WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1972, PAGE 17- Ljght storioes for -Christmas ..roij.înq Un sinkable, Rosa TIIE FIRST TIME I SA W ROSA BROWN WAS IN 1946, a ,vear be/bre s/je died-wvorth $75,O00-in an unpainted shack dowvn a, dark, garbage-strewn alley ivhich she shared wU/zh a pack of c/ogs, finir liens, a f7uctuating nuoner of' cats, anid legions oft/je /ess desiruble types ofvîermiîn. f was drn'îîig /irough Kirkland Lake, w/tic/i is a tior- titern Onfario niining canip ninev nmil/es sou /ieasî of Tim- tutus, wlieui t/e /eading lady of a /iuudred anecdotes ia- ferialized ini a. swvir/ of aiiklc-eiugtli skirts ani a shîort~ filr /acket f/zut /îad c/car/j' once belonged to a bear--or niayibe flie beas i as sîil l it; lit'i Rosa Browvn ailf/îiuîgs were possible. Shelil/ted an iniperious /îaîd and a/I (raf/le grounid to a hlat w/tuie s/te crossed flic street wtt/ lier canine eni- tourage, a. pair o/ cackiîg liens ini lier arns, sneakered feet stridiîîg purposefui/y forwuard, ail offi'e fIot ta/I und ap- proxiniately etglîty ycurs oid. WhVlo vas Rosa, w/liat wvas she? Probably fleic w/oie (ru t/i iil nuîeîer be kîiowiiuîad /egeuid ivi// pile upon /egeîîd uuîtil îiorth/erni Onfario 's Jà î'ouritc eceen trie goes diwi into /îistorv as /ionogeuious biend of/au aand fiedioz. Rosa wvas as seeretî'e as a sa/èty-deposit box anîd h/id a talcuit Jôr so/itude, but onie runtour perstsrs t/lut s/te was a blc> on thze escufceon of' soute nob/e luziigairiati Jà niily wvho bouglit lier a oneic-va v tieket to C'anada, liasttil' sm'p- piîîg s/ml flic por feuis anîd iauiîg up t/le drawvbridgc /îe- /itîd lier departing hack. Certain/v she was boni ini Ilin- garl'; probably ini Budapest anid posstblv intheficigliteen seî'enîies, and te first siglîr uionî/erui Outarto liad of lier %vas ii1909 iui s/me appeared ounie shiores of Lake Teniiskanîtig uear t/he silver mnies of (bCbalt anidflhc dor- uîitorv townî of Hail/cibury. WVtt/ilier iwas a good-fi)r-nt)tlt Egltsiiîaîî,.bot'- buose anduidncv ,ftee, i/ian ajfittyIonsfrong ig q~uor andc a totai anitipahv yftrr lard wuork. Rusa c'aled Iini Mfr. Browni anid adopîed lits surîtaîne finr lier uiwlzeuis/te <peîîed tep a combuied hakc-s/top anid luîiidlr fic (le ubious beuiclit of flie eihiz-euîs of'Hatlcî'burv. Rosa's persouial hygicîze ivas coiispici(ous b v is total absene, mnakiîig lier juxtapostioni lu t/te soap anid warer rcquzed in a /aundrv a tiiiug lu niar- Let u8 develop your e..... ...:e S....- .*0*S e.....I e..eue* s..,eu. s.-eue. *ee.. 0 e.SE..C e..*#q. S...... * ... ... ... . . . e *TISCOPN...ORH S.... E.....sPEEN HS OPN IHYORNX ROLOF.....LMFRPRNIN N e..... I LDVEOIG-SV 1.ONTE EUA S.....IS IN P ICE % ...0.-F)0 THSCOPN...A..YSRIEDUGCT OFE....