Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1972, p. 14

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PAGE 14, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS ~Loh t storioes fo0-r C h rltrna-1 r uing ~The Ebullient Edi«tor NVRBEFORLE OR SiNGE 1-AS THERE BEEN A Typical of 'the mian--and of t/le period ini which hie PAPER like The Calgary Eye Opener. Earthy, irreverent, atfjlourished -is the story of how fils grave flnaltv achieved a times even scurriliouis, it was, surprisingly eîîough, lit erate. niarker, fifteen years after fis demise. In 1935 the Calgary 77his it owed to t/he fact that ifs puiblisher, editor anîd sole Herald announced that a /îeadstoîîe iîiscribed with Edwards' contributor, Robert ('hamnbers Edwards, ivas the product naine, and bearing fils birîh and deatiz dates, was lying un- of a '"gde Scots educafion. " Otiier pioncer newspapers claimied and unpaidfô)r in t~he yard of a monzumental masoîî. often amutse thie sopfisticated reader becauise of tileir gro- lmmnediately there was a movein t 1<) erect it by tesque errors of grainînar or spelling; tiot so The Eye Opener. public subscription, as ('algarians suiddenfy rea/izcd what a hîdeed it remnids one of Edwards'favourite definitioti of a remjarkable manz had dwelt ini their midst. An anionymous gentleman: "Onte w/îo is tiever rude by mistake. " friend outpaced the organizers, bai/ed out f/he stoiie anîd set The Eye Openler was neyer funny by rnistake. Jr was, it where if stands today. /îowever. frequ4ently bot/i rude/y fuîîny and funnily rude-- Robert Chfamnbers Edivards was born ln Edinburgfi on puirpose. When, for examiple, one Stewart, a gentleman ln 1864 and died ln Calgary flft'y-eigît years later. For thte of w/îonî Edwards did îlot approve, was ruinning for inayor last tiventy years of his life fie wvon injnîortaliýy by writing, of Calgary, The Eye Opener pub/is/îed a letter allegedly editùîg and puiblis/îlng flïrst ln Iligli River, Aliberta, then lu frotn' the candidate, offering thle position of c/ief of police Ca/gary--The Eve Opener. ro t/le dogeat cher in a small Ontario town. A/mnos f certainly The Eye Opener iii forniat anid rcgistration wias a there was 110 one ifîo believed ln its validiry; nevertheless weekly newspaper; but ifs appearance wvas ulever regilfar. Mr. Stewvart lost the electio,î. hîdeed fils friends used to reiniuisce about the ;nany times lnevitabfy Bob Edwvards /iad enemnies. As fie put iftfîcey /îad f0 rescue fiini froîn a sprcc f-ils fai'ourîte bird, lic lîimself: "Tlicre 15 1no eartf/zy fie/p for a itan wfîois too lazY said, was a "'bat "--aund sober Iii Up culougl to /ring ouf to acquire enienîles. " In 1908 fis Jies suborned -or so fie an issue-,li or/er f0 save ifs nmailing prii'ilcýges. believed-a rival paper, The News, to pub/is/î a viclous lucere exists, a/as, uîow/îere a eoînplctc flc. Anyv copy attack over t/he pseudoîîyni of Nemnesis. of' The Eye Opeiler is a co//ector s item, prescrî'ed ivitfi "The publicationî of a filtfîy s/îeet like The Eye rei'ere,îf care. But ecdiof tfîe soine flue /iundred issues Opener is undoub ted/y by a character wfiose lit erary fi- bears tfie sanie nmarks of it cracy and is, as wel/, a credit Io iiiations cannot but create t/he impression that fie was Bob Edwvards 'proofreader 's cye. borni lu a brothel anid bred on a dunghill . . . he is a libeller, At ifs peak inî 1908, thîe paper reacficd a circulation a efiaracter f/ief a coward, a liar, a dope fleîid and a of 30,000; enornîous by t/le standards of t/he day. He /îad degenerate." devoted readers alI oî'er t/le iorld, especial, iii t/le Unitedc Edivards took the aur/or to court anid ivon a verdict. Kingdom and