Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1972, p. 22

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PAGE 22, 1-HURSDAV, DECEMBER 21, 1972, WHIT3Y FREE PRESS The Ebullient Editor flow 1USd the iilipired (3ditor ,ï7nd piîblisherý of, The t/is was flot h/s firsi love -is suiggested by the,"- mark*"W (coni/nuedfom page 16)Eye Opener become the manzlhe ivas? Born iinEdinburg/i ïnîz8x n loveC)bthe1fri t/i hiznks he )'ve e t and educated ai Si. Andrews, descendeci on h/s niothers O f the opposite sex he once said: "A womail /àlmoei- camîmot wvaztto 0mee tîhe fanily, so I an ih/nikitng of sidie .fom thze ,fàrous pu blishmzg famiiv of C'hani bers - "had fluezîeed by what she suspects than by whaî she ýews spemd/ng nexi (Christmias îvith you ai Skook/uîghain, my mioîher becti a mza, " lie used to say,"' V have beemi Lbnemn/ng marriage, among h/s rnany acid comniens»e w/zen t/ze whole c/ami wl/i have gaihered. I had t/îought clianm oday "-h/s first publsimg venture ini h/s car/y of i/ue muaesi was: "I/a girl cou/d on/y unarry the besim, of'1 sîarî/mg a catt/e ranch iiit/he Peace River c'ountiry; tweni ies was The Channel. T/z/is gossip sheet fi)r Eng//sh at iher wedd/ng, ihere wou/c/ be fewer nuarita/ smîash-us but /ac'k thze $8.000 îîecessamy. It wou/c/ keep nie vis/tors iv Frenîch, waier/ng places did izot lasi /omjg. Next It is îlot perhaps un/fà/r t suggesi that w/wmî liefia/ pretty busy if I did start it. amd I doubi if*1 c'ou/d lhe emigraied îo ihe Umî/îed Siaies witlî the idea of ranehimig marri cd, h/s bride-to-be was iîzfluenie* by h/s aphoi s spare tie lime 10 ccme to Eng/and. li Wyommig, lt/s said ie ivas d/x///usioied wi/z1/he Americani (lati /1/s "casier 10 love iii sp/te of fàu/îs tizam becase f Your affecîlonate son, Berthe." Way of Life afier aîîending a "nietkîe par/y "for a niegro v/ntues. " Lat/e rusîler. hI anv eveni, hue drufrcd tinCaadca, worked, To a//ow Bob E'dwards thie /ast word, w/iichhide For al l hs eneniies in iih/ and low places, Bob was for a îvhîle fo)r ihe Winnipeg Free Press, thzeu fluaI/yfôuid serves, /îere ix the prayer hie comîposcd auzd pr/n ted ra loved by ihie nîass of' lus fe/loiv cit/zeuis w/zo. the year be- h/s miche wv/euî lie eslab/islied The Eye Opener. Higlz R/ver, tinie I<o tnie. itmîay stand boîiî as h/s creed anud lis cpi apz fore h i /ed. sentuit n1represezît 1/eni in i/he Provinucial /zowever, 50011 becaneton Ihot /zo/dhziumi. lI a suual"Lord, let mue keep a sirailii wa ini t/he palzi > légisature at Edmnton uz. A e/ iveveryone's surprise, Ini towmî lus libes ai nimuicipa/ bigwigs auzd vorse sti/I -t (lic niur anîd a siraigh 1fizc'e ini tie presence nf S,/mm 195The Eye Opener /îad comue out ii fâvour Of' pro/z/bi- e/urc/ies, createcl too great a furore. "More people, " lie assex. Let mneit/zer fruckie b i/uhîig/u nr bu/dz t/oui. T/uc oi/vreasomu anvone cami suggesi-oiluer i/zou te wrqte, "wvoilc/ go Io c/zurc/ i it i ecî' /L rprtimgii nv e i r/L l/ i akaz /cJkraz frivo/ozs onie thiat Bob ivas suu/feriuug foin a pariicularlv 10 c/o, " Exasperaîed, t/le c/uurchicx d/ilaid/c/ed li suld iiu 1/he gaine. Leac/ nie i/t utc h bandc. heazztv ami atmnezous hligo)ver-wtas i/ual thze "liquzor imteresis " huacl cease prîiiig iucir unotices. "Thîcy uever paid i fbmihuLmn, mue lier uzamue; keep une sauu but not Inn salie. Letl triecl to bzuy lu/ssupport it/i $20,000. AndclBob Eclîvarc/s auwwViay, "sa/d Ec/wards. So ic Inoi>cd ho Ga/gam:,w/lc/zwas couidemn zfnumzanmi fr /is grammar or iwnniaui fble woudd mîot'bc boýg-iui. big enugli. îew enughi aunc/lustv cunugl Iobgive /îimzthie oraîs, ,ueithîcr hciiijg respomisib/e 1kw citîzer. Prsr' lI anuv cemunt, hi' 1921Illic liatl ehîauged h/s ,nud. Iu lus euuîm nuiuctit/i/ hcl iec cnî/cf7nuuisli. In ' seuise nof humuour anudi proportinz; let me bc e/ maiemuanici on/v, speech to thie legis/ature hue sa/cl: ilpropos Hliglu R/'c'r 5 uupaidch iure/i uotices, hîls ail- tz vil