-JA.15193ON e.... S... The kkr As the glory'of this Holiday Season unfolds, let us share a prayer for peace. May your holiday be a, joyous one. TOWN 0F WHITBY COUNCIL MAYOR - Desmond Newman Brown s/te slîared everything she hud. Before lonîg t/te dogs had dogs, and t/me dogs'dogs hud dogs. Nature beiîg it a pro/afie mood, the dogs '/Ieas had leus and fte dogs 'fleas'ficas had fleas anîd thcy al /ived happi/y togethcr in a frenzicd mass of fur anîd scratchiug; sîîarling antd swearing af euch uther /o)vitgly, for Rosa 's vocahuiary was colour/ul and eurfhy, sa/ted wit/tb/asphemy antd pcppcred wit/ bric/, Anglo-Saxon expletives. S/te had learuîed her English ln t/te mining camps of nortieru On- tario and knew uo other wuy f0 speuk. From flic first gold strike lu Swastika the prospectors /aîîîed ouf anud sou ut becaîne apparent ftat the fault in tlic prc-Cumbrian shieid lu which flic rich Iode of ore was loeuitcd rau east, c/car ilirougli fo flicQuebc border. Rosa and her /ivestock moved with if, slirewdly buy- iîîg purceis o/ land lu a couple of uîcw miniug camps that had sprung Up overitiglit on the shores of fwo lakes, Kirk- lanîd anîd Larder. (continued on page 18) vlaf, bia stuce everyttiing about Rosa Brown sztrains credu- lity, doubtless lier fiis/ied /auindry shone like Cobalt st/ver.- certaii/y flîre ix ito evidetice of widespread epidemies emnataiig /tn ic products of lier bake oven, tior reports, of/poisliedc orpses lit ferîîîg t/te stree (s. Thze oitv casualty may have becu Mr. Brown- w/to vanits/ed, tiever f0 be lîcard foint agatu, lit the hiatus be- tweî Rosa s own disappearance from flic Cubait-Haiey- bury /andscape and lier subsequetit reappearuzice iunflic Swastika district in 191 7, where s/te staked a c/atm niglîf next 'oflic propertv w/tic/i became Luckv Bu/dwin nîmiie, onie oflic first gold-producers offte area. Rosa ivas alîvays an eccetric. Not for her the usual proeedure of peggiitg out her proper.v, regisferiug lier c/ati ut t/he Mute Recorder's o/fice, andci eaving if ut t/zut. Nof Rosa. S/te was izot takiîîg uîy chtaîtces of'some no-accoutit, /1vl-b v-niglit c/aiifumper clteaftg lier out of lier riglîts. Rusa recorded lier c/am, flîcî ran righît back and ptched a fetf un it. livinig tîzere, reudy to repel ail tuvaders, umai/ a î'ear later îvleîi shc so/d ouftf0 flie Sylvatfe Miîmtug Coîn- pain' /or $40, (>00. T/te ruad f0 iistatirch/es ivas as stip/e as ftuf if you ivcre /uckv infte gold rus/i days of îîorf/eruî Otario. Bief alhougli ai/l ier /ijè Rosa scrcanied loud anîd lonzg vit/z jèur- /ùil invective if* sle tîzouglîr somcebodv lîad ciîcufed lier ouf o/a wuoodcîi nickel wtdt termites inili, slie îteîer used a ccitt o/lier wcaif/î fôr an Y of flic usual purposes. Salttiîg uwav flic $40.000 pro/if niade iiionte year, Rusa îtîuved itfo a draug/tty cabit iiit/te Swastika camp and ivorked as cook /ô)r some of'fte îiierauît prospec ors i/to roa nted t/te district /oukiîîg /or gold. Hlere s/te cieured a scrubby paf e/iof bus/i /or a vegetuble gardeit and fbuded f/uc d'îasty o.fdlogs w/udt were bo becote lier tradcniark iii /ater vears. Rosa /or.ed uîuîîîîus. Alîi tg ftuf wiore /ùr or Jèa- fliers, Iett or ntuved oui four legs was lier fricîtd. S/te lai'- islied aujctiuo m i 'ery strai' kitîcît or ubauîduued dog t/t roanied tlcheînporarv, camîps set up bv îthe driliiug teaiîs. Rusa 's cubiti dour ivus open tlu theni a/i anîd wtt/i Ier pets