f/le Unîitecd States. T/le jury, however, assessed on/y moderate damiages, ob- Onte could-and aithtfe drop of a liai' old-iie Cal- vious/y feeling tfîat iu blackness, thle pot was much of a garians wil/-quote lu terniffabh' froni The Eye Opener anîd qiz.cies with the kettle. con>tinuI (>1> naee 16 .On behiaif of all pets, this colunin is devoted to ail pet owners, just in case you have forgotten a very important niernber of your family on your Christmas shopping Iist. To help in your slection of a gift for "The Pet in Your Life," the foliowing are but just a few suggestions. FOR THE DOG LOVER, and especialiy if you have a puppy, your choice of Stoys, treats and accessories -~. t~is uniimited. If your dog ï ~is older, perhaps lie hias outgrown hiis wicker bas- ket or nceds a new more comifortabie mattrcss. Is 4 his hiarness or coilar a I littie too snuig lateiy? Or is his blanket or sweater a MD~AY lit tic worîî or shoddy? You ~, can mnake this hioliday an extra special treat for your dog with a trip to a Pet Salon or Boutiquie. Make suire you have an appoint- mient, and if this is lus first visit, it's a good idea to give himi a traîquillizer before you leave home. The approximate cost of SI10.00 will iriclude a bath, trni apd clipping, buit be prepared to spend a littie extra if you decide on a colour rinse and pedicure. FOR THE CAT FANCIER, your scope is unliimited. For tie lit tie kitten, who will play withi alînost anything, there are dozens of littie rubber toys, somne catnip flavoured, f'or you to choose from. For the older cat, who is probabiy quiite content with the luxuries in your home, browse through a Pet Shop and you're suire to find sometlhing new and different in collars, leashes and food trays. FOR TH-E BIRD LOVER, again yoti have miany chioices, ifyoui cati afford a new cage, youir selection is xvide and varied. Cages corne inii al sizes. shapes, colours, wîllîA thie accessories. For the iiitdgie owner, keep in inci dtliise littie birds are really clowns and %viii play with toys it any age. llie addition of a bell or mirror Io luis cage will bring a quiick response and give lm hou10Lrs of lelasure. FOR THE F151-1 FANCIER. have you taken a good look at yoLir aquarium. Does it matchi and enliance tuie decor of' youir roomi? It 's quite probable that mnany times yotu have xvanted to change its appearance, not only for youir own etjoymient, but aiso f'or your t-ish. AÀ visit to an exotic t11I siî op WÎIl enable you to select fronu a Inuîber of cera- mie decorations, non-tnetallic rocks and new plants. Ask the clerk to show you the differen t backgrounds that can be fastencd Io the back of ilhe aquariumii or thie new sprays on tie market that wili Iîelp you achieve many different effects. Perhiaps you love pets, buit duie to circumistances, cannot own onc of' your own; don't despair. you cati stili enabie many animais and birds to etjoy a very Festive Season. Should youir-love bc for- birds, why not bLiild a wild bird. feeder f'or your oW!) backyard. If you do flot have a handyman in yotir family, you may purcliase a feeder for approxinuateiy $1 3.00 wîth nuetal pole and sqitirrel guard. of vrappings and explore the etipty boxes, you xviii be sure to ciapture somne of yoiîr nost memorable pictures of your Please renuember at this happy time of year, thIougiu pets renuaitu suent, youu stili hiave their love and devotion, given to you over the past years, or whiichi will be yours to siuare l'or mnty years to come. Copyright - 1972 HEAR 'S TAXI 6684732 Radio@FEqulpped & Direct LUne. at Arnold% fMarket; 115 Brock St. N. For, Your Convenlence 150 Prry SroetWhitby ý e,

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