ie u ztlv o og Vieii bu "Ha/f' the popul/aion is trvimig îo get /iquor. lia/f* ix vertisiuîg poulie)v was unîiqzue'anzd tvpical. lTe Eye Opener- cnuiz Jk toc/uv, o/i Lord!" tm-/ig Iw nreî'eut t/ien. You 'il uîeîer eiiî,brce n' act ~hît>>( '>. '%"in .ip, tii..r l.i -,fo--"-1- -1 wvithhlafthie population againstil!" i A sensible sunimation of a point ('anadian legislators /zaî'e alwvays becuz apt [o f ôrget. jA euall V, lis ftiends relate, il took hlm iweeks to J screw bis courage to the speaking point. Bo/d as a lion n paper. lus shyness madle public speakizzg an agon '. Plis best t comment on polîticians %vas t(> fthc effReitht/lai"Sîatesmez are dead politiclans. We zeed more statesmnen!" I IT~SeI%'R! TMAS à"c- lt (JL. fil.no(/one ivii IUjuse.Uone -o(>11V Larrietu ad- vertisiIg fôr tizose nierLi ln i wlznnz ils editor- apprn ved. And lie iwrnîc I/ie'advertismewnîs lhinzsc//and iniscrîcd ihiemî as anzd iv/zen lie saw fit. Whcn lie was short offlîuzdts. li 'nz/d drop i/ i (1on oe of lizese advcrîisers and te'l (hemn, s/z v/v. t/wilie trccknuied t/ici' oivd liinz so nîzwh, if i/1ev.fé/t like p«vinig. Tlzcrc ixno record idiai wanv ni rerfilscd. hi 191 7, a féw ' ears hef'rc lus c/cal/z, lie ;naricd Kate Pennian afier fif iv .),ars nif bac/wlnrhood. Litt/e ix kzzowîznof hz/s narriage: lie /zad thc gif i'fkccping 1,/s pri- l'aiL' lue priva/c. IIfe lzad, h/unwci'er, f rcqzwn I/vL', xpressed luis opinions on love, ivomniez. anzd Ihe ia ,rituioîal estune. iliat BOXING DAY PROCLAMATION TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with a By-Iaw of the Council of the Town of Whitby, Tuesday, December 26th, 1972 has been proclaimed as a Civic Holiday in and for the Town of Whitbyt. D.G. Newman, MAYOR TOWN 0F WH ITBY Boxing Grab Bag 99< Day T/ils sînri' is au excerpi ftcînit/ec> wc//-kiinwui C'atadiatu ivorks, '/amibo vant Gauiadiaus', ed/îcc/ hi, E//cii Sîuf/bird anud is repriul'/hiere i/i t/uc k/ud prmixsiomi of' thue publîs/zer. I3axtcr Pu//isimg Company, Toronto<. 7long years t. a BA (Corporal N.J. Wasylyk. a nl1CnlbCr ou' the Wliithy De- taclhnen t, Ontîario Provincial Police, recently received a Bachelor ou' Arts dcgrec Iront [lie University ot' Toron lc. Borni and educated in Oshia. xva. Corporal Wasylyk coîti- pleted Iiis secondary eduIca- tion a I tue Oshawa ('ollegiate atnd \tocaî ionalhinstitu tei I952. Following h ighi sclîool lie worked ai Genleral Molurs, O)shawa, un til hiis appointnient to thec Force, as a Provincial ('onstable on May 6, I1955. His tirst posting was lu the Sale Spe diais Limited one per cuStomer VALUES FROM $2.00 to $5.00 Up to 50% )Of f On Christmas wrappings and cards - Tree trim items Low Low Prices Special Mark Down Items, Limited fluantitîes. One of the C gri>p DOISCOUNT STORES é>.~ p e 121 Brook Street South WHIT rBY 1 Killalue Detachinien t. whiere lie served un tilI his transfer to the Almonte M unicipal De- taclinien t in I1962. lii the suinier utf1963, lie as again transférrecd. ibis tinete luWhi t- h)y Detaclhnten t wliere lie per- fOrmced both tra ffic and gen- eral police du lies un tiI bis promotion lu Corporal on' Junie 1, 1967. Corporal Wasylyk coin- nienced bis University educa- tion ii Septernber I1965. At f-irst hie only attenited une sLJbject per sintester, but la- ter increased tu two and thiree subjects. These, were taken whilc on shiift work during the off duîy lbours. His aim- bition was fulfiîled during the stininer of 1 972 Mien lie conipleted his last seniester. He majored ini Socioîugy and ullier subjects closely related tou t ie Law Enforcentent f-ie Id. Corporal Wasylyk is mnar- ried with îwo children and is presently living inffWhitby witlh his wife Nettie, son Norinan, age 16, and daughîter Susan, age 12. During Christmastime we extenci to ll urneihbos nd rieswarmest wishes for a wonderfi holiday. Whitby, Mail Optical Whitby Mail . .. .. ... .. i

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