdule. Your significant day is Tuesday the l9th Mien com- munication is stresscd. A change af plan may bc due involving rela- tives froni a distance or unlexpected kmn who drap in for a short stay. Ibiîs is a hectic interval, yet you react with pleasure, and ai' fectianate tics are reinforced. Harlaldto query, Hobbs'pUa Unsuccessftil mayorality candidate Bruno Harilaid miay be the first Whitby citizen to pen an inquiry to the new '73 Whitby cauncil. Harilaid say's he intends to bring to the attPzntion of each and every memiber of the new council that Councillor Doctor K.C. Hobb's.position as chairnian of the Com- munity Planning Board is 'questionable'. "Ratiier than trying to stir anirnasity as a defeated may- orality candidate, 1 arn simp- ly bringing the mat ter to light now when there is stili timne to do sornething about it." he told the FREE PRESS Mondav. nnlng p'ost Going on to explain 'why he found Flobbs' position as chairman of the planning board questionable, he said, "it is, common knowledge that Dr. Hobbs is a specula- tor, and in my view this places him in a very complex situation." 'Tenew council will have a say in the appointmnenîs, of cliairmen to variaus boards at their first general business meeting on January 8. Surely of the seated members of council there is an alternative to Dr. Hobbs ." "The only other way would be an open declaration by Hobbs of the properties and interests he has locally," he s'aid